Has anyone just started and has over 100 pounds to lose

I’ve just started and have an absolute ton to lose. I see folk on here wanting to lose a stone or something but I am miles off that. Anyone else in that position


  • CleanEatingCarib
    CleanEatingCarib Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Me too. Newbie with 100+ to lose. It seems SO overwhelming but I must get healthy. In addition to tracking, I am trying to build habit of 1g water/day * walking 30m/day * food prep * 10m/day dumbbells.
  • jenharmon2011
    jenharmon2011 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I’m also trying to loose 100 pounds! I lost 30 at one point then gained it all back. I want so bad to set a better example for my kids.
  • mtikky
    mtikky Posts: 53 Member
    I'm restarting - I lost over 100lbs then regained it all very quickly. Back on here now and 12lb into my journey, still with at least 100lbs to go!
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I'm trying to start again. I'm currently the heaviest that I've ever been and I have 100 pounds to lose. I saw a picture of myself the other day and it finally clicked just how heavy I am.
  • Okcawy
    Okcawy Posts: 5 Member
    I just started and my ultimate goal is to lose 240 pounds. Feel free to add me and we can kick some butt, together!
  • manyasin
    manyasin Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there! I would like to lose 100lbs but realistically my first goal is to lose 50lbs, and making little goals of 10lbs along the way. I only started last month so I've got a long way to go!
  • Ginacoates95
    Ginacoates95 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi 👋 I’m Georgina I’m 25 and from the UK I started my journey 5 weeks ago and I’m currently 18lbs down, looking to make new friends :) please feel free to add me I post daily and always here for a chat :)
  • larsadavis
    larsadavis Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! I have about 100lbs to lose. I've lost weight before but managed to gain it all back.
  • kemspenc
    kemspenc Posts: 1 Member
    I have 100lbs to lose and lost 30 and gained back during quarentine :( ready to get it back off and then some. I dont have anyone where i live that will walk or anything like that so later it's off to the gym to kick start things. Our gym just opened yesterday. Here to support! You can do this, we can all do this!
  • AmberlyMarlene
    AmberlyMarlene Posts: 120 Member
    I've been yo-yoing all my life. I was at my best health (running 3 miles in one go, etc) and then I went through a massive home-life struggle. Long story short it's been less than two years since then and I've gained 110 lbs and so here I am restarting. You're definitely not alone.
  • Brandon1992
    Brandon1992 Posts: 11 Member
    I was overweight my entire life , I had a 5 years span where I’ve lost 80 lbs 6-7 years back. Was best shape of my life and had a ton of motivation. Tho my mental health was not good I was very depressed and robot like in my normal days . Became obsessed with fitness but was not happy . After falling off the way hard in this time I’ve gained and lost a bunch of weight but fast forward to today I’ve gained all that back plus more (+ 110ish) Tho my mood Is great I really miss that skinny feel. I’m resorting back to forums because this is what kept me motivated when I was most successful . We all are in this togethor
  • tonygermano2
    tonygermano2 Posts: 31 Member
    Started with about 230 pounds to lose. Im down about 45. Still a ways to go, but i think the saying goes something like regret and discipline are both painful, but discipline is measure in ounces and regret is measured in pounds. I know its easier said than done, and I have to remind myself nearly every day, but just keep tracking, keep making the next right choice, keep in your mind REAL reasons you want and need to shed the extra weight..yes we all want to look good in the mirror, but what else?
    You can do it! I can do it too!