Who doesn't eat vegetables? What do you do instead?



  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I have never understood why an adult would not just suck it up and eat their vegetables. It seems like something you would have to force a child to do, not a grown up.

    Harsh, but true. Weight loss, fitness, this WHOLE website is about health. It goes without saying that fruits and veggies need to be included in your diet.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I'm so jealous. I ****ing love vegetables especially from this awesome market near my house but I live by myself and they all end up going bad. you people are nuts.

    eta: I still eat them but I can't buy like a whole eggplant, I would be eating it for a week straight. I can't wait for zucchini season to be over so I can actually buy a small zucchini. :love:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Zucchini Muffins and Pumpkin Bread.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have some, but I have never been one to actually enjoy eating them. Even as a kid I hated them and while I can eat some now, there are others I will not touch with a ten foot pole.
  • myprana
    I rarely eat vegetables. That's just how I grew up, so to me most vegetables are like a foreign food. Eating vegetables has never come up with my doctor. All my doctor cares is about the bloodwork results and they've always been really good, so I guess that's why what I eat never came up in conversation.

    I do want to learn how to prepare and cook vegetables. It's one of my current goals. Tried in the past, but it always turns out nasty. I'm heading to the library later to find a cook book on vegetables. If anyone has book suggestions, share away!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    He told me to stop being a baby and eat my vegetables.

    That's a sanitized version, he used profanity.

    Exactly all of this. I hated vegetables, didn't want to eat them. My doctor told me to grow up, be an adult and do what I needed to for my health...

    I tried TONS of different veggies in different ways and found the ones I liked and the way I liked them cooked.
  • denisegunnels
    denisegunnels Posts: 43 Member
    I'm really curious about why people would choose not to eat veggies at all.

    BECAUSE THEY TASTE YUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hate most veggies although I eat way more now than ever in the past. My mother pushed and pushed veggies on us.Everything except spinach. Strangely enough that's one of the few veggies I like. I wish I loved salads then I probably wouldn't be on this web site. No way I'm cooking cauliflower, it stinks to high heaven. Who eats something that smells like that? :sick:

    I try to eat spinach salads as much as possible and get other veggies in when I can.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have never understood why an adult would not just suck it up and eat their vegetables. It seems like something you would have to force a child to do, not a grown up.

    They are disgusting to some people. We don't all have the same preferences, and we don't all taste things the same way. Believe me, we WANT to be able to think they taste alright. Life would be so much easier. People who are especially sensitive to bitter flavors tend to especially dislike most vegetables.

    That said, I'll try to disguise the flavor of mine with fats. I put broccoli in casseroles, celery in tuna salad (the miracle whip and tuna taste help a lot), cooked carrots in stew and curries, etc.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Some time, I would like to take the bunch of you to a good Indian vegetarian restaurant. This usually converts a lot of veggie phobes.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    vegetables are stoopid!

    i hate them! :angry:

  • KT193
    KT193 Posts: 33 Member
    This made me laugh! My mum is like that, doesn't eat a single veg. I love vegetables but I am a bit OCD about germs and it freaks me out when I find any bugs on veg. Bought a broccoli the other day and there was a green caterpillar on it :sick: , had to chuck the whole thing in the bin :grumble:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Hide them in sauces

    Puree them into soups

    Chop them up and put them into everything

    Mushrooms taste mostly like whatever you cook them in.

    saute them with olive oil

    I love to make Chinese food with extra veggies.

    Wrap them in bacon

    Put them in eggs with lots of cheese
  • iheartbiology
    iheartbiology Posts: 104 Member
    He told me to stop being a baby and eat my vegetables.

    You've got a good doctor!
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    If you don't eat vegetables, how do you poop? NEVER MIND FORGET I ASKED
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Wow, you all need to learn how to cook .. lol! Prepared the right way, i.e. not boiled or microwaved to death, or from a can, they can be quite delicious ...

    Cauliflower Gratin
    Maple (or Honey, or a combo) Glazed Carrots (also beets)
    Stir fry veggies sautéed in bacon drippings
    Broccoli w/ cheddar
    Roasted butternut squash w/ crushed red pepper flake and paprika
    Caramelized onions (flambéed w/ bourbon)
    Brussels sprouts and onions w/ bacon and butter ...

    The list is ENDLESS! (I'm a foodie ... can't you tell? ... lol)

    Seriously, my ex HATED veggies (as did his dad) ... He NEVER turned down a veggie I prepared ... except zucchini, he didn't like the texture ... and his dad, who was IMO, the pickiest eater EVER, ALWAYS ate the veggie side dishes I would bring over ... And he was the type of guy that would tell you straight to your face if something sucked, wasn't one to beat around the bush or mince words ... My ex's mom was dumbfounded that her husband and sons were actually eating vegetables, it was hilarious ...

    this....how can people NOT eat veggies ever... and just eating potatos does not count lol

    Some of us just didn't grow up eating them! It can't be THAT hard to understand, can it? Anyway, I grew up in a meat and potatoes kind of family where corn MIGHT have graced the plate every once in a while. But thankfully, I have a husband that knows how to cook vegetables in a way that gets me to eat them. To be honest, I forced myself to start eating vegetables because when we first started dating, he pretty much said that was a dealbreaker for him. (He LOVES vegetables.)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I rarely eat vegetables. I focus on getting 30% protein and take a high-quality supplement.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Some time, I would like to take the bunch of you to a good Indian vegetarian restaurant. This usually converts a lot of veggie phobes.

    Excuse me while I shudder at the thought of going to eat Indian food...
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I guess I'm lucky. I've always loved vegetables.. as long as they're not over cooked. I eat them 2 or more times a day, happily.
  • jwatt57
    jwatt57 Posts: 1 Member
    You can put Barley Green or Cocoa Greens in a smoothie. This is high grade Green nutrition! You can also take vegetable supplements. Think outside the box! Drink your greens!