Only eating 1200 calories a day and not losing Weight



  • TexasAggie1280
    TexasAggie1280 Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2020
    It's important when you're adding your foods into your daily log to be very specific about what it is you ate. I'm not saying you aren't already doing that, but whenever I input something, say for instance cottage cheese, I'll match the nutrition label to the exact item on the fitness pal app. If you pick the wrong brand or the same brand with different health facts (say reduced fat vs regular) it can make a big difference.

    Also, I suggest buying a scale and weighing your meats. Before I cook any meat I put it on my kitchen scale and then input the exact amount of grams into my fitness pal. I do the same thing with all ingredients using measuring cups.

    One more suggestion: You're never going to get the calories exactly right no matter how accurate you try to be, so what I do is I always OVERESTIMATE how many calories I'm taking in by 100-200 calories. It's better to overestimate then underestimate.
  • Anniejazz
    Anniejazz Posts: 31 Member
    Check the EM2WL group here.
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    MFP vastly overestimates exercise calories. The giant surplus your eating back is ruining your goals. When I stopped using MFP and just ate a deficit without logging exercise I lost 13lbs. Now I'm using MFP without logging exercise or eating back any extra calories and will begin losing weight again. I really wish MFP had settings to stop adding exercise calories and encouraging you to eat them back. I made my own exercise that burns 1 calorie so I could note I'm working out without really effecting my base calories.
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    edited May 2020
    Your body type can be a factor. I am short (5'2") and have a small build, I have to eat 1000 calories to lose weight. I do not lose weight if I eat 1200.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    MFP vastly overestimates exercise calories. The giant surplus your eating back is ruining your goals. When I stopped using MFP and just ate a deficit without logging exercise I lost 13lbs. Now I'm using MFP without logging exercise or eating back any extra calories and will begin losing weight again. I really wish MFP had settings to stop adding exercise calories and encouraging you to eat them back. I made my own exercise that burns 1 calorie so I could note I'm working out without really effecting my base calories.

    This may work well for people who aren't very active, but it isn't appropriate at all for more active people. You need to account for your activity in some way -- either in your initial calorie goal or through making adjustments.
  • audrianna4969
    audrianna4969 Posts: 16 Member
    I would definitely agree with everyone about weighing your food with a scale. You would be surprised how much calories can vary. Also make sure you’re tracking any oils you cook your food in. Those can be quite high in calories. Try using cooking sprays when you can. I know it doesn’t always do the food justice. You don’t have to do it for every meal but I found that really helped me.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I would definitely agree with everyone about weighing your food with a scale. You would be surprised how much calories can vary. Also make sure you’re tracking any oils you cook your food in. Those can be quite high in calories. Try using cooking sprays when you can. I know it doesn’t always do the food justice. You don’t have to do it for every meal but I found that really helped me.

    I had that driven home for me this week. I decided to make the black bean brownies on the front page this week. Usually, I'll just go by the can's serving and call it 3.5 servings for 1 whole can beans, but I got curious this time, wondering if that can was considering the liquid with the beans as part of the serving. So, after rinsing the beans, I weighed them and found that there was only 2 servings of actual beans in that can by weight! (which was rather nice, actually, as it did reduce the calories of the brownies :) )
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Obviously people think I am losing weight incorrectly, find my post somewhat offensive, and I do not accurately log my food (which I do). I will therefore, probably to the relief of many, will divert to the experts, scientists and mathmetician posters and will no longer be participating on the MFP Community Boards.

    If what you are doing works for you and you are losing weight at a healthy rate then you are doing it correctly - FOR YOU! If this is the case then keep going as you are because you should be proud of your efforts. If, for whatever reason, they stop working then reassess.
  • Mazintrov13
    Mazintrov13 Posts: 134 Member
    I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned but for those who don’t like the added excersise calories you can also google a tdee calculator and change your calorie amount in MFP and aim to eat that amount every day. It’s just the way MFP works to eat back excersise cals.

    This is what I did when I first started then over time was able to figure out my actual maintenance based on the data I had