Anyone overcome plantar fasciitis?



  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Also, just to counter the you'll-never-be-the-same stories, I eased off my high-impact workouts and running when the PF was at it's worse, but when it was apparent that resting it DID NOTHING, I stopped resting it and just treated it while continuing to work out. It eased up slowly until I was pain free. I can still do all the high-impact workouts I ever did (including jumprope, box jumping, etc.) and last year I trained for and ran my first MARATHON with no PF symptoms at all.

    I still sleep in the socks every night and wear my birks full-time when I'm at home. If I stop doing those things for a few days, my arches start tightening and then my heels start hurting again. When I get back to babying them, the pain goes back away. So it's not "gone," but it doesn't hurt and doesn't hold me back.
  • kjg1965297
    kjg1965297 Posts: 121
    I have it still but I went and got orthodontics and never have pain anymore. It feels like you a walking on glass. The inserts work but for the first month you will need to wear them every time you walk. So outside inside the house but not to bed. It will heal but it takes time. I now don't even think about it unless I don't wear my inserts for a few days. Sandals or flip flops are a no no
  • kjg1965297
    kjg1965297 Posts: 121
    PF is actually the tendons in the bottom of your feet being overstretch and in some cases ripping for the heel.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    I am working on overcoming it, but not sure if there is an end. I have orthotics ($450, but which are amazing and allow me to actually walk and almost feel like running) and I always wear sandals in the house (Birkenstocks). I step out of bed in the morning and straight into my birks. It has made an incredible difference in my quality of life. It isn't perfect, but I can tell you I spent an entire day walking around Niagara Falls a couple weeks ago and the only pain I had was that tearing sensation whan I was walking up a hill that was extremely steep.

    I have not worn crappy shoes since I got the orthotics. It does mean a lot of ugly shoes for now, but I would rather be mobile in ugly shoes than the alternative.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I had it and not even orthotics helped! Losing 30 pounds made it pretty much vanish. I was floored. I couldn't even work 3 hours on my feet without bawling...barely notice it now (compared to what it used to be, at least!)

    It ran my life but now it's just a minor nuisance at shows, etc. if I stand for too long.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I don't know if this has been said yet, but on top of good arch support, icing at night is crucial, so the swelling will go down before you sleep. This has helped me, so I don't wake up in pain.
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    I am a runner and had a severe case in 2009. I'm over 50 so didn't mess around with it and saw my podiatrist several times. I did receive one or two injections,immobilized it at night, got better heel lifts and taped it daily. The taping is really important because it has to be done properly but they show you so it can be done at home. I am looking at my logs and I didn't really have to back off from running and eventually it healed in 4 -5 weeks. It has never come back. I still wear the heel lifts in all my shoes and make sure to ice it after every run for a few minutes. Never walk barefoot if I can help it.

    Definitely think about seeing a podiatrist.

    I acquired plantar fasciitis late in my recent pregnancy. My son is now two months old, which means I've been limping around with this for over four months! I stretch it out (with a ball) as often as possible, wear running shoes all day, and rest it as much as possible. I seem to re-injur it every few hours during the night when I have to get up to feed my son. I barely am able to walk the dogs around the block and I'm sore the rest of the day. I am dying to go for a run and get back to roller derby!
    Can anyone tell me there is hope of this going away!? Do I need cortisone shots? Is there something I should be doing? Should I just "tough it out" or rest it?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    Before you get out of bed, use a towel or a belt around the ball of your foot to stretch the tendon. You want to work that tendon BEFORE you put weight on it. That may mean baby has to cry for just a few minutes, but you HAVE to do this to keep from tearing the tendon.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    PLEASE, PLEASE do yourself a favor and check out this sock!!!! The best thing EVER! I tried everything. Had one cortisone shot, wore this, got better sneaks (Brooks) threw out ALL my flat, cheat flip flops and crappy footwear, and used this sock religiously. Never a problem since! And I only used this for a few months - don't have to do anything now.

    This is NOT a paid advertisement! Just someone who also suffered through that crazy pain and found relief. Good luck - PF sucks!!!!

    I agree - - this particular night splint^^^^^^^ helped me tremendously and was way easier to sleep with than the big bulky night splints the Drs usually set you up with. As for me, i had it in both feet and after 5-6 yrs of dealing with the pain, i finally went in and had them surgically release the fascia tendon. I never had another problem with the R one (it's been 5 yrs), but the L one is having a hard time healing (it's been almost 1 yr since surgery). Good luck.......this is no fun! But DEFINITELY follow your Dr's orders and maybe supplement it with some physical therapy and orthotics.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation (itis means inflammation) After trying just about everything already suggested I started taking high doses of Ibuprofen 24/7 for several months. (I had first tried Ibuprofen for a couple of weeks The pain quickly went away but came back soon after I stopped taking the Ibuprofen so I started again but didn't stop for a longer period.) I don't know if you should take Ibuprofen while breastfeeding. I had gotten to the point where surgery was the next option which I really did not want to do. I did not check with my doctor I just did it. I knew I got relief from Ibuprofen because I had used it for short periods before so I thought why not give long term a try. Felt it was safer than cortisone (which is an anti inflammatory but a steroid which has a lot worse side effects.)
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    awww this sucks..I think I have this......on and off
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    I agree that the first step is to see a good podiatrist. At my first visit, he gave me this boot to sleep in, world of difference day one! You can get a boot or sock online as well, but I think the one from the doctor is a little stronger since it has a metal support. Before the boot, I was gripping the wall in pain with that first step in the morning. It's definitely not sexy, but it works wonders!

    I am also picking up my custom orthodics tomorrow for my running shoes, hopefully that helps even more. His other instructions were stretching, icing (rolling over frozen water bottle), only wearing supportive shoes, and more stretching.

    Take your shoes to the doctor with you. He agreed I had the right running shoes (brooks addiction) and forbid me to wear my Nike airs and flip flips. He did suggest the brand Fit Flop, but I haven't tried them yet. He also said low wedge heels are acceptable since it keeps your foot from flattening out and that flats without support should also be banned.

    Good luck!! It does eventually get better...
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    Yes I had a really bad case but there are two things you must do:

    1). Make sure to strengthen by doing your foot and any toe exercises possible. This will be rolling a tennis ball under your foot, working flexiblity in your ankles, picking up things with your toes, pointing at things with your feet.

    2). Get an overnight "boot". This does not allow extension of your foot in your sleep. Which trust me- the pain was well enough to wake me up yelling if I didn't wear this. (I didn't get the one at the drug store mine is the aircast brand! they also have a great daywear support if you are interested in that).

    do all this for a week or two and you should find relief if not cured!
  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    One more thing - you can still wear sandals but look into those with arch supports. Fit Flops, OrthaHeel, Teva... all good. You'll spend more for footwear from now on, but it's worth it! :smile:
  • armymom5
    armymom5 Posts: 115
    I am curious too all of you that have dealt with it, did you continue to run if you had been a runner?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    it can take along time to heal. Took me around 6 months just to get to where the pain was horrible. It eventually went away but I cannot wear shoes without some kind of heal support. I seriously have a collection of insoles. Recently, it got reaggravated from working almost two week straight daily so I had to get new work shoes and stuck work insoles in them and sometimes swap out with the dr.scholls heel pain insoles. I like those more for daily use. I also have some heel cups I wear in my flats. You should talk to your doctor because sometimes it can turn into heel spurs that DO NOT go away
  • SupremeEmpress
    Stretch your calf muscles - every day, all day - cannot emphasis this enough. Also, look for a massage practitioner familiar with treating PF specifically, they can do wonders. Someone not skilled in this specific area won't help much.
  • AngieJoy81
    AngieJoy81 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I got a sock, heel cups and a cortisone shot. I already feel 40% better since Monday! I'll be patient but I have high hopes!