Getting motivated when your plate is full

How are you staying motivated?

Without the routine of going straight to the gym after work and taking care of hubby I am finding it VERY difficult to get even 30 minutes a day in.

Looking for tips that apply to the times we're in.

A little background I'm 58 need to drop 50-70 pounds. Hubby was diagnosed with CLL (Leukemia) in November. We're on Wait and Watch. He does well can only tell on the labs unless he gets a stomach bug like this weekend then it's 100x worse than it used to be. I try not to worry.

Also checking in and helping my 88 year old Daddy. Also work full time. And trying to be firm yet
supportive in helping our 30 yr old daughter find a position in her field and get out & into her own apartment & established on her own.

And there's the whole high risk threat of corona for my guys.

The exercise helped keep things in perspective. Lately I feel like I'm running in circles going nowhere fast.

It's all good and we're taking one day at a time. Just need more hours in the day and to get motivated again.

I keep trying to reboot my walking. Even signed up for a 5k in January hoping things will be better by then. Just can't seem to get it in gear.

GENTLE suggestions and tips appreciated.


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited July 2020
    Exercise is great for heart/lung health, stress relief, etc. But weight loss is about how you feed your body. Even in a crazy life/world, you can take control for what you eat & how much of it.

    If you don't have time for 30 minute blocks of exercise, try to carve out 0-15 minutes here or there for yourself, because taking care of you will help you take care of them. But for the weight loss, honestly and accurately track your food intake.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited July 2020
    I think alot of us are struggling with the loss of our normal routine due to COVID. I think the best solution is just to make a new routine. I know you may not have to go to work at specific hours anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't enforce your own schedule for your own benefit. Having your visits at a routine time may also be helpful for your elderly father.

    If you aren't able to and/or dont want to risk going to the gym I like pulling workout from this website: There are also tons of great options on youtube you can follow.

    Also, since you mentioned walking, see if there is a local running group in your area. The one in my town is super active and there is a walking group within it. Having some buddies might help you stick with it.

    Edited to also add - There are plenty of people who successfully lose weight just counting calories and not adding in exercise. Exercise if great for many reasons, but if you aren't able to fit it in dont let that deter you from getting started with your logging and reaching your nutrition goals!
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    It does sound like you’ve got an enormous amount to cope with and it’s totally ok to feel like you’re spinning in place. It’s important that you take care of yourself too, though.

    Something that’s helped me to get out and walk, even (and especially) when I’m feeling overwhelmed - podcasts. Find a podcast that either entertains (drama, comedy, true crime etc) or interests you in an informative way. Preferably one with episodes that are at least 30 minutes long.

    I have a library of lots of different genres so I can alternate depending on what I feel like. It serves at least 2 purposes; listening helps me let go of my stresses and the thoughts running round my head - a little valuable ‘me time’. It’s a nice way to encourage me to carry on walking, to hear the end of the podcast (and maybe even a second episode!)

    It definitely helped me and makes me eager for the next time I can get a chance to get out and away to hear the next instalment(s)!