Accountability buddy



  • kmccrom
    kmccrom Posts: 74 Member
    @Patricefitnesspal Thanks so much for your supportive words. I like your ideas about social learning. And yes, every day is a chance to renew our commitment. There is no going backward.
    @Miss_Snow_White Good luck with your journey! The stay at home stuff is a big challenge. It’s so boring and food is one way to break up the monotony. Those issues with your husband are hard and I relate. My husband is obese and we’ve had some negative dynamics around his weight over the years (22 next week). I have to be self contained and focused on why I am doing this for myself. I wish you the best with that as well. We have the right to go after what we want.

    Good luck to all and thanks son much for the support!
  • Miss_Snow_White
    Miss_Snow_White Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2020
    kmccrom wrote: »
    @Patricefitnesspal Thanks so much for your supportive words. I like your ideas about social learning. And yes, every day is a chance to renew our commitment. There is no going backward.
    @Miss_Snow_White Good luck with your journey! The stay at home stuff is a big challenge. It’s so boring and food is one way to break up the monotony. Those issues with your husband are hard and I relate. My husband is obese and we’ve had some negative dynamics around his weight over the years (22 next week). I have to be self contained and focused on why I am doing this for myself. I wish you the best with that as well. We have the right to go after what we want.

    Good luck to all and thanks son much for the support!

    Thank you so much. Yes my husband is a bigger guy but he's not obese like me so he just doesn't understand. He doesn't say anything negative about it and i love him to pieced but he's just no help at all. I'll tell him im cutting carbs and then later ask what he wants for dinner and he'll say pizza 😑 i know i can do it it's just hard when i feel like I'm fighting him and myself at the same time. It has to start with my own self discipline (and i don't have any lol)
    Thank you for the support! I think im going to love those group 😍
  • Miss_Snow_White
    Miss_Snow_White Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2020
    So I started my own 6 week challenge where every week I give up some bad habits.
    Week 1- I gave up caffeine and alchohol, my biggest vices. My days were fuel by Rockstar energy drinks and my nights by wine. This was the roughest week by far!
    Week 2- I gave up paying for games on my phone. Wasn't really a problem until quarintine so I'd like to just nip that one now.
    Week 3 -(this week) I am giving up bread. Just bread. Not all carbs. My go to is always make sandwich or order a hoagie for lunch or something. Id like to change that.
    Weeks 4-6 - I don't know yet. Im making this 💩 up as I go 🤣.
    What are some habits youd like to give up? Im interested to see what other people would choose.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I’m still here. Just been busy. Haven’t been working out but have been getting lots of steps and active minutes in doing yard work.

    Goals today are to stay within calories and get my steps in. Possible do a set of weights later.

    Welcome all who joined. Hoping to start checking back in daily.
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Went for my longest walk yet. I made it 2 1/2 miles. I also did 2 miles before bed last night. Today's focus is trying to figure out my nutrition and get it back on point. Figure out what messes up my nutrition and how to fix it. Sugar right now is my biggest down fall and I think convienance. I am going to try to find a nutritious way to curb that sugar craving and figure out how what I could eat when I am ravenous that is nutritious instead of finding junk to eat because of the hunger and I have waited until to late. Maybe I need to pre-plan my meals for the next day at the end of the day. That way I will have everything ready that I need to eat and I can just grab it when hunger strikes.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @crystalsan726 - I’ve heard water is a good first step in deterring that ravenous feeling and, from earlier posts, there are group members who are doing a good job at this. Personally, I’m terrible at getting enough water but it helps with mental focus in addition to all the other positive results so I’m (almost) convincing myself to make this a goal of mine for the coming week! 😂 Congratulations on your regular walks and growing strength!!

    At about 3pm, I find myself wanting a snack and a purposeful cup of tea (sometimes with honey) can help limit my snacking. If that doesn’t work, apple sauce heated with some cinnamon or banana with a little peanut butter is a nice natural sugar boost. Nuts can be good but I find myself exceeding the recommended portions sometimes. One thing I’m learning from MFP is portion size ... much to my chagrin!

    @Miss_Snow_White - A habit I’ve been working to give up is snacking while preparing dinner, which is why I added the intentional snack about 3pm. I gave up snacking at night because I used to find myself eating ice cream or some type of sweet too close to bedtime. I used to tell myself I needed the energy to get some things done before going to bed but It rarely ended up being productive time so I decided it was better to just get the sleep. It worked, but there IS more unfinished laundry! So, I guess I just traded in a bad habit for dirty laundry ... I want a better trade in value!! I’ve found better luck building new habits but it takes me a little longer to move from planning to doing. I exercised online with my rowing group twice this week and hope to make it 3 for 3 after lots of ‘fits and starts’ with conflicting work meetings, etc.

    Because my weight loss is at a plateau, I got a tape measure to track inches instead of pounds. It might take longer to see progress, which worries me a bit, but I’ll see if it helps motivate me. I went through some clothes this week while cleaning out my closet and found things fit better. It felt good but didn’t help with the closet purge ... more laundry! 😜 So, now I’m stuck asking myself cringe-worthy questions like, ‘Does it spark joy?’ which works somewhat but 🤢 ... Good to see your post and see that work is keeping you active, @renaegry! ... That sparks joy!! ⚡️
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    @crystalsan726 - I’ve heard water is a good first step in deterring that ravenous feeling and, from earlier posts, there are group members who are doing a good job at this. Personally, I’m terrible at getting enough water but it helps with mental focus in addition to all the other positive results so I’m (almost) convincing myself to make this a goal of mine for the coming week! 😂 Congratulations on your regular walks and growing strength!!

    At about 3pm, I find myself wanting a snack and a purposeful cup of tea (sometimes with honey) can help limit my snacking. If that doesn’t work, apple sauce heated with some cinnamon or banana with a little peanut butter is a nice natural sugar boost. Nuts can be good but I find myself exceeding the recommended portions sometimes. One thing I’m learning from MFP is portion size ... much to my chagrin!

    @Miss_Snow_White - A habit I’ve been working to give up is snacking while preparing dinner, which is why I added the intentional snack about 3pm. I gave up snacking at night because I used to find myself eating ice cream or some type of sweet too close to bedtime. I used to tell myself I needed the energy to get some things done before going to bed but It rarely ended up being productive time so I decided it was better to just get the sleep. It worked, but there IS more unfinished laundry! So, I guess I just traded in a bad habit for dirty laundry ... I want a better trade in value!! I’ve found better luck building new habits but it takes me a little longer to move from planning to doing. I exercised online with my rowing group twice this week and hope to make it 3 for 3 after lots of ‘fits and starts’ with conflicting work meetings, etc.

    Because my weight loss is at a plateau, I got a tape measure to track inches instead of pounds. It might take longer to see progress, which worries me a bit, but I’ll see if it helps motivate me. I went through some clothes this week while cleaning out my closet and found things fit better. It felt good but didn’t help with the closet purge ... more laundry! 😜 So, now I’m stuck asking myself cringe-worthy questions like, ‘Does it spark joy?’ which works somewhat but 🤢 ... Good to see your post and see that work is keeping you active, @renaegry! ... That sparks joy!! ⚡️

    Thank you for the kind words! Yes! I have found when I don't reach my water goal I don't feel as full! I am not big on water either. I can't drink my water without a straw. Having the straw seems to make it go down faster. 😄 Thanks a bunch for the snack suggestions! I have actually had zero sweets today and when I was craving sugar I had fruit instead. I had an small apple and some peanut butter this morning and this evening had two small cuties. I forgot how good those were! I am the same way with nuts. If I am not careful I can go way over portion size on them.

    I am glad you said something about the tape measure. I have got to start doing that again as well.

    Good luck on your journey and I appreciate you taking the time to share some tips! 😊
  • mollziwollzi
    mollziwollzi Posts: 5 Member
    Just wanted to check in! Thursdays are always my most anxious day - weighing in on Friday mornings is always on my mind. Last week was devastated after my weigh in to see that I had gained 3lbs to go back up to 146lbs! Had been working really hard and hadn't strayed off my diet at all so could not understand. However, my scale has the ability to track body fat so checked that and was delighted to see that I had lost 2% body fat :) So just a note to anyone struggling with the number on the scale like me, pay attention to other things (the way your clothes fit, how fast you can move, what you are capable of doing etc.) because you never know if maybe the added weight is muscle!

    Nervous about tomorrow as had my first drink since March yesterday and while I only had one glass, I felt I cheated myself when I had been doing so well and alcohol clings to my body very quickly. Am trying very hard this week to up my water intake too! Was wondering if anyone had noticed any drastic changes in their weight by drinking more water? I know logically it is good for weight loss but have personally never noticed much difference other than needing the toilet every five minutes.

    Was also wondering about cheat meals/days and if anyone else here has them? I have always allowed myself cheat days to keep sane but am starting to wonder if it's not worth the additional weekly calories. Anyone have any advice on staying sane without eating a full cheat meal each week?

    Hope everyone is still coping okay in lockdown, be kind to yourselves :)
  • kmccrom
    kmccrom Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone! I want to focus on eating regularly. In this weird loose structure of the quarantine I go from one task or chore to another and I think that part of me thinks it’s good to go as long as possible without eating. But then I get ravenous and eat too much, so I think it would be better to be steady and consistent. I wanted to post this so I can hold myself accountable.

    @Patricefitnesspal - I like that idea of a cup of tea. Fruit is also a good source of natural sugar for me. Last summer I did noom, and the focus was on green foods like fruit. I have internalized that as a habit and it feels good. I agree about nuts... especially salty ones like smokehouse almonds. It’s hard to eat a reasonable number of them. Also, it’s good that you are serene about the plateau. That’s just how it goes. You can be going in the right direction and it will still stubbornly hold on. Hang in there, and I think it’s awesome that you are finding new ways to see progress.

    Miss_Snow_White - when we’re connected to others, like partners and kids, it’s hard not to go with them wherever they go. I find this a big challenge, but right now I’m just trying for that self contained attitude I mentioned before. If I were to give something up, it would be late night eating. I noticed there is a forum just about this. I am still figuring out how I want to do it. I wonder if giving something up every week might be a lot. I understand your impatience, but it might be too extreme and harder to achieve. Likewise with giving up whole food categories like bread. When I do that, I get in a head trip and start feeling deprived. Then I’m more likely to just binge and give up. Thanks so much for sharing what’s going on with you...

    @Mollziwollzi - I haven’t tried the cheat day or Cheat meal idea specifically, or at least not intentionally. I am looking forward to hearing what people have to say about it.

    Thanks everyone for all the sharing and support! Wishing everyone an awesome day!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @mollziwollzi - Your post gave me lots to think about and I appreciated the cautionary reminder not to put too much emphasis on the scale. As the world knows by now, I’ve been struggling to get under 150 pounds - and scratch my way to reaching a short-term goal of 145 pounds - for over a month. Today, I put on ‘real’ pants for the first time in awhile and they feel good. I’m telling myself that my body just wants to make sure we don’t starve so it needs some time to get used to the 150 pound weight before building up enough trust in me to go lower ☺️.

    In response to your questions:

    (1) Water fills me up and can help reduce my appetite. Although I feel a little heavier at first, after a certain point it really seems to help flush out toxins and I feel better. I don’t notice a change on the scale but a personal trainer/nutritionist I know said that after tough workouts with weights, etc., our body holds on to water for muscle repair and might add weight to the scale temporarily while in recovery. I know I need to get better about adding more water for all the benefits - especially since the bathroom is more convenient while working from home (since that’s the only real drawback!) - so thanks to you and others for the reminder!

    (2) I don’t have particular cheat days. I just try to do my best with each decision and don’t beat myself up over a bad choice when it happens. My focus can ebb and flow so I have to be careful not to open that gate because I won’t be able to resist the flow. I think cheat days work with the right individual disposition but not mine.

    I hope you can channel your anxiety into some positive energy today and feel good about your progress regardless of the weigh in results tomorrow. Seize the day and thanks for the update! I’m thinking of you all today ... Enjoy!
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Yesterday was a good day with some victories! I had no sweets yesterday. Everytime I wanted sugar I ate some fruit and it helped so much! I also walked 2 1/2 miles! That is my furthest yet!

    Todays goals Get my 15 glasses of water in, no sweets again today, preplan all of todays meals, walk 3 miles, and stay on track.
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    I am being tempted by chocolate icing! Must Resist!!!! Fruit is not going to help! Maybe I have some chocolate chip quest protein cookies left. 😬😥
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @crystalsan726 - I just saw your message. How did you do? I’ve found a cup of got chocolate can help because it’s usually lower in calories than some of the chocolate alternatives. If you didn’t resist, I hope you were able to savor each bite. Guilt is a wasted emotion (in my opinion) ... reflect, learn and use what you learned about yourself to move forward. No more lecturing for me; I’m going to take a walk now to make up for my own extra indulgences today!
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    @crystalsan726 - I just saw your message. How did you do? I’ve found a cup of got chocolate can help because it’s usually lower in calories than some of the chocolate alternatives. If you didn’t resist, I hope you were able to savor each bite. Guilt is a wasted emotion (in my opinion) ... reflect, learn and use what you learned about yourself to move forward. No more lecturing for me; I’m going to take a walk now to make up for my own extra indulgences today!

    I resisted for a few hours and even tried to use water but to be avail. I haven't eaten anymore today. I will probably take another walk this evening. I am not going to beat myself up. What is done is done. Thanks for your support.
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    I found a recipe on Pinterest for chocolate chia pudding. It’s pretty good. I used Hershey’s special dark powder in my chocolate baking and I think it’s great. As for the chia pudding- you would still need to watch how much you eat, but the ingredients are better for you and a bite or two might do the trick for cravings....

    After my post the other day, patriciafitnesspal wrote something about results happening when you are committed - and realizing what you are committed to. (I went back to find the correct quote and couldn’t find it - please forgive me for not quoting specifically, but know it was very inspiring to me, which is why I bring it up) the last couple of days, when I’ve been tempted or even just when I’ve been preparing food, I’ve thought to myself- “what are you committed to? Healthy body? Strength? Feeling proud of yourself?” The self- talk has really helped. So thanks Patriciafitnesspal. Good luck today everyone.
  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal @kstpierre52020 @crystalsan726

    You ladies are truly inspiring. I love it. I fell off for a couple of days. Just didn’t have any energy. Decided I missed the encouragement here.

    I hope you all have a great day. And as you all have said, guilt is a wasted emotion. Just love on yourself and forgive yourself. I know I have too.

    Today is a new day and another chance to get it right.

    Today’s goals - take one moment at a time.
    Forgive myself. Stay under cals and make good choices. Drink my water.

    Have a great day all.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    Welcome back @MahoganyLit! I missed your check-ins, too, and I’m glad you’re back. It’s also a good reminder for me to reach out to some people on my MFP friends’ list to see how they’re doing!

    @kstpierre52020 - Thanks for sharing the chia pudding recipe. I’ve heard that chia seeds offer great health benefits so it sounds like a ‘two-for-one’ deal. I’m going to try it! And, I’m so glad to hear about the way you’ve used positive self-talk to help meet your goals. It made my day so thanks so much for taking the time to mention it!!

    @crystalsan726 - I love your attitude and resilience! I’m feeling confidant that we are on a solid path with this Accountability Buddy group. Like @Mahoganylit’s goal suggests, I’ll ‘take one moment at a time’ and we’ll go far together one step at a time along this solid new path. What do you all see ahead? Today, I’m going to take a long walk by the river and enjoy the way the birds are singing a little stronger and more confidently these days! Wishing everyone a joyful Friday...
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    @Mahoganylit-I am so thankful for this group! Great goals today! You've got this!!

    @kstpierre52020 - Thanks for the recipe! Great advice about the self talk!

    @PatriceFitnessPal- I so agree about being on a good path. Love your goals today. That walk sounds nice.

    Today goals- I am going to hit my water goal today. Walk outside today since it isn't raining yay!! Do 3 miles again today. I actually accomplished 3 miles yesterday! Try to eat more vegetables.

    I am so proud of you all! Just keep pushing one step at a time and if you do mess up dust yourself off pick yourself up and keep going. You've got this and you aren't alone in this journey!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @kmccrom - I thought your question to @Miss_Snow_White was very insightful in getting us all to think about how to set manageable goals. I agree that new habits take some time to cultivate. Thanks for the reminder to reflect on what’s achievable and building momentum from there!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all!
    Glad to see the thread busy :) i've been good all week and tracked every morsel... So I am really hoping my Saturday morning weigh in goes well!!! :) its just been a bit busy with work this week so I haven't been on here.
    I will have a proper catch up tomorrow xxx