Senseless Shooting...It could have been anyone



  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.

    The US is definitely in big trouble. However, not sure what can be done about it. You can't say "take away all the guns", because criminals will still get them. They don't care about laws, that's why they're criminals. You can lock these kids up, but what do you do to prevent the next set from doing this? How do you prevent the next idiot that wants to go on a shooting spree in a school or movie theater from doing it?
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    obviously he was profiling them just like zimmerman. People don't just attack for no reason.
    This has nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial. It is a tragedy and it would be horrible to try and use this case to rejuvenate the extremely trite dialogues that were so prevalent in that case.
    Read an article this morning that showed what is possibly the facebook postings of one of the shooters.

    It is possible that this was done to earn some kind of "street cred" for a rapping career.
    This is why I hate it when people celebrate the criminal activities of people like 50cent. "Get rich or die trying." should not be a mantra to live by. Your life should be worth more than the money you are pursuing.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Yup. He was killed by animals, in this case, animals with no soul.

    Thus they should be destroyed. Not with anger, vengeance or passion. Rather in the same way that one would destroy a rabid dog. With compassion, as it is not the animal's choice or fault. With remorse, knowing that due to some strange combination of circumstances these things failed to develop. And finally with gratitude, knowing that there but by the grace of God go we and it is only through chance and good fortune that we and ours are safe and sane.

    I politely disagree with the idea that most of the people on this forum are sane :wink: Agree with the rest of what you said, though
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Yup. He was killed by animals, in this case, animals with no soul.

    Thus they should be destroyed. Not with anger, vengeance or passion. Rather in the same way that one would destroy a rabid dog. With compassion, as it is not the animal's choice or fault. With remorse, knowing that due to some strange combination of circumstances these things failed to develop. And finally with gratitude, knowing that there but by the grace of God go we and it is only through chance and good fortune that we and ours are safe and sane.

    I have always felt the same and used the same comparison. I once commented this on an AOL article and was torn to pieces by others who were also commenting. Many of these individuals cannot be rehabilitated because their lack of empathy and remorse is due to a brain defect, much like rabies.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:
    Yesterday someone used an incident from Canada to bash the US. I'm becoming immune. I get it. We're evil and stupid.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:
    Yesterday someone used an incident from Canada to bash the US. I'm becoming immune. I get it. We're evil and stupid.

    you forgot to add that we are fat.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:
    Yesterday someone used an incident from Canada to bash the US. I'm becoming immune. I get it. We're evil and stupid.

    you forgot to add that we are fat.
    Oh yeah, that, too.

    And lazy and violent. It's like walking a gauntlet every time I leave my house, dodging bullets and huge, fast vehicles trying to run me down.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:

    So the guns did this?...these three are NOT responsible for their own actions....they were merely sitting around bored... when the nasty gun went berserk jumped in a car and shot this poor young man.:huh:

    Lets NOT balme awful parenting.....undisciplined kids..........Im sure these kids wre straight A students right.?

    Where are those racizts SHarpton, Jesse Jackson Jr stirring the racizt pot?? oh ooppps the victim was wite....
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:
    Yesterday someone used an incident from Canada to bash the US. I'm becoming immune. I get it. We're evil and stupid.

    you forgot to add that we are fat.
    Oh yeah, that, too.

    And lazy and violent. It's like walking a gauntlet every time I leave my house, dodging bullets and huge, fast vehicles trying to run me down.

    And greedy.
  • ashandloggiesmom
    ashandloggiesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Yup. He was killed by animals, in this case, animals with no soul.

    No, don't insult animals. Most animals won't kill something "just because". My dog has more of a soul than these three combined.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Wow that's just......evil. Poor guy....poor family :,(
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I read this story yesterday when it popped up on my facebook feed. Could this have been prevented? Who knows. These guys could have easily beat him to death if they were bored instead of shooting him. I just don't understand the "we were bored" excuse... Having grown up in rural areas, I have been bored a lot... and who isn't even when living in the City or the Suburbs... but it never would cross my mind to kill someone... or even something (unless it's a mosquito or a wasp or certain spiders)...
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:
    Yesterday someone used an incident from Canada to bash the US. I'm becoming immune. I get it. We're evil and stupid.

    you forgot to add that we are fat.
    Oh yeah, that, too.

    And lazy and violent. It's like walking a gauntlet every time I leave my house, dodging bullets and huge, fast vehicles trying to run me down.

    And greedy.
    Yes it is terrible here. Yet people keep coming...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yup. He was killed by animals, in this case, animals with no soul.

    No, don't insult animals. Most animals won't kill something "just because". My dog has more of a soul than these three combined.

    My thoughts, exactly.

    Now, cats WILL kill on instinct even when they don't need to kill to eat, but it's their ingrained nature, not because they are evil. And humans, even sociopaths, do know right from wrong. These kids knew what they did was wrong, but did it, anyway.

    Even without a conscience, humans have the ability to reason. Animals don't.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    It's a shame that they can't face the death penalty. If ever there were candidates for this treatment.

    I totally agree with you. I am 100% for the death penalty in cases like this and where the evidence is overwhelming 100%. Why do we need to waste taxpayers money to keep these people in prison and alive. I believe in an eye for an eye, its about time we stop being so soft with criminals irrespective of their age. if you are that bored to shoot and kill something, then we should make sure that you never become bored again by giving you the death penalty.

    There should be no appeals in cases like this, once the judge have given the verdict, tell the family of the accused that they have 90 days to put his/her house in order, come day 91, please collect the body from the coroner's office. One less person we the taxpayers' have to support.
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    Well for the kids i feel bad for them and i feel bad for the guy killed .... i would say these kids should be shot in the middle of the street broadcasting on the national television so that next time the parents would make sure that their kids wont get the gun or the same will happen to their kids too ..... i know this is cruel and even i wont be able to watch it and would cry if something like this would happen as they are just teenagers but i don't think the parents would ever understand that if they wont keep their teens under control and away from guns their kid could be the one ending up dead not just somebody else's to whom you can just say sorry. I am a father and i know each and everyday you work hard with your kids to make them what they are and it is not fair that a your son whom you worked so hard on is killed by a kid whose parents didn't work as hard as you did. i would blame the parents of the kids more then the kids themselves. Sorry if I am a bit too cruel and harsh ... but its actually the father in me saying all this.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.

    That's so true
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Jeez... what is the world coming to?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.

    That's so true

    Pick up a history book every once in a while. The world isn't getting worse and people aren't any more evil in general than they were a thousand years ago. As a society (the US, Europe, Australia, etc.), we are actually much more compassionate and less violent now.