Why are you fat?

Today I had a weigh in,and it was an awakening moment. I have been in the 165s for as long as I can remember,and today I was 158. So I thought to myself how I let myself go from a size 2 to 10 in 3 months and remain that for so long. So my answer to the question is
I love food it comforts me
It's my friend and it makes me less stressed.
So what's your reason?
Feel free to share it helps to reflect
Keep on keeping on


  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    I was fat because I didn't understand nutrition and how exercise and proper food would affect my body! I LOVE food so that's another reason. And alcohol :drinker: :happy:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Because I love eating food and am still pretty uneducated about proper nutrition. :/
  • liny13
    liny13 Posts: 3
    My reason is also quite simple. When I was in high school I had PE 10h a week and I ate food that was very high in calories just to keep up my energy levels. Once I started university I really had no time to keep up the same pace with sports, but I didn't adjust my diet. So, the weight came on.
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    The primary reason: I didn't eat beef for over 10 years. I became anemic when I had my son. I couldn't digest iron pills, so my doctor recommended that I bring beef back into my diet. Plant based foods weren't getting the numbers to the levels she wanted. Long story short, ten years of no Big Macs, Taco Bell, Arby's...and voila. Within a couple of months they knew my car and what I wanted at these places!!!. So, I gained weight and a couple of kidney stones because of FAST FOOD. Don't get me wrong, I've always had a sweet tooth and I would eat at these places occasionally, but with the menu wide open and available to me with the beef, it became an addiction. Now I want fries!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    I used food as my drug of choice to comfort myself and fill a void instead of drumming up the courage to face my fears.
  • mytabouly
    mytabouly Posts: 66 Member
    While I'm not really considered "fat", I gained weight for a few reasons... Stress at work, boredom, hormonal fluctuations, sedentary lifestyle... I never want to go back to that ever again!
  • SuperHero_Girl
    SuperHero_Girl Posts: 72 Member
    I'm fat for a few different reasons:
    -Poor eating habits, not just eating too much of the wrong things, but also not eating enough, or at all, some days and it really screwed with and slowed my metabolism.
    -I have emetophobia, or fear of vomiting, so sometimes I actually fear eating lest it cause me to vomit.
    -Increasingly sedentary lifestyle, job after job sitting at a desk - now I stand up for 8-10 hours and move around as part of my job.
    -Numerous attempts at weight loss through various fad diets, from the time I was in 6th grade to a couple of years ago.
    -Getting discouraged by plateaus and quitting, which led to gaining back any loss I had and extra.
    -Love of food and obesity runs in my family.
  • Girlrose
    Girlrose Posts: 127 Member
    I was a "bad" vegetarian. My diet was processed snack foods like Cheez-its, pizza, bread with butter, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, etc. I probably ate 2000 calories/day minimum while having a VERY sedentary lifestyle.

    Now, I'm not fat anymore. I eat lots of much healthier food and I work out. :happy:
  • 10BlueDoves
    10BlueDoves Posts: 33 Member
    My reason is also quite simple. When I was in high school I had PE 10h a week and I ate food that was very high in calories just to keep up my energy levels. Once I started university I really had no time to keep up the same pace with sports, but I didn't adjust my diet. So, the weight came on.

    Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too. I was extremely athletic in HS, always tiny, never needed to worry about what I ate. My nick-name was even skinny-mini. Then I went to college... Then I had a few kids, one with special needs and I made the unexpected decision to become a stay at home mom, I think I then turned to food all day because eating was about the only thing I could ever do that was solely for me. I have improved these last few months, but on bad days with my son I still have a really, REALLY hard time not forgetting the day in a bowl of ice cream with a giant portion of soda...
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Clinical depression is an *kitten*, that's why.

    But I'm not that fat anymore, so that's good. Yay psychotherapy!
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Lack of self discipline, love of food, lack of self control, constantly giving in to instant gratification, all or nothing mentality, over using food for entertainment. In short I thoroughly enjoy entertaining myself with calorie dense yummy foods but lacked the self control to set limits on this. I'm working on this though. :smile:
  • Mindfreak1999
    I use to eat between meals, never exercise, always made excuses why I was so over weight. Then one day I got a reality check. Enough is enough. :smile:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    cos I eat too much
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Too much food. I'm still not sure why or how other people are seemingly able to self moderate without much fuss but if I attempt that laissez faire attitude towards my food intake, I would almost certainly put on weight.
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    I love to cook and that was always one of my big problems. I would feel obligated to eat whatever I made. Before I knew it I was 60 lbs over weight. It comes down to choices and moderation. Is the temporary comfort and satisfaction worth the long term consequences? I for one,am much happier now that I am practicing moderation.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Munchies. Beer. Comfy couch.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stopped exercising regularly but continued to eat as if I was.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    i was fat because my mom almost died, and i ate my feelings when she was in the hospital...then spent the next year eating my feelings as i moved across the country, as i got seriously injured in an accident, etc...80 lbs later...woah.

    i didnt know how to deal with stress without involving food. now i pump iron, heavy lifting, and thats how i deal.