Senseless Shooting...It could have been anyone



  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I read about this in the news this morning. Absolutely disgusting! Poor guy.
  • MadeInDR022
    When I first read about this shooting, I remembered one that happened in my home town a few years ago..

    Seems like a new trend. Kill because you're bored or need something fun to do. Just plain sad.
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:

    Not sure where that person lives who made that comment but it is in poor taste. Pond scum like this could have just as easily stabbed, beaten or run him down. Happens everywhere.

    Karma's a b!tch and they will get there's. Very tragic and sad.

    (Oh.. Canadian and a responsible firearms owner)
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.

    That's so true

    Pick up a history book every once in a while. The world isn't getting worse and people aren't any more evil in general than they were a thousand years ago. As a society (the US, Europe, Australia, etc.), we are actually much more compassionate and less violent now.

    Agreed. We have nothing on Salem Mass, or the Spanish Inquisition. Or the Crusades, or the Invasion of America. Human history is filled with cases of us being idiots. Which doesn't excuse people from doing their best for society or raising their children to respect life and other people's property.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:

    That's not at all what this person was saying. They are gateful to live in a Country where it's a rare occurrence. It's a true statement. Rare meaning happens, but not that often (to answer your question "this would never happen outside of the US, right?").

    Typical American response though. :wink:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So sad and such a waste of a young life. Feel so sorry for his family.

    Makes me really grateful to live in a country where gun crime is so rare.


    So sad someone would take an opportunity like this to take a back handed swipe at the US. :cry:

    Disgusting crime. Those kids should face the DP. of course, this would never happen outside of the US, right? :huh:

    That's not at all what this person was saying. They are gateful to live in a Country where it's a rare occurrence. It's a true statement. Rare meaning happens, but not that often (to answer your question "this would never happen outside of the US, right?").

    Typical American response though. :wink:

    Maybe the person lives in the US, then, because this really isn't that common here.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Human history is filled with cases of us being idiots. Which doesn't excuse people from doing their best for society or raising their children to respect life and other people's property.

    Agreed. I was just pointing out that the world is not worse now than ever, as everyone seems to think.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.
    That's so true
    No, that is not true at all.

    For every story where some kids decide kill a guy for fun there are a million stories that go untold where people go about living their lives in peace. They go to work, they pay their bills, they buy groceries, they watch a movie, they play video games, and they do a thousand other things that are completely harmless or are even helpful to the rest of society.

    The thing is a story about some guy sitting at home playing xbox or a family that is camping won't make headlines that sell. If your job is to sell media you will only talk about the most extreme of cases.

    This isn't something new either. Humans throughout history used to be far more barbaric then we are today. Think back to the Salem witch trials. Things have gotten much better and I still hold out hope for our future.

    The world isn't coming to anything. The is still the way it has always been and we are still getting better.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I visited Virginia Tech's campus a week before the shooting there and they told me "It can happen anywhere" so I shouldn't base my decision off of that.
    Charles Whitman shot all those people from the UT tower just before I went to Austin.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.
    That's so true
    No, that is not true at all.

    For every story where some kids decide kill a guy for fun there are a million stories that go untold where people go about living their lives in peace. They go to work, they pay their bills, they buy groceries, they watch a movie, they play video games, and they do a thousand other things that are completely harmless or are even helpful to the rest of society.

    The thing is a story about some guy sitting at home playing xbox or a family that is camping won't make headlines that sell. If your job is to sell media you will only talk about the most extreme of cases.

    This isn't something new either. Humans throughout history used to be far more barbaric then we are today. Think back to the Salem witch trials. Things have gotten much better and I still hold out hope for our future.

    The world isn't coming to anything. The is still the way it has always been and we are still getting better.

    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.

    Same with child abduction rates. They aren't any higher now than they were 40 years ago, but now they're all over FB and TV so people think there's a predator around every corner just waiting for them to turn their backs on their children for a single second.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.

    Same with child abduction rates. They aren't any higher now than they were 40 years ago, but now they're all over FB and TV so people think there's a predator around every corner just waiting for them to turn their backs on their children for a single second.

    Very true. and even statistically, the person that is most likely to kidnap someone is a family member or perhaps a close family friend (that is practically family).
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.

    Same with child abduction rates. They aren't any higher now than they were 40 years ago, but now they're all over FB and TV so people think there's a predator around every corner just waiting for them to turn their backs on their children for a single second.

    This is very true babycakes.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.

    Same with child abduction rates. They aren't any higher now than they were 40 years ago, but now they're all over FB and TV so people think there's a predator around every corner just waiting for them to turn their backs on their children for a single second.

    Very true. and even statistically, the person that is most likely to kidnap someone is a family member or perhaps a close family friend (that is practically family).
    This is very true babycakes.

  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.
    That's so true
    No, that is not true at all.

    For every story where some kids decide kill a guy for fun there are a million stories that go untold where people go about living their lives in peace. They go to work, they pay their bills, they buy groceries, they watch a movie, they play video games, and they do a thousand other things that are completely harmless or are even helpful to the rest of society.

    The thing is a story about some guy sitting at home playing xbox or a family that is camping won't make headlines that sell. If your job is to sell media you will only talk about the most extreme of cases.

    This isn't something new either. Humans throughout history used to be far more barbaric then we are today. Think back to the Salem witch trials. Things have gotten much better and I still hold out hope for our future.

    The world isn't coming to anything. The is still the way it has always been and we are still getting better.

    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.
    In my personal life I find that the more religiously inclined a person is the more likely they are to think that the world is getting worse by the day. They normally try to site it as evidence that we all need to convert to their particular religion so that we can win back God's favor and he will protect us from all this tragedy. As a rule I try to avoid that side of the family but we all come together for the holidays. I find it really entertaining when my Jewish relatives are there as well because I get to watch as their discussions get heated.

    I think it is important to be mindful of the fact that every single person you meet on a daily basis is capable of making choices like these boys did. We are all capable of it but the overwhelming majority of us choose not to do things like this. Day after day I meet people who are doing everything they can to contribute to society. I think it is a mistake to ignore the peaceful majority and conclude that the whole world is going to hell based on the action of the hyperbolic minority.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think it is important to be mindful of the fact that every single person you meet on a daily basis is capable of making choices like these boys did.

    I can't even bring myself to kill a spider! I stepped on a snail by accident back in February and I still tear up thinking about it. My SO killed a fly one day and didn't realize it wasn't quite dead and I was devastated over its pain and had to put it out of its misery. I even once rescued a butterfly missing half a wing.

    I don't think I could do what they did. In self-defense or to defend someone else, I probably could kill. But not in cold blood.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    This is why I have a general dislike for people. Especially teenagers.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.
    That's so true
    No, that is not true at all.

    For every story where some kids decide kill a guy for fun there are a million stories that go untold where people go about living their lives in peace. They go to work, they pay their bills, they buy groceries, they watch a movie, they play video games, and they do a thousand other things that are completely harmless or are even helpful to the rest of society.

    The thing is a story about some guy sitting at home playing xbox or a family that is camping won't make headlines that sell. If your job is to sell media you will only talk about the most extreme of cases.

    This isn't something new either. Humans throughout history used to be far more barbaric then we are today. Think back to the Salem witch trials. Things have gotten much better and I still hold out hope for our future.

    The world isn't coming to anything. The is still the way it has always been and we are still getting better.

    I agree with you and rml... the difference between now and then is the 24 hour news cycle. It is so much easier to hear about incidents like this whereas, without the internet and the national news, we probably would have never heard about this. So it just seems like more of these types events happen.
    In my personal life I find that the more religiously inclined a person is the more likely they are to think that the world is getting worse by the day. They normally try to site it as evidence that we all need to convert to their particular religion so that we can win back God's favor and he will protect us from all this tragedy. As a rule I try to avoid that side of the family but we all come together for the holidays. I find it really entertaining when my Jewish relatives are there as well because I get to watch as their discussions get heated.

    I think it is important to be mindful of the fact that every single person you meet on a daily basis is capable of making choices like these boys did. We are all capable of it but the overwhelming majority of us choose not to do things like this. Day after day I meet people who are doing everything they can to contribute to society. I think it is a mistake to ignore the peaceful majority and conclude that who whole world is going to hell based on the action of the hyperbolic minority.

    I think I can agree with that. As a "religious" person, I will sometimes have these thoughts too.. but it is usually when the news inundates me with tragedy after tragedy... war, school shoots, senseless murders and play it all over and over and over again. That's when I just turn it all off and ignore it (to some degree) to center myself again.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.
    I think you have it backwards here. Music, video games, movies, pretty much all of art and media reflect society not the other way around. The thug life existed before the music that talks about it. People are capable of being sadistic without a song or a movie to tell them that they should be. The majority of people are simply capable of filtering out these negative decisions. Others like these crazy kids are broken.