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Why are you fat?



  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Cuz i ate too much ALL the time!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    -Because growing up I was a fat kid and food made me happy whenever someone hurt my feelings
    -Because I never made great food choices
    -Because I was a fat teen who ate constantly to keep negative feelings at bay and who ate all types of bad foods because I was always bored and had no other outlets (stupid cycle, right? Still, it happened)
    -Because I grew into a less-than-confident adult who by this time had this terrible, 'I'm gonna be fat forever so why bother exercising now? I've been fat my whole life and that's all I'll ever be' mindset.,,,,,,,Yeeeep. That be me back in the way back when.
  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    Strangely enough, my mother is a dietician, so I understand everything that goes in my mouth and what it will do to and for my body, and I'm thankful for that.

    I'm overweight because I simply eat too much "good" food. I can't remember the last time I visited a fast food restaurant, and frankly the stuff makes a shiver run up my spine, so I'm just filled with much too much unprocessed food lol

    Hint: Peanut butter and artisan/multi grain/whole grain/sunflower/exotic breads are my downfall.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I ate too much and exercised to little. That's the short story!
  • I've always been overweight... turns out I have hypothyroidism. I also was brought up that you eat everything on your plate and if offered food it is rude to turn it down... then I started learning to cook from various regions around the world and I damaged my body too much in the military to the point that I can't run or jog without getting re-injured... I don't always have access to a bike or a pool or a gym with elyptical... so cardio went out the window... until I got up to 275 lbs and changed doctors that finally found the issue with hypothyroidism and with medication and watching what I am eating, I've been loosing weight. Super fun.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    I am fat because I love to eat. I love to smell it, the chewing and munching, the textures and flavors of food.

    I used food to combat boredom. I used food as a reward. I used food to calm my emotions. I used food to celebrate.

    I am a user and food is my drug of choice. Food seems to be what I look forward to the most. But now, I am trying to reverse all those thought processes. It is very difficult.
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    Why am I fat? Because my calories in were more than my calories out.

    Like this.

    Is the most common reason i quess. (if your not ill)
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Since I got pregnant I never went back to the gym...at some point I thought I was ready to exercise and got pregnant again...Im planning to get preggy again but this time with exercise and healthy eating.
  • Ate too much (a lot of junk... especially chocolate) and didn't move enough. The reasons for that are anxiety (no motivation, bad sleep hygiene = tiredness etc) and I play a lot of games (= sitting on my butt for long periods of time stuffing my face with, you guessed it, junk). :laugh:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I was fat because it was convenient.
  • JefferyArnold
    JefferyArnold Posts: 1,479 Member
    I am fat for simple reasons, and a complex reason.

    The simple:
    - I REALLY enjoy eating food's that are no good for me.
    - Food was and is my comfort when I have been down and has been my reward when I am on an up.
    - I was not exercising more than a slow-stroll at work for may 15 minutes total a day.
    - I sit at a desk all day and drive wherever I go, regardless of distance.

    The complex:
    - I use to be fit; martial arts, weightlifting, cardio, construction work... I was a machine with amazing endurance from all the Martial Arts training and was preparing to compete in tournament and MMA... THEN...

    I ended up blowing out my neck (2 herniated discs 5 bulging discs). I was forced (DRs orders) to take a year off from all of my physical activities and was told I could not even ride my motorcycle as I could end up paralyzed from hitting something (e.g. pothole) incorrectly and jolting my spine...

    I am fat because even after that, and healing (without surgery), I was just too afraid to go through that physical and emotional pain again. Exercise in my mind meant I may harm my neck again.... So, I ate my deep fired delicious foods and just stopped caring about my weight.

    I am in the process of trying to make myself healthy once again and know that it will be a long road, but now I know that I shouldn't fear physical activity, but that I should listen to what my body tells me and not push it beyond a reasonable comfort zone, especially related to my neck.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I had always been, so I just didn't care and didn't know what being "normal BMI" felt like. I had finally accepted my size, knowing that I didn't care enough to either curb my love of food, or start moving more. Then my dad told me he had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Type 2 diabetes.

    Went to get my blood tested @ 258 pounds, and my thyroid was off, and thankfully my blood sugar wasn't too bad. Once my hormones were better, I finally felt the kick to lose.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i have always been around 115-120, 5;4". my last job i was a case manager, which was hella stressful and i really hated the job, did that about 2 years from january 2010-2012. i was drinking daily after work as well as on the weekends, making flavored rum mixed drinks with strawberry banana pineapple juice. sooooo good, but a few of those a day, that was prolly over 1000 calories in itself. i got to my heighest weight which was 127, still healthy weight for my height but on my body, my face was getting chubby my arms were bigger and a size 5/7 was starting to get snug. no bueno. i am now maintaining around 106-108 depending on the day, and i really don't drink anymore
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Lack of self discipline, love of food, lack of self control, constantly giving in to instant gratification, all or nothing mentality, over using food for entertainment. In short I thoroughly enjoy entertaining myself with calorie dense yummy foods but lacked the self control to set limits on this. I'm working on this though. :smile:

    This. All of this. :smile:

    Me too. Nothing more complicated and deep than that - yummy food is yummy and I ate too much of it.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Because I'm really freakin' lazy. I'm a freelance graphic designer, I literally lie in bed all day while I work from my laptop.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
  • I put on the weight after knee #1, when the dr at the time kept me on pt for 6 months...6 months!?! and very little exercise. I've since had 2 more knee surgeries but different dr and pt time MUCH less. However, knee surgery has led to sore knee and a much slowed down exercise time. I recently joined the hospital's wellness connection and getting back in shape slowly, so we'll see how it goes!
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    A myriad of reasons:
    - desk job for 20 years
    - marriage to someone who can eat anything and everything and stays slim .... 'if he can, I can too'
    - unconscious eating (particularly while reading or watching tv)

    Bad habits including:
    - lazy cooking
    - tv watching
    - preferring junk over real food
    - no exercise
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Stopped walking to work
    Stopped lifting weights
    Sedentary and extremely stressful job
    Slow metabolism/thyroid issues

    After struggling so hard to lose weight last year - losing a lot of it the right way in 9 months (but still with 30 pounds to go) - then gaining it all back in a couple weeks, I felt defeated and stopped trying. I switched to maintenance at a heavy weight, watched what I ate but didn't bother working out anymore. Because why bother when it can be undone so quickly? Then an accidental pregnancy, followed by the heartbreaking news that I had lost it made me realize I really do want a family, so I better get my act together so my body can handle it.
  • I grew up in a "eat all of your food," family that LOVED eating a LOT of food. We would eat at a buffet at least once a week when I was younger. When I was a kid I had the metabolism for it, I was a skinny kid, so eating what I want when I wanted it became the norm. There was no self control taught or practiced. I was also an artsy kid and was never that physically active.

    Many years later I never became that active, though in my early 20s I did start working out a little. I still ate whatever I wanted though.

    Come along pregnancy where I gave into any and all cravings then a divorce/relationship issues when my kid was still a baby = lots of emotional eating.

    I am just lucky that I still have some of those kid genes so while I gained weight, it wasn't extreme amounts. I'm also in the military so I have job enforced weight limits, though I danced around the edge of that for a few years.

    Now, I'm past my divorce and that stress and taking control of myself. Mind you, I still love some tastey things and indluge in spurts. But, I'm not completely out of control anymore. I'm also teaching my kid food control and I never make him eat everything (just try it though if he's hungry enough for treats he can eat healthy food) so that when he gets older he will hopefully be healthier than I was. He'll probably be one of those, "eat anything and never gain weight," types though, his dad is.
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    Fooooooooood. Tasty, tasty foooooooooood!

    nom nom nom
  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    Several reasons.

    - No self control. Sadly this is my whole family and a learned behavior; my mom just recently (last few years) got the hang of it thanks to MFP. Sorry Mom, in case you read this. I'm being honest. However she's a huge inspiration to me after losing 120+ lbs..
    -Hating gym class and not continuing the exercise after HS.
    -PCOS: Causes and is partially caused by belly fat. Whee.
    - Kidney stones. Yeah, I balooned up 75 pounds after I started getting these pretty bad. And by balooned I mean within 4 months. It SUCKED and I didn't have health insurance to treat them.
    - This one right here, is rough for me to admit. For a while I wanted to well... destroy myself is a bad term. But I wanted to be big and in my eyes uglier than I was so that nobody would want me and in turn hurt me. This was in part to being bullied most of my life. I had some issues, but I got better about them.
    -No clue how to take care of myself or my body. Loved sugar and crap food way too much. Still do, but now it's moderation if at all.
    - And finally, Post Partum Depression! Joy. I didn't care for about a year and a half and went from about 240 to where I am now.
  • If I had to name a food... easy...

    Dr. Pepper
    Taco Bell


    I have gone to Taco Bell, ordered 800+ calories worth of food and toppd it witha 300 calorie Starbucks beverage. I still do SB, but I don't get full sugar stuff anymore and Taco Bell doesnt' taste good to me anymore. I still have a rum and Dr. Pepper sometimes though. Yay for Dr. Pepper 10!
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    Absolutely no self control in the evenings. I would eat 3 healthy meals and 2 snacks, during the day, and then at 8pm, I would eat a pound of pretzels, animal crackers, or a loaf of bread. Still trying to get the evening binge eating back in control!
  • FaitheSoler
    FaitheSoler Posts: 107 Member
    I was fat b/c growing up we were never told no to food.
    I was a very active child/teen never gained weight stayed 100 until I had my first child at the age 19.
    Lost weight after her due to I was still active some what.
    I moved to Las Vegas at 20 and so many cheap buffet at casinos.. Yep weight started Had my son and was stupid and no protected got preggo again in a year. Got depress and ate my heart out. WHY cause I love food..... Had my youngest 2 years later no one told me patch does not work 99% if you are over weight.

    So after 4 kids and moved back to OKlahoma after my daughter was diagnose with type 1 diabetes. I saw her counting carbs and being so strong and brave. I decided it was time for me to live longer and to do that I had to change my ways. Never going to be fat again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Whatever I ate it was always in huge amounts. Gotta love those 'All You Can Eat' buffets, yeah? lol
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I ate fast food every single day. Seriously. Lunch and dinner, and when I got up early enough for breakfast, it was fast food, too. McDonald's or Whataburger. Until late last month, I didn't cook. I started cooking to control the sodium and calories. I can make my own pizza, burgers, and fries, for a lot less calories and sodium than fast food places use. I don't eat this all of the time, but still.

    Also, I'm gonna blame my mom, who was an enabler. She used to allow me to drink LITERS of soda a day and eat other crap that SHE purchased. She used to go to the Hostess bakery and buy tons of cakes and pastries. Meanwhile, she was skinny.

    Oh, and sugar. I used to drink a lot of soda, then stopped and started drinking McDonald's sweet tea about 1 yr ago. Stupid. Thank gawd they started to annoy me with not always serving fresh tea, bc I started using the coffee/tea maker at work and used fake sugar instead. Then, I stopped drinking tea, and started drinking sugar-free water flavoring. Now, it's just straight water.
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    I WAS fat because to put it quite simply, I loved food and hated exercise and being active. Takeaways were more appealing than salads, sugary tea was more appealing than green tea, sitting on the Internet all day was more appealing than going for a walk or a run or doing some lifting. I would eat for the sake of it even if I wasn't particularly hungry. Eating would kill boredom, anxiety, anger - everything. I also didn't pay attention to calories/nutritional values/portion sizes/servings before I started losing weight. I would just look in the cupboard or fridge, pluck something out and eat it regardless. Some of the things I was eating just for me would actually be 2/3/4+ servings. Now that I have started reading food labels and calorie counting, I realise just how many calories I must have been consuming before I started losing weight which inevitably paired with a lazy lifestyle lead to my weight gain and me being fat. I'm still not skinny by any means but I would no longer describe myself as 'fat' because I decided to make massive changes to my lifestyle and it's showing! :)
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