
Hi Everyone! :) My name is Gary.. People call me BigCountry at work. Not sure if that's cause I'm from a small Southern California Family Ranch of 20 acres with Black Angus cattle? or The fact I weigh 305Lbs at 5' 11" BMI 42.5 age 48 LOL Anyway's as I near 50 after having 6 TIA's & 1 CHF over 3 yr span....... I guess it's time to make some changes!!! Sooo that's why I'm here to make that mid-life change and get my life back to a happy healthy me. Nice to meet y'all...This is my Adventure into a new life.. Let's do THIS!!!

305 Lbs
5' 11" Height
48 Age
42.5 BMI
185 Lbs
6 Months
1,000 Cal per day
2hr7mile walk daily
Quite smoking, chewing,drinking,fast food
start date 8/24/2020
end date 4/20/2021
day before B-Day 49

I'm Gary and this is my Story!!


  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Welcome....are you planning on eating only 1000 calories a day? You might want to also give yourself more time that's a pretty big goal for 6 months. Maybe set some smaller more attainable goals. Good luck
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited August 2020
    The minimum a sedentary male should be eating is 1500 calories a day. If you are going to only eat 1,000 calories a day. You need to be closely monitored by a doctor.

    Your 6 month goal of 20 lbs a month isn't realistic, or healthy.

    Set your weight loss goal at 2 lbs a week. Set your activity level before any added exercise. Log your food and any exercise. Eat back your exercise calories.
  • Spam2000times
    Spam2000times Posts: 241 Member
    edited August 2020
    Welcome, Gary. That is a big goal in such a short period of time. First, I don’t recommend eating less less than what was recommended by MFP for the stats & goals that you input. Second, going by the medical problems that you mentioned here, it would be a good idea to speak to your doctor before starting a new diet.
    Best wishes.
  • DDino22
    DDino22 Posts: 9 Member
    Gary, I applaud your dedication to this new journey you're on. However I fear this may not be the healthiest route, nor a sustainable one. I'm on my own 100+ lb weight loss journey and I couldn't fathom trying to complete it in 6 months. I even quit chewing and cut back on drinking like you plan to. Its not easy, trust me. This will be tough one, but like they say "learn to walk before you run". You're thinking very big picture from the start. Winning the war requires winning multiple, smaller battles. Don't try for a set number of calories per day, try for a deficit amount instead. 1000 calorie deficit is easier than only eating 1000 calories. Deficits can be obtained by increasing exercising and daily energy expenditure. -1000 a day is still -7000 a week for 2 lbs a week; a healthy way to start. To reach your goal you would need a 2500 calorie deficit PER DAY. The likelihood of you injuring or harming yourself is astronomical. Go speak with a doctor if this is truly your goal, they will need to make sure you're at least getting the required micro-nutrients; as well as not over-taxing your body.

    I suggest joining us over at the Larger Loser's group to find the best and healthiest way to continue on your journey. It doesn't matter how strong you start if you never finish the race.


    Be safe, be strong. Wishing you all the best.