Low carb (not Keto) diet anyone?

tiffeh345 Posts: 43 Member
edited April 2020 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone do a low carb diet? Not keto, though. I tried that and I was only averaging around 500-600 calories a day. Which is way too low. How many carbs do you eat per day? How about calories?


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    I have done low carb in the past, successfully. I followed Atkins and lost 35 lbs and 45 lbs in different years (regained the weight in between.) Unfortunately, it was hard for me to maintain long term. I switched to watching my calories and have been able to maintain my weight loss for several years. Low carb worked for me because I eliminated the sugary foods that are my main dietary weakness. It wasn't something I was willing to give up forever, so I had to learn how to incorporate some sweets without going overboard. Low carb eating also taught me which foods I was easily able to give up - like fries - and which I wanted to include in my long term eating plan (like cereal).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I switch between low carb and keto. Calories are between 2100-2400. These are my weight loss levels. But i am a male and workout 6 days a week.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I've done various moderate to low carb ways of eating. Initially when I started I was doing 30-30-40 (carbs at 40%) but was at only 1200, and that meant my carbs were 120 g, which is certainly moderate or moderately low.

    I found I enjoyed the amount of carbs I was eating then, so when I increased cals some (largely because I was exercising more and eating cals back and then just officially switched to 1500-1600 every day), I kept eating about the same amount of carbs although I wasn't counting macros. For a period 100-120 g carbs was my sweet spot, but I didn't worry if I was above it on an occasional day, because it was more about how I naturally wanted to eat. (I was having a low carb breakfast, often a salad with protein at lunch, sometimes with fruit too, but never particularly high carb, and the dinner with a serving of starchy carbs as well as lots of veg).

    My carbs are higher now since I've been experimenting with eating more fruit (still lots of veg), and mostly or all plant based, so my meals are more based around carbs. I suspect after Easter I'll go back to the moderate to occasionally low carb style, however, although it will still vary day to day, as I don't find the specific carb number matters as much for me as some other things.

    I've been on maintenance but am now trying to lose a bit more (plus some lbs I put on over the past few weeks, unfortunately, due to anxiety eating and not exercising as much as normal due to my personal reactions to this corona thing) -- haven't been logging since early March but my intention starting Monday (I'm going to log again after Easter) is to eat around 1800.

    I'd recommend getting a calorie goal from MFP, as low carb or not doesn't affect calorie goal, or else from a TDEE calculator. Then eat as you are currently to that goal, see your carbs, and then if they are higher than you like or you are finding yourself hungry, look at your meals and see if there are ways to reduce carbs easily and what you want to replace them with (for example, at one point I wanted to add protein to breakfast, so subbed a side of smoked salmon or cottage cheese -- with my vegetable omelet -- vs. having fruit or bread). Often it's just reducing portions of carbs or, if you find yourself eating multiple servings of carbs at a meal, cut out one and replace it with something that you might find more filling. (Many people actually find higher carb filling but you may well be someone who does not.)
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 525 Member
    I’m not doing keto, but from reading it’s a combo of multiple things. I don’t call it a diet, but just being sensible of amounts and times I eat. If I want something considered bad ( ice cream, candy, sausage ... this can be a long list). I’ll do a small individual cup of blue bell, a little mini piece of candy(not often), but I reserve for the most part my sweet carbs fix as fruit. I do have certain things I won’t touch now because I really don’t miss. Fried, pizza, pasta, chips, sodas, and I have a moratorium on booze. Enjoying my new reset and amazed that not eating like there is no tomorrow can be pleasing and satisfying when you plan out and actually start getting into a groove or autopilot and know whats going in the tank. This new outlook has helped in controlling my carb intake. I usually stay within 125-180g a day, but average probably around 150. This works for me just find what works for you and try to not let it control you to much. You should want to be part of your new lifestyle. Being forced into it can end in frustration and let you slide back to old habits.