Need to lose 40lbs in 5 weeks



  • ArtsyGeekette
    ArtsyGeekette Posts: 29 Member
    I wouldn't see weight loss as a marathon because it's more of a lifestyle change and a journey than a start/finish. If you truly are looking for a healthy, cost-effective, sustainable to lose weight, I recommend Keto. Your daily calories are broken down into percentages of 65% natural fats, 30% protein and 5% slow carbohydrates. In the first few weeks, you'll mainly lose water weight but after that, expect 1-3lbs loss a week or more depending on activity level and how well you stick to your ratios. I am not guaranteeing you'll lose 40lbs in 5 weeks unless you have 100+lbs to lose but you certainly could lose 15-20lbs with not much effort save for eating full fat dairy, meats/poultry/seafood, vegetables cooked in butter, olive oil and coconut oil. Fruit is allowed in small amounts and keeping them in the low-glycemic category. Think berries, cherries and some melons.

    In my first 5 weeks, I lost 18lbs. Now I am down 44lbs in 5 months and counting. If you have no metabolic issues, you could possible lose faster than myself. If you want to know more or have questions, feel free to ask me. Keto is safe and free to do. You can read more about it here: Go to the FAQ. We have a very large community following. It's effective as it will not only sate your hunger but help with burning body fat while maintaining precious muscle mass. You do not have to work out with it but if you do, working out does help with your results and helps you feel better overall.

    Good luck to you!
  • xX_Samantha_Xx
    xX_Samantha_Xx Posts: 166 Member
    What it comes down to.. based on everyone's reply.. It's not going to happen. It's not healthy. And it's pretty much impossible unless you lose limbs.
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    In for interesting replies.

    Also :noway:

    ^Ditto! Dayum.
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    Straight up BUGGIN'!
  • faithdanyell
    faithdanyell Posts: 30 Member
    What your doing is wrong, and you will gain it back and more...eating 1200 calories per day is something that is not natural for you. Stop the quick fix routines and come up with a life style plan that will allow you to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Your are more than what you weigh. Good Luck!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Thanks for the response you guys. I tend to lose a lot of weight quickly. Last year I wasn't dieting but I lost 27lbs in 2 months and I wasn't even trying (just eating the foods I enjoy but no snacking). So I thought I could lose some more quicker. But thanks anyway.

    I think the key to your weight loss is found in your answer here ^. Why do you have to keep losing the same 30 - 40 pounds every year?

    The answer is that you are not changing your lifestyle. This yo yo dieting is VERY HARD on your body and will set you up to be me, when you are in your 50s.

    Stop trying to be perfect in a month and work on changing your lifestyle so that you can get to your normal weight, still be healthy, and maintain this for the rest of your life. Good luck.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    We have the Biggest Loser to blame for this mentality.
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    Aw if only that was possible we would all do it
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    OP, you seem to be taking these responses very well so hopefully that means you've got a good head on your shoulders. Take to heart what people are saying about losing 1-2 lbs a week and having a reasonable deficit. I would say netting 900 is too low, but I also think you might be overestimating your exercise calories. It would have to be a majorly intense work out to burn 300 in 30 minutes, so unless you have a heart rate monitor or some other more reliable way of estimating your calorie burn, I would suggest eating your base 1200 calories and then eating back about half of what you think you're burning with exercise (so in this case you would eat 1350 per day on workout days).

    It is possible to lose 2 dress sizes in a month, but usually the people who do this only have 10-15 to lose and are going from a size 6 to a 2. If you do a search of the forum posts here you will see plenty of threads on how many pounds people have lost before losing pants/dress sizes and most of us who start at a higher weight end up losing 15-20+ before being able to drop down a size. So it is relative.

    The best advice that I can give you (because it is the main thing that keeps ME sane) is that you shouldn't put a timeline on your weight loss. If you get in to the mindset of "I must weigh X amount by Y date" or "I am eating A calories, working off B calories, so my deficit is C and there are 3500 calories in a pound, therefore I will be at my goal weight by this date", you will start getting frustrated and discouraged when the scale doesn't want to obey your goal/logic. So just eat healthy, exercise, enjoy non-scale victories like being able to walk across campus and up three flights of stairs without getting winded, and have faith that the weight will come off if you're doing the right things. Don't get caught up in how long it will take.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    This is not very possible at all in my opinion nor is it healthy to loose that much in 5 weeks... Keep working out and watching your Cals, Fat and Sodium and maybe in 5 weeks you might see a 20lb loss...

    Hmm. Okay then. My friends all managed to drop 2 dress sizes in 1 month and they haven't been starving themselves and they've been working out. So I thought I could do the same.

    Overall I'd love to be 40lbs lighter and maintain this weight loss and not go any lower. I thought I could do this quicker. But 20lbs in 5 weeks is also good. It will mean that in almost 2 month I've lost 30lbs.

    Thanks for you're response (all of you).
    !0 lbs = a size lost,so your friends lost 20 lbs in one month?
    I wanna meet your friends...they must have some great diet tips!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    10 lbs in 5 wks is realistic and ambitious. If you lose faster than that, you'll just gain it right back.
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    OP, you seem to be taking these responses very well so hopefully that means you've got a good head on your shoulders. Take to heart what people are saying about losing 1-2 lbs a week and having a reasonable deficit. I would say netting 900 is too low, but I also think you might be overestimating your exercise calories. It would have to be a majorly intense work out to burn 300 in 30 minutes, so unless you have a heart rate monitor or some other more reliable way of estimating your calorie burn, I would suggest eating your base 1200 calories and then eating back about half of what you think you're burning with exercise (so in this case you would eat 1350 per day on workout days).

    It is possible to lose 2 dress sizes in a month, but usually the people who do this only have 10-15 to lose and are going from a size 6 to a 2. If you do a search of the forum posts here you will see plenty of threads on how many pounds people have lost before losing pants/dress sizes and most of us who start at a higher weight end up losing 15-20+ before being able to drop down a size. So it is relative.

    The best advice that I can give you (because it is the main thing that keeps ME sane) is that you shouldn't put a timeline on your weight loss. If you get in to the mindset of "I must weigh X amount by Y date" or "I am eating A calories, working off B calories, so my deficit is C and there are 3500 calories in a pound, therefore I will be at my goal weight by this date", you will start getting frustrated and discouraged when the scale doesn't want to obey your goal/logic. So just eat healthy, exercise, enjoy non-scale victories like being able to walk across campus and up three flights of stairs without getting winded, and have faith that the weight will come off if you're doing the right things. Don't get caught up in how long it will take.
    Best advice ever, once I realised this I felt able to do this, also my target is I will just stick to this, that's enough! Meant to add, also it's sounds as though you may be doing this for others, as you want to be better by whatever, I could be wrong! But do it for you!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I'm happy with the weight loss so far but I feel its not quick enough. I was wondering if any of you have any tips on how I can lose more (like what kinds of exercises to do). I go to the gym but when I go to uni I would like to be exercising at home, so if you know any good workout videos on youtube which gives great results and burns a lot of calories then please help me.

    I've lost 14 pounds in a matter of 5 MONTHS. I started with losing a lot of inches, and have only recently in the last two months started to lose some more significant weight. My goal is set to eat 1400 calories per day, with exercising 4-5 days per week. I'm looking at this as a permanent change, not a quick fix at all. I'd rather lose slowly and keep it off, than do the rollercoaster up and down that I've done a handful of times in my adult life.
  • treehugginmom
    treehugginmom Posts: 18 Member
    Hi...I have to agree with most of the responses's really not in your body's best interest to lose as much weight as you've stated you would like to in the time you mentioned. If you actually did lose that much weight in that amount of time, it would more than likely be taken from your muscle tissue, as your body would be in starvation mode. This would leave you feeling exhausted and more than a little cranky. The chances of putting it all back on plus some are extremely high from this type of weight loss.

    Best to lose it a little more slowly, at a reasonable pace. There are plenty of things you can do from home...not sure what your workout level sounds like you are just starting can try Leslie Sansone...her videos will make you sweat but are mostly 30 minutes or less and fairly easy. If you want to work your way up to some kick-*ss fat burn...try Kelly Coffey Meyer's videos, you'll need dumbells and a mat for her workouts.
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    As to the friends moving dress sizes. Not everyone looses weight from the same areas. In the past I could do a severe reduction of calories for 3 days, eat what I wanted for 4, and loose 10 lbs. But it only worked for one week two max. And yes, my clothing looked better.

    Now I am actually trying to be fit. I have had some small but annoying injuries, and I want to prevent those, as well as loose some weight. For the first 3 weeks of me limiting calories and walking/running 3-5 miles a day I only lost 2 pounds, and no dress sizes. Now, about 5 weeks in, I have lost about 5 pounds. Some of my pants are not as tight in the thighs, but my middle is still about the same. I have gained muscle mass. Which is good - it will help me to burn calories. But I haven't altered my dress size yet. But it will come. But not the same as the starvation diets because I didn't have the muscle then, but did still probably have the fat.

    If you are working out, keep going! It sounds like you are doing great, and along with preventing injury when playing ultimate Frisbee or doing slack lining or other activities at college, you are also helping your immune system. My whole family got a nasty coughing crud cold, and usually I am the first to get these things. I didn't get it at all - even though I picked up and drank from sick people's cups by mistake. Nothing worse than trying to study for exams while suffering from a cold or flu. And, as you work out and gain muscle mass, your girlfriends (and guy friends) WILL notice - even if you are not "slim" muscle is sexy.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    In for interesting replies.

    Also :noway:

    LOL bascally this
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    To lose 40 pounds in 5 weeks, you'd need to lose 8 pounds a week. A pound of fat is worth 3500 calories. You'd need to more than a pound a day to drop so much weight, meaning you burn at LEAST 3500 calories a day. Now let's say you are like "yeah I can do that for 5 weeks, not eat and exercise". Let's also say your BMR is 2000 calories per day. This means you would need to burn 1500 calories in exercise in addition to eliminating food intake. This, is unrealistic and will result in either binge eating or illness.

    ^^ This. It is pure math, and the numbers just don't work out. Not to mention say you do succeed at this for a short period of time, there is no possible way to sustain it. The second you eat anything, you will gain the weight back and then some. Think of this as a lifestyle change, not a short term diet. Anything you do while you are losing weight you need to be able to maintain once you meet your goal weight, or you will continue to yo-yo diet. I say aim for 2 lbs a week max. Doing it the right way is not only way healthier, it is better for your body in the long run and will promote real and permanent weight loss. Not to mention if you do lose weight that fast, you will be losing not only body fat but lean body mass. You may be thin, but you will be what they call "skinny fat" and you will not be in shape.

    I say take the great advice offered to you on here and lose weight the healthy way, it may take longer, but you will be much happier with the results.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't think its possible. Maybe another 10-15. Whats the 5 week motivation?

    I'm going back to Uni and I want to look thinner and prettier.

    Here's something to consider:

    Even if you could lose the 40 in 5 weeks without amputation or liposuction, realize that not only would you feel like crap and possibly end up with some medical implications (not to mention the likelihood of you gaining all 40lbs back and maybe more) but that drastic weight loss would probably increase the chance of you losing a lot of muscle and ending up flabby with a lot of loose skin. of luck to you. :flowerforyou: