300g a WEEK!!!



  • 0Leena0
    0Leena0 Posts: 61 Member
    I had to convert to inches/pounds because I'm not familiar with cm/kg. Approximately 5'4", 165 pounds, female, 27. Goal weight of 55 kg would be 121 pounds.

    A few thoughts... You don't need a final answer on 'goal weight' right now. You won't know until you get closer what you'll feel like at that #. But I'm not going to say that 55 kg is unreasonable.

    What you know for certain: you are not happy with your body, weight now. You are taking steps to change that. That is a great start! You are losing weight but are not happy with the rate of loss. You could possibly improve that, for a while at least. As you get smaller, your body uses less energy so ultimately it is common for your deficit and rate of loss to slow as you get closer to goal.

    With 30-40 pounds yet to lose, losing more than .5 pounds per week is not unrealistic. How accurate is your logging? Things you can do to improve your logging accuracy:
    • use a food scale for all solid food, and weigh in grams
    • use cups/spoons only for liquids
    • log condiments, cooking oils, beverages
    • avoid bites/licks/tastes when you are cooking - they add up
    • be careful that the entries you select in the database are accurate - entries are user created, and can contain errors
    • try to be in control over making/prepping your own food so you can know what goes in to it; there is nothing 'wrong' with eating food made by friends, family, restaurants - but the more often you do, the more you must estimate in your food log and estimating leads to errors
    • create your own recipes in the MFP database, instead of using existing entries that sound similar - you can't know how an existing item compares to what you make in terms of nutrients, macros, or calories
    • do give yourself permission to eat additional calories earned from exercise, but be careful not to over-estimate the amount you burn *This is a tricky area*

    For comparison I am a little taller at 5'5" and now at 137. My goal is around 130. I've been in the upper 120's and maintained there for a while. I walk and/or run (mostly walking, with a goal to increase the running gradually) 60 minutes daily in addition to light daily activity due to desk job. I do some very light (working on it!) strength training. My estimated total daily burn is 1900-2000. I'm eating 1400-1700, with at least 100g protein daily. I'm losing at the rate of 3-4 pounds most months. I am older at 45 by the way.

    Do work on being kind to yourself. This is a journey, not a destination. If you choose to eat differently/more for a day or two that is not the end of the world. If you do the math: when you choose to eat an extra 1000 calories then that is the equivalent of .28 pounds or .12 kg. Eating extra would thus 'delay' the overall process by a small amount of time. Meaning you may delay reaching goal by a number of days. You have a whole life to live so is that really a big deal?

    When you get closer to your goal, you can fine tune what is a priority to you. Just don't give up the process of getting healthier and improving your overall fitness. If you end up at 125 pounds and are happy with your body or 135 and still see things you want to change: is either outcome bad? I don't think so.

    Hi, thanks for your comment, Can i know how do u calculate how many calories you have burnt?!
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    I use a Fitbit to estimate my total daily calories burned. Over the years, its data has seemed pretty reliable for me.