is anyone else sort of embarrassed at losing weight?



  • FaithfulToIt
    I think once you are totally okay with who you are overall a compliment won't hurt you. Clearly there are other issues you are dealing with and losing weight might help you with those issues and learn to cope. I am assuming you have worked hard and did this with diet and exercise, instead of pills and supplements. If so learn to embrace your accomplisments in life overall. Besides there are many many people who are struggling with tougher issues. Be thankful that your's is a simple compliment.:ohwell:
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Not sure embarrassed is the right word for me personally, but while I appreciate the compliment, I'd rather not be noticed. I don't like attention on myself - yes, very likely due to esteem issues and being painfully shy when I was younger. I was also teased a lot when I was younger, so I think that plays a part. I had a lot of negative attention, so I'd rather not have any good or bad. I also find I put pressure on myself once people notice - like I have to do it or I'll be a disappointment. Yes, yes, this goes back to childhood issues at well, LOL. then with the added pressure I put on myself, I start to self sabotage. At least, that's what I've done in the past.

    This time, I'm trying to remember it's not about a number on the scale. It's about better health. I still have a lot to lose, but my health has improved - no longer pre-diabetic, cholestrol is better, blood pressure is better etc. So, I could stay this weight and as long as those factors remain good, then I'm in better health than I was before. The weight loss is a side affect of better eating and exercise, but it's not my end goal this time around.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    My wife now has lost a lot of weight and is pretty much at goal (5'3" 120lbs) and is mainly now just focusing on eating healthy and toning muscle. The one thing that bugs her is some of her family members always ask "Are you done dieting yet? How much more are you going to lose?"

    For me what bugged me once my weight stabilized for a over a year the same people kept commenting that I lost weight. Like their mental picture of me is stuck on an image when I was overweight. I don't mind it much now again since I refocused to get down another 20lbs of fat and build strength.
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    You should be proud of yourself and keep up the good work until and after you've reached your goal weight. Good luck in your journey!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm not embarrassed at losing weight. I'm embarrassed that I was as heavy as I was before I started losing the weight. I'm proud to have lost the weight because I know how hard it is and how hard I have worked at it. I'm not proud that I was more than 100lbs overweight. I am proud that I've lost 58 of those pounds.

    People say stupid things, they talk without thinking of how it might make someone feel. Don't let people's comments change the way you feel about yourself. Be proud of losing weight.