Quick question

Is there anyway to link the UA app to my Apple Watch to track all of my activities? It allowed me to link it to track my steps but I’d like it to track any run, cycle class, or other cardio exercises that I do... without downloading a new app if possible. I have Strava, Nike Run app and the peloton app.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You'll want to go into the MFP Apps section and find and sync to Pacer app. It's a tracker app but don't have to connect it to those others - if those are already connected to Apple.

    Then on the Apple side sync to that Pacer app also.

    The Pacer app will bring the correct calorie burn daily figures and workouts over to MFP.

    And then MFP can correctly adjust your eating goal depending on how much you did, or did not do.

    Apple can't sync directly and send correct info - they do things their way.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I thought the UA app was going away...
  • dave10703
    dave10703 Posts: 11 Member
    @DancingMoosie you are 100% right. It is going away and I received an email from them stating that. That was my error.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
  • dave10703
    dave10703 Posts: 11 Member
    @heybales so downloading the Pacer app is the best move? Ok thanks. Gonna do it now