sleep aid while fasting?

I’m starting intermittent fasting, eat period from 12pm-8pm. I usually take an over the counter blue gel sleep aid around 10 or 11. Will this interrupt my fasting? or will it not do anything. thank you!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    It will do nothing except hopefully help you sleep.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    There’s no inherent magic to Intermittent Fasting, so taking a sleep aid, eating a snack, drinking a glass of juice/wine or even eating a three course meal won’t do any harm (except obviously the calories if you’ve already hit your target!).

    IF is just a method some people use to make it easier to comply with their calorie allowance. It works well for some, less well for others, but it’s just a tool not a miracle cure!