Aug Check In



  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 602 Member
    Name: missperfectpitch
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: About 43 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 1 year and 2 months
    How long in maintenance: I hit my goal weight in the beginning of January 2018, but officially started maintenance in mid-March 2018 after figuring out my calories for a couple of months.
    Maintenance weight range: 108-112.5
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 109.8
    Average weight recorded for 2019 (12 months): 111.2

    Average weight recorded for January: 111.9
    Average weight recorded for February: 111.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 110.3
    Average weight recorded from April: 109.7
    Average weight recorded for May: 110.9
    Average weight recorded for June: 112.3
    Average weight recorded for July: 112.7

    Week of..
    Aug 1: 112.7 (trend 112.7)
    Aug 8: 113.5 (trend 113.1)
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: I'm still figuring things out with maintaining while working from home. My weight has still been going up and is above the top of my maintenance range now, so I'm making some more adjustments. I'm bumping up my steps goal another 1k per day, and I'm going to add in an extra 100-200 calories on top of my calorie estimates from restaurant food when I order out. On the activity side, I'm likely burning fewer calories as I'm sitting/lounging for most of the day when working (v. using a stand-up desk at the office) plus not going up several flights of stairs and walking up a slight hill every day. I'm also still struggling with putting in maximum effort on my workouts, but I find it easier to increase my steps goal over consistently putting in maximum effort into workouts, so I'm going with that. On the food side, I'm probably underestimating restaurant food, and since I often have leftovers enough for several meals throughout the week, a couple extra hundred calories add up over time.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Name: Briscogun
    Age: 50
    Height: 5’ 11”
    Total weight lost: 37 lbs
    Time it took to lose: Started March 2020 (this time around)
    How long in maintenance: 2 months
    Maintenance weight range: 150ish

    Starting weight recorded from February: 190.2 (starting weight)
    Average weight recorded from March: 178.4
    Average weight recorded from April: 166.2
    Average weight recorded from May: 156.8
    Average weight recorded for June: 152.1
    Average weight recorded for July: 149.8
    Average weight recorded for August:

    Week of:
    Aug 7- 152.7
    Aug 14-
    Aug 21-
    Aug 28-

    Success/Struggles: Definitely starting to see a bit of a recomp starting. My diet is all over the place, which seems to be working but my weight graph looks like an earthquake seismograph! At the end of the day I’m averaging out where I need to be which is good, but I’ll have a day or two each week where I eat/drink, then the sodium/water weight/etc comes of in like 2-3 days, then I’ll repeat. Exercising has been a little tough, been very tired lately so I’ve skipped a run or two this week (did my weight training though!), but it’s been a tough work week so next week should be better.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,925 Member

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: I'm still figuring things out with maintaining while working from home. My weight has still been going up and is above the top of my maintenance range now, so I'm making some more adjustments. I'm bumping up my steps goal another 1k per day, and I'm going to add in an extra 100-200 calories on top of my calorie estimates from restaurant food when I order out. On the activity side, I'm likely burning fewer calories as I'm sitting/lounging for most of the day when working (v. using a stand-up desk at the office) plus not going up several flights of stairs and walking up a slight hill every day. I'm also still struggling with putting in maximum effort on my workouts, but I find it easier to increase my steps goal over consistently putting in maximum effort into workouts, so I'm going with that. On the food side, I'm probably underestimating restaurant food, and since I often have leftovers enough for several meals throughout the week, a couple extra hundred calories add up over time.

    It's great that you're approaching this with a healthy way to make small changes. I've been dealing with something similar. Mine bumped up in March and April. I stopped the gain in May, but it took until June and July to slowly start bringing it back down. My allowable range is larger than yours, so I never got outside of my "absolute" maintenance range (ten pound range). I did get outside of what I call my "ideal" maintenance range which is still larger than yours at six pounds. As a percentage, our ranges are similar - about 4% of goal weight. You've been pretty successful for two years now; you know what to do, and it looks like you're doing it. That's already success!

    briscogun wrote: »
    Success/Struggles: weight graph looks like an earthquake seismograph!

    That's what maintenance looks like! Take a look at my last year (August 1 - August 1):


    I pay more attention to the red line (trend) than the gray line (daily scale reading).

  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 602 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: I'm still figuring things out with maintaining while working from home. My weight has still been going up and is above the top of my maintenance range now, so I'm making some more adjustments. I'm bumping up my steps goal another 1k per day, and I'm going to add in an extra 100-200 calories on top of my calorie estimates from restaurant food when I order out. On the activity side, I'm likely burning fewer calories as I'm sitting/lounging for most of the day when working (v. using a stand-up desk at the office) plus not going up several flights of stairs and walking up a slight hill every day. I'm also still struggling with putting in maximum effort on my workouts, but I find it easier to increase my steps goal over consistently putting in maximum effort into workouts, so I'm going with that. On the food side, I'm probably underestimating restaurant food, and since I often have leftovers enough for several meals throughout the week, a couple extra hundred calories add up over time.

    It's great that you're approaching this with a healthy way to make small changes. I've been dealing with something similar. Mine bumped up in March and April. I stopped the gain in May, but it took until June and July to slowly start bringing it back down. My allowable range is larger than yours, so I never got outside of my "absolute" maintenance range (ten pound range). I did get outside of what I call my "ideal" maintenance range which is still larger than yours at six pounds. As a percentage, our ranges are similar - about 4% of goal weight. You've been pretty successful for two years now; you know what to do, and it looks like you're doing it. That's already success!

    Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, I've been trying not to worry too much about the weight gain, as we're living in crazy times now and, all things considered, I haven't gained too much in the grand scheme of things, so small changes like these should get me back in the right direction!
  • GregInORL
    GregInORL Posts: 232 Member
    GregInORL wrote: »
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight: 220+
    Total weight lost: 70 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 4 months (February - June 2019)
    How long in maintenance: 1 year 2 months
    Maintenance weight range: 145 - 149
    Average weight recorded from 2018: NA
    Average weight recorded for 2019: 168.3

    Average weight recorded for January 146.2
    Average weight recorded for February: 145.6
    Average weight recorded for March: 147.4
    Average weight recorded for April: 144.9
    Average weight recorded for May: 144.24
    Average weight recorded for June: 145.14
    Average weight recorded for July: 146.56

    Week of...
    August 2nd: 144.3 (Trend Weight: 145.8 -.6lb)
    August 9th: 147.1 (Trend Weight: 145.6 -.2lb)

    Successes: Hit 75 miles this week! Another week meat free and trying new dishes.

    Struggles: went a little sweet heavy. And this week is my birthday so I expect more of that. Not that is shouldn’t have sweets, just if I have too many I’m not getting as much room for more fueling foods.

  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Hi! My name is Kristen. And I struggle to maintain my weight. I have had great success losing/gaining, but I'm hoping this group helps me be more accountable. I weigh only 1x week on Sundays, so that's when I'll check in. My 2 goals in 2020 are to not let the scale go above 153 and weigh in EVERY Sunday for the WHOLE YEAR. This seems easy to most, but I get lazy and make excuses why I don't need to weigh in and then all of a sudden everything in my closet has shrunk. LOL

    Age: 41
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'11"
    Total weight lost: 20 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2 months
    How long in maintenance: 8 months
    Starting Weight: 164.8 (September 3rd, 2019)
    Goal Weight: 150 (Hit November 8th, 2019)
    Maintenance weight range: 147 - 153

    Average weight recorded for September: 160.1
    Average weight recorded for October: 154.0
    Average weight recorded for November: 149.2
    Average weight recorded for December: 146.4
    Average weight recorded for January: 145.4
    Average weight recorded for February: 143.4
    Average weight recorded for March:
    Average weight recorded for April: 143.5
    Average weight recorded for May: 145.7
    Average weight recorded for June: 146.3
    Average weight recorded for July: 148.3

    Week of...
    August 2nd: 150.1 (Trend Weight:149.6)
    August 9th: 147.7 (Trend Weight:148.4)

    Successes/Struggles: Logging for the win! It's amazing how much 1 week of logging what you eat will make you realize how off the rails you had become. And a few of the days I went over.

    I still don't feel I have things under control but I do know what I was doing that made the scale go up so fast. This week I'll continue with the same habits and see if I can continue to see a slow downward trend.

    Hope everyone had a great week.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,107 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Age: 52
    Height: 5'4"
    Total Weight lost: ~80 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2 years 3 months
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I continued to slowly lose until December of 2017. I have been in maintenance since December 2017
    Maintenance weight range: 115 - 120 lbs

    Average weight recorded from 2018: 118.8
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 115.2

    Average weight recorded from January: 114.2
    Average weight recorded from February: 113.6
    Average weight recorded from March 113.3
    Average weight recorded from April: 113.7
    Average weight recorded from May: 113.8
    Average weight recorded from June: 113.7
    Average weight recorded from July: 113.6

    Week of..
    Aug 2: 113.4 scale/ 113.3 trend
    Aug 9: 111.6 scale/ 113.1 trend
    Aug 16
    Aug 23
    Aug 30

    Success/Struggles: My scale weight was low this morning, but the trend is ok so I'm not worried about it.  It has been so hot lately and when it is over 100°f every day sometimes you just don't feel like eating.
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Name: Luciicul
    Age: 41
    Height: 169 cm (5'7")
    Total weight lost: 55.4 kg (122 lbs)
    Time it took to lose: 11 months
    How long in maintenance: 7 months (06/01/20)
    Maintenance weight range: 63-66 kg (139-145.5lbs)

    Monthly Averages:
    Jan 2020 average = 64.9 kgs (143.1 lbs)
    Feb 2020 average = 65.1 kgs (143.5 lbs)
    Mar 2020 average = 66.5 kgs (146.6 lbs)
    Apr 2020 average = 65.7 kgs (144.8 lbs)
    May 2020 average = 64.9 kgs (143.0 lbs)
    Jun 2020 average = 64.1 kgs (141.1 lbs)
    Jul 2020 average = 64.6 kgs (142.4 lbs)

    Week of..
    Aug 2 - 64.6 kgs (142.4 lbs)
    Aug 9 - 65.7 kgs (144.8 lbs)
    Aug 16
    Aug 23
    Aug 30

    Challenges / Successes
    Getting close to the top of my maintenance range, has been cold, wet weather, and am back to losing a lot of time each day to driving - so have been less good about exercise, had more stress, and slipping into a few bad habits staying up late (not getting enough sleep). Will have to make a bit more effort this week.

  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 2,961 Member
    Name Lesley
    Age: 69
    Height: 155 cm (5’ 1”)
    Total weight lost: 22.5 kg (approx. 50 lb)
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 15 months
    Maintenance weight range: 48 – 51 kg (106 – 112 lbs)

    Average weight recorded from 2018: max 72.5 kg in July, 56 kg in Dec
    Average weight 2019: 49.8 kg – reached goal weight in April, average since then 48.7 kg

    Average weight recorded in December 2019: 48.6 kg (107 lb)
    Average weight recorded for January: 49.8 kg (110 lb)
    Average weight recorded for February: 51.2 kg (113 lb)
    Average weight recorded for March: 50.6 kg (112 lb)
    Average weight recorded for April: 50.1 kg (110.5 lb)
    Average weight recorded for May: 49.1 kg (108 lb)
    Average weight recorded for June: 48.4 kg (107 lb)
    Average weight recorded for July: 48.3 kg (106.5 lb)

    August 3rd: 47.7 kg (trend 48.3)
    August 10th: 48.4 kg (trend 48.3)
    August 17th:
    August 24th:
    August 31st:

    Successes: A lot of walking helped to offset the holiday eating last week so I only gained a little. Going away in the motorhome means I’m still self catering and able to keep an eye on what I’m eating.

    Struggles: None really. I’m away again this week, to a hotel for 4 nights. I shall have to exert some will power over my food choices. I hope the swimming pool is open but not sure the Covid rules allow it.
  • 425Recess
    425Recess Posts: 269 Member
    Name: Lorrraine
    Age: 72
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: 50 lb.
    Time it took to lose: Over years with ups/downs
    How long in maintenance: at current weight ~3 years - Was on maintenance for 7 years at 125 lbs.
    Maintenance weight range: 115 +/- 2 lbs.
    Average weight recorded from 2018: Don't have the recorded number but stayed at goal.
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 114.5

    Average weight recorded for August:114.5
    Average weight recorded for September:114.5
    Average weight recorded for Oct:114.5
    Average weight recorded for Nov:114.5
    Average weight recorded for Dec: 115
    Average weight recorded for January: 115
    Average weight recorded for February: 115
    Average weight recorded for March: 115.5
    Average weight recorded for April:116.1
    Average weight recorded for May 115.2
    Average weight recorded for June:115.1
    Average weight recorded for July:114.5

    Aug 3: 113.5
    Aug 10: 113.5

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week:
    I had a bump on my tongue removed and it hurt afterwards actually making me think more than twice about eating. I love to eat but I knew it would hurt. Still ate :) but not so much. Interesting experience for me. It took a week but I'm back to normal.
  • figurethefat
    figurethefat Posts: 1,421 Member
    Age: 63
    Height: 159cm
    Total weight lost: 11kg
    Time it took to lose: Started April 2020
    How long in maintenance: August 2020
    Maintenance weight range: 56-57kg
    Average weight recorded for July: 57.7kg

    Just starting maintenance and weigh-in day for me is Friday

    Week of:
    August 7 -57.1kg
    August 14 - 56.8kg
    August 21
    August 28

    Successes/Struggles: Thanks for all the kind encouragement regarding weighing. I didn't restrict the weighing but didn't weigh everyday which worked out well. I'm hanging in around goal so that's a motivator to keep up the good work and to stay away from chocolate (trigger food for me).
  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 602 Member
    Name: missperfectpitch
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: About 43 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 1 year and 2 months
    How long in maintenance: I hit my goal weight in the beginning of January 2018, but officially started maintenance in mid-March 2018 after figuring out my calories for a couple of months.
    Maintenance weight range: 108-112.5
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 109.8
    Average weight recorded for 2019 (12 months): 111.2

    Average weight recorded for January: 111.9
    Average weight recorded for February: 111.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 110.3
    Average weight recorded from April: 109.7
    Average weight recorded for May: 110.9
    Average weight recorded for June: 112.3
    Average weight recorded for July: 112.7

    Week of..
    Aug 1: 112.7 (trend 112.7)
    Aug 8: 113.5 (trend 113.1)
    Aug 15: 112.8 (trend 112.9)
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: My average weight this week wasn't quite as concerningly high as it was last week, in part due to finally dropping some water weight that I've been carrying around for over a week. I'm hoping that the changes I've made will start to get me back down into my range. I know it'll take a while and I'm fine with that. I bought a lot of fresh fruit for the coming week, so I'm off to a good start with balancing out healthy food with the takeout meals that I have planned.
  • GregInORL
    GregInORL Posts: 232 Member
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight: 220+
    Total weight lost: 70 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 4 months (February - June 2019)
    How long in maintenance: 1 year 2 months
    Maintenance weight range: 145 - 149
    Average weight recorded from 2018: NA
    Average weight recorded for 2019: 168.3

    Average weight recorded for January 146.2
    Average weight recorded for February: 145.6
    Average weight recorded for March: 147.4
    Average weight recorded for April: 144.9
    Average weight recorded for May: 144.24
    Average weight recorded for June: 145.14
    Average weight recorded for July: 146.56

    Week of...
    August 2nd: 144.3 (Trend Weight: 145.8 -.6lb)
    August 9th: 147.1 (Trend Weight: 145.6 -.2lb)
    August 16th: 147.5 (Trend Weight: 145.5 -.1lb)

    Birthday Week. Took many days off from the scale. Had just about anything I wanted for a few days. Spent good time with close friends and family. Now we get back on the grind.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Hi! My name is Kristen. And I struggle to maintain my weight. I have had great success losing/gaining, but I'm hoping this group helps me be more accountable. I weigh only 1x week on Sundays, so that's when I'll check in. My 2 goals in 2020 are to not let the scale go above 153 and weigh in EVERY Sunday for the WHOLE YEAR. This seems easy to most, but I get lazy and make excuses why I don't need to weigh in and then all of a sudden everything in my closet has shrunk. LOL

    Age: 41
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'11"
    Total weight lost: 20 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2 months
    How long in maintenance: 8 months
    Starting Weight: 164.8 (September 3rd, 2019)
    Goal Weight: 150 (Hit November 8th, 2019)
    Maintenance weight range: 147 - 153

    Average weight recorded for September: 160.1
    Average weight recorded for October: 154.0
    Average weight recorded for November: 149.2
    Average weight recorded for December: 146.4
    Average weight recorded for January: 145.4
    Average weight recorded for February: 143.4
    Average weight recorded for March:
    Average weight recorded for April: 143.5
    Average weight recorded for May: 145.7
    Average weight recorded for June: 146.3
    Average weight recorded for July: 148.3

    Week of...
    August 2nd: 150.1 (Trend Weight:149.6)
    August 9th: 147.7 (Trend Weight:148.4)
    August 16th: 145.5 (Trend Weight:146.6)

    Successes/Struggles: Logged again religiously, but ate at maintenance calories (some days were a bit below). Not enough of a deficit to lose 2lbs. Must be some crazy water weight. I'll keep it up again this week and reassess. Not much more to report.

    Hope everyone had a great week.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,925 Member
    HEAVIEST weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Total Weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: ~6 months
    How long in maintenance: Since July 2018 -- but with some fluctuation outside of goal range.
    Maintenance weight range: 142 - 148 (and not sure that's the right answer)

    Average weight recorded from 2017 (12 months): 163.8
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 150.7
    Average weight recorded from 2019 (12 months): 144.8

    Average weight recorded from December 2019: 145.0
    Average weight recorded from January 2020: 143.7
    Average weight recorded from February 2020: 144.2
    Average weight recorded from March 2020: 145.9
    Average weight recorded from April 2020: 148.5
    Average weight recorded from May 2020: 149.2
    Average weight recorded from June 2020: 147.3
    Average weight recorded from July 2020: 146.2

    Average weight Week of...
    July 27 - August 2 ....... 145.1
    August 3 - 9 ................ 145.0
    August 10 - 16 ............ 144.8
    August 17 - 23 ............
    August 24 - 30 ............
    August 31 - Sept 6 ......

    Success of the week: Nothing in particular.

    Struggle of the week: I've been a bit of a slug this week; I need to get some more activity, but it's too hot out.