Biggest Fear



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Death while being alone, not as in death with someone, as in dying with no one who will remember who i was, being forgotten and not having left my mark.

    ^ and that my friends, is human conditioning.

    you are told from birth you need to be someone, you need to do something...

    no, no you don't. just be you, be happy and get on with your life - you don't have to prove anything to anyone, or leave a "mark"
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    That this will happen to my kid(s).

  • HLSalter
    HLSalter Posts: 260
    I'm a huge scaredy cat but the thing that terrifies me the most is birds.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Death while being alone, not as in death with someone, as in dying with no one who will remember who i was, being forgotten and not having left my mark.

    ^ and that my friends, is human conditioning.

    you are told from birth you need to be someone, you need to do something...

    no, no you don't. just be you, be happy and get on with your life - you don't have to prove anything to anyone, or leave a "mark"

    Do you consider fear of being alone human conditioning? As in being isolated from other people, being lonely?
  • SergeantG
    Oh yeah....I also have an irrational fear of quick sand....

    Haven't thought about it in awhile (thank you very much for bringing up the fear issue so that I can now stress about it again :smile: )
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Death while being alone, not as in death with someone, as in dying with no one who will remember who i was, being forgotten and not having left my mark.

    ^ and that my friends, is human conditioning.

    you are told from birth you need to be someone, you need to do something...

    no, no you don't. just be you, be happy and get on with your life - you don't have to prove anything to anyone, or leave a "mark"

    Do you consider fear of being alone human conditioning? As in being isolated from other people, being lonely?

    Well, not that I have a problem with relationships, or wanting to spend time with people - but let's be honest - we don't NEED to be around people and we shouldn't have to be "lonely".

    Besides he was talking about dying and being remembered.
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Looking at a mirror in a dark room..
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Death while being alone, not as in death with someone, as in dying with no one who will remember who i was, being forgotten and not having left my mark.

    ^ and that my friends, is human conditioning.

    you are told from birth you need to be someone, you need to do something...

    no, no you don't. just be you, be happy and get on with your life - you don't have to prove anything to anyone, or leave a "mark"

    Do you consider fear of being alone human conditioning? As in being isolated from other people, being lonely?

    Well, not that I have a problem with relationships, or wanting to spend time with people - but let's be honest - we don't NEED to be around people and we shouldn't have to be "lonely".

    Besides he was talking about dying and being remembered.

    Right, I was just curious about your opinion on the fear of being alone. You pose very interesting views.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Looking at a mirror in a dark room..

    That gives me the creeps as well.
  • mikesavvy
    mikesavvy Posts: 108
    Humans are social creatures, its not conditioning, People who are alone pursue selfish desires.

    The day you can completely isolate yourself and be sane, then you can refer to human conditioning.

    I am scared to not achieve my full potential, how many people in this world strive to be the best? If it was instilled in most of us when we were young, this world would be different.

    Being the best and leaving your mark. Not many people try to accomplish that.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    It's only the past 2-3 years I've had these views.

    I opened my mind to the possibility that things weren't how they seemed, and as human beings we are told what to do and how to live our lives, and we obey without any question.

    I now question everything, every single thing I do.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I don't want to die in a nursing home. I want to live to a ripe old age and be active and moving until the very end. I saw my dad wither away in a nursing home, and dear God, no. Just no. It's the main reason I'm on MFP.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Humans are social creatures, its not conditioning, People who are alone pursue selfish desires.

    The day you can completely isolate yourself and be sane, then you can refer to human conditioning.

    I am scared to not achieve my full potential, how many people in this world strive to be the best? If it was instilled in most of us when we were young, this world would be different.

    Being the best and leaving your mark. Not many people try to accomplish that.

    But you've said it yourself, you're going to die. It doesn't matter whether you achieve full potential or not.

    Don't get me wrong, I strive to be the best at what I do (lifting) I want to improve all the time, but I'm not scared of it, ultimately it won't effect my outlook on anything, because I've accepted death, something people struggle to deal with. This world would be different if people weren't obsessed with a fake society and a fake currency (money) - money doesn't even exist, it is made up - yet it controls the ENTIRE world and peoples emotions, don't even get me started on what would make the world different :D
  • tinavflynn
    tinavflynn Posts: 80 Member
    Scary dead girls...think "The Ring", "The Grudge", or any other movie of that variety.

    I always have this fear that I'll be sleeping at night, and I'll wake up and one will just be standing there watching me.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Humans are social creatures, its not conditioning, People who are alone pursue selfish desires.

    The day you can completely isolate yourself and be sane, then you can refer to human conditioning.

    I am scared to not achieve my full potential, how many people in this world strive to be the best? If it was instilled in most of us when we were young, this world would be different.

    Being the best and leaving your mark. Not many people try to accomplish that.

    I also see your point of view. It's interesting what different people think about. And you and Ritchie definitely have some different perspectives.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    I don't want to die in a nursing home. I want to live to a ripe old age and be active and moving until the very end. I saw my dad wither away in a nursing home, and dear God, no. Just no. It's the main reason I'm on MFP.

    I'm very sorry you had to witness that. I hope that the experience only made you stronger.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    spiders.... *kitten* spiders - I'm like ron weasley in this b*tch
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    Humans are social creatures, its not conditioning, People who are alone pursue selfish desires.

    When I am alone, sometimes I do pursue a selfish desire....I'm just saying..:blushing:
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Humans are social creatures, its not conditioning, People who are alone pursue selfish desires.

    The day you can completely isolate yourself and be sane, then you can refer to human conditioning.

    I am scared to not achieve my full potential, how many people in this world strive to be the best? If it was instilled in most of us when we were young, this world would be different.

    Being the best and leaving your mark. Not many people try to accomplish that.

    But you've said it yourself, you're going to die. It doesn't matter whether you achieve full potential or not.

    Don't get me wrong, I strive to be the best at what I do (lifting) I want to improve all the time, but I'm not scared of it, ultimately it won't effect my outlook on anything, because I've accepted death, something people struggle to deal with. This world would be different if people weren't obsessed with a fake society and a fake currency (money) - money doesn't even exist, it is made up - yet it controls the ENTIRE world and peoples emotions, don't even get me started on what would make the world different :D

    Perhaps some people require more reassurance of their accomplishments than others? May be for some it's not enough to know themselves that they have lived to the fullest. But I guess that goes along with how we are raised and what society perceives as good enough?
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    Humans are social creatures, its not conditioning, People who are alone pursue selfish desires.

    When I am alone, sometimes I do pursue a selfish desire....I'm just saying..:blushing:

    LOL don't we all ;)