Unconventional Training Friends? Share your training methods

Im looking for friends to share ideas!!!


  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    edited April 2020
    Steelmace training
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
  • jayhschmidt
    jayhschmidt Posts: 32 Member
    Did you cast your own barbells (the things in the background)? They look hardcore and cool.
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    Yes I did and thank you!

    Did you cast your own barbells (the things in the background)? They look hardcore and cool.

  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    What did you use to make the handle?
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    Who else is training with Clubbells?

  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    BlG_FN_ROB wrote: »
    This is Brutus💯


    So, let's be honest: I bookmarked this post three days ago and have been lurking ever since lol I've come out of the shadows to say that your tree trunk exercise reminded me of this exercise article from T Nation.

    When you're training with unconventional items how do you know when too much is too much (or, conversely, too little is too little)? Or which moves are liable to cause potential injury?

  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    edited April 2020
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    BlG_FN_ROB wrote: »
    This is Brutus💯


    So, let's be honest: I bookmarked this post three days ago and have been lurking ever since lol I've come out of the shadows to say that your tree trunk exercise reminded me of this exercise article from T Nation.

    When you're training with unconventional items how do you know when too much is too much (or, conversely, too little is too little)? Or which moves are liable to cause potential injury?

    Hey thanks for bookmarking this I appreciate that😄👍🏾

    As far as training goes I really listen to my body. When I lift heavy objects I dont train to failure. But I do like to keep the intensity up so rest time is shorter between sets. If I think something is going to much I wont attempt to do it until im comfortable with it. And thats the story with this tree. When I cut it down I wasn't strong enough to move it down hill. So I made it a goal to get stronger.
    So when you say to little is to little. I really don't run into that problem. For example on a lighter day I would go for higher reps and possibly work each set to failure.
    And injuries can lurk around every corner. I injured my back deadlifting 330 lbs all because I wasn't focused on the lift because thats my bodyweight I believe I just took it for granted. So I believe you just need to be comfortable and focused with every movement no matter what. I also do yoga that really help my stay flexible and it builds strength. Yoga helped me recover from my back injury I highly recommend it.

    I hope I answered everything correctly. This is my first question like this lol😂 thanks again!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited April 2020
    Have you used a sandbag ever? 50 kgs of sand in a bag, and you have a brutal tool to play with.

    I have one, which I don't use that much. My training recently has tended to be climbing focused - I can't wait to get back to bouldering.

    I second the yoga recommendation - it is brilliant.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    @BIG_FN_ROB Thanks for sharing your experiences! It's helpful to know! Yoga and I don't tend to get along but improving proprioception and flexibility is key to active recovery and ageing well!

    @drmwc I've got an aqua bag (Dimok brand) that I've loved to bits in the past year to the point where I want to get the smaller version too. It's a similar concept to your sandbag. For now, since we're mostly stuck indoors, I like running stairs in my condo building with it. That's as unconventional as I've gotten in my urban area so far though.
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    Have you used a sandbag ever? 50 kgs of sand in a bag, and you have a brutal tool to play with.

    I have one, which I don't use that much. My training recently has tended to be climbing focused - I can't wait to get back to bouldering.

    I second the yoga recommendation - it is brilliant.

    Yes I love sandbags hands down!!! One of my favorite Implements that activates literally every muscle in your body or at least for me anyway! I use 70kgs mainly. But I have 148kg bag as well and I use Raiden sandbags and I have a Onnit bag.
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    @MaltedTea No problem and I was the same way with yoga. I started with 10 minutes a night and I seen excellent results after a month! I at least do it 4 times a week these days.
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    @drmwc Sandbags are awesome!
