Where do you exercise?



  • Buckeyegirlbritt
    I workout at home. I do yoga, lift dumbbells, or will walk my yard. When I run it's at the park.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Mostly @ the garage gym. I still go to the gym for things I don't yet have.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I have a small gym set up in my basement: TV with DVD and VCR for workout videos (Biggest Loser, Power90 and P90X), treadmill, elliptical, and weights. However, my favorite workout is walking/jogging the paved roads of the nearby cemetery. Sounds weird, I know, but this cemetery in my town is a very popular workout spot for people of all ages. I follow all of the roads throughout the cemetery in one direction and then follow them back to my car, covering the entire cemetery twice. This course is about 5 miles.

    Oh my goodness - I walk/jog in the cemetary right by my house too. Totally agree that it sounds strange but I find it very serene and not super busy with nicely paved/maintained roads.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    what does c25k mean?

    Couch to 5k. I've never done but I think that there's a program/schedule to follow.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    At home or outside. Next Spring I have plans to build a home gym separate from the house.

    Hiking, biking, chopping wood, LOTS of yard work (we have 80 acres) outside. DVDs, weights, step, rsistance bands and body weight exercises inside. And occasionally the treadmill, but only in Winter.
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    I work out at home with tapes, and walk. Unless I swim which is an indoor pool.
    There are some good exercise books, and I think there are a lot of good work outs on u-tube which are free.:smile:
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Why doesn't he want you to walk in your neighborhood?

    I work out at the gym a few days a week, & then at home.
    Sometimes I'll use the community center near my house for the walking track.
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I walk around the lake I live across the street from! It's about 5 miles around so it makes for a nice jaunt with flat stretches as well as varying inclines and declines. It's really the only thing I like about living where I do lol :P
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    Sounds like he is holding you back from trying to get fit. If it is that dangerous in your neighborhood, I would move. You could buy a Wii Fit and start with that.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Right now, I'm just running, I'm doing that (laugh) by my gym. I park in the gym parking lot and run in the nearby neighborhood. Sometimes, I go to the park, but they have a porta potty that you HAVE to pass by, unless you turn around before getting there, and it stinks. I don't like holding my breath to bypass that and then doggie crap thing that's a few feet from it. So, sometimes, I will just run one lap in the park, and then run through a nearby neighborhood.

    When it gets too cold for me, I'll start working out IN the gym. LOL.