Only eating 1200 calories a day and not losing Weight



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,102 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    I don’t eat my excercise calories and I don’t like that the app adds the calories onto your total. If I eat the excercise calories I always gain.

    That would be because you are inaccurately logging your food and eating much more than you think you are.

    This is true - but course that doesn't matter if you are in fact losing as expected eating what you think you are eating and not eating back excercise calories.
    The inaccurate logging evens up with the non eaten excercise calories and what you are doing is working.

    It also doesn't help OP much since what she is doing is not working.

  • xx1chloe5xx
    xx1chloe5xx Posts: 44 Member
    This was my food diary from the other day. The curry was a ready meal from Asda. I gained 3lbs after this and I was under calorie limit and exercised and lost almost 400 calories which I forgot to add on. I don’t know how to open my diary 92ih5jnd2hdz.png
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    The chicken/curry/rice is that a recipe you made? A packaged meal?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,389 Member
    The chicken/curry/rice is that a recipe you made? A packaged meal?

    It's a supermarket ready meal. I thought the calories looked very low for 350gr but I checked the supermarket website and it is correct. The only question there is if it really weighs 350 grams exactly.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    Do the entries that you're using for the noodles, chips and bread match what it says on the packet?

    I just googled Robert Medium Soft White Bread, for which you have 97 calories for one slice. According to their website, each slice is 114 calories.
  • xmissxamyx
    xmissxamyx Posts: 70 Member
    I'm goung to play devil's advocate here a little bit and say you can lose weight without weighing EVERYTHING I have managed to lose a lot of weight without weighing a lot of pre packaged food.

    I basically just scan or add in the prepackaged item and generally adjust whatever amount comes up to add another 50cals (so if a biscuit I ate scanned in as 80cals I'd add 50 and log it as 130cals) I do that as a way to compensate for the variances that can occur. Sure it's not fool proof there's not even any real logic behind it other than my own, I just find it's always better to assume you've eaten more calories.

    I never eat back my exercise calories either because unless you're exercising while hooked up to a machine, you never really know how many cals you've burnt. I logged the same exercise into 2 different 'calorie burning calculators' for the same exercise 1 site said I would burn 569cals the other 314cals.....thats a HUGE difference. Unless you're running a marathon or something equally physically demanding each exercise I wouldn't eat back the calories.

    Also, you've got to be honest with yourself, you don't have to be honest with us folks on here if you want to tell us all you've definitely been sticking to 1200 without exception then ok, But be honest with yourself, do you REALLY eat only 1200 calls? Do you DEFINITELY burn 400cals per exercise?? Only you know if what you're saying and what you're tracking is truthful.

    After a year of it, you would 100% be seeing results by now.....
  • emmabrookes1
    emmabrookes1 Posts: 67 Member
    Where are your fruits and veg? Woman cannot live on cake alone (sadly) :D
  • xmissxamyx
    xmissxamyx Posts: 70 Member
    xmissxamyx wrote: »
    I'm goung to play devil's advocate here a little bit and say you can lose weight without weighing EVERYTHING I have managed to lose a lot of weight without weighing a lot of pre packaged food.

    I basically just scan or add in the prepackaged item and generally adjust whatever amount comes up to add another 50cals (so if a biscuit I ate scanned in as 80cals I'd add 50 and log it as 130cals) I do that as a way to compensate for the variances that can occur. Sure it's not fool proof there's not even any real logic behind it other than my own, I just find it's always better to assume you've eaten more calories.

    I never eat back my exercise calories either because unless you're exercising while hooked up to a machine, you never really know how many cals you've burnt. I logged the same exercise into 2 different 'calorie burning calculators' for the same exercise 1 site said I would burn 569cals the other 314cals.....thats a HUGE difference. Unless you're running a marathon or something equally physically demanding each exercise I wouldn't eat back the calories.

    Also, you've got to be honest with yourself, you don't have to be honest with us folks on here if you want to tell us all you've definitely been sticking to 1200 without exception then ok, But be honest with yourself, do you REALLY eat only 1200 calls? Do you DEFINITELY burn 400cals per exercise?? Only you know if what you're saying and what you're tracking is truthful.

    After a year of it, you would 100% be seeing results by now.....

    I don't think anyone is arguing that weighing food is *required* to lose weight. But if one is eating at what they think is a deficit and not seeing results, then switching to a more accurate method of estimating calorie intake is a reasonable step to take, I think.

    If one source tells you that you're burning 314 calories and another tells you that you're burning 569, I don't know why you would substitute an estimate of zero calories burnt instead of going with the lower number. There's more of a difference between 0 and 314 than there is between 314 and 569, right?

    I meant it as an example of how different information from one source to another can be.
    If I only used the 1 calculator that told me I'd burn 569 cals for my work out and I took that as gospel and ate back all of those calories but in reality I only burnt 300cals, I've eaten 200 over my allowance. And if one does that constantly well, that number on the scale is eventually goung to start heading in the wrong direction isn't it?

    I choose to eat back 0 of my work out calories because that's what works for me man, I don't trust that I'll burn the exact amount of calories each time so I make sure I stick to my limit and anything i may have burnt during exercise is a bonus.
    (And I like knowing I have those burnt calls in reserve if you will, incase something comes up during the week where extra calories may be consumed)

  • nationalvillage3215
    nationalvillage3215 Posts: 78 Member
    I don’t eat my excercise calories and I don’t like that the app adds the calories onto your total. If I eat the excercise calories I always gain.

    I don't eat the exercise calories either since I also always gain. I have been on 1200 calories for 5 months and have lost 23 lbs (4.6 lbs/month). It is a slow go and not linear. I have also adjusted my macros to see what works for me, everyone is different. I try to keep my carbs below 100, my proteins to a max of 8 oz. per day and 25-30 grams fiber daily. I have been chastised on this board for this diet plan with claims that it is unhealthy, I will lose my hair, suffer horrible declines in my health, will not be able to maintain once I lose what I want. None of this has come true so far and my doctor is pleased. I am 70 years old, 5 ft. 2.5inches tall. I walk 5 miles most days of the week. I would suggest you consult your doctor on what plan is healthy for you.