November 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    edited November 2020

    @Teresa502 and @skippygirlsmom Where is the girl from in TN? I haven't been listening to the news lately, so missed it if it was on there. That's awesome. So glad it was sanctioned, so holds up.

    She goes to Science Hill High School in Johnson City. The article in Sunday's paper states she ran it in 15:58:42 - still impressive either way!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Congrats on your PR!! Blazing fast!

    I am not great at running downhill. I don't run many hills period just because it's flat here. On the rare occasion when I do, I always feel like I'm on the verge of losing control. I'm sure there's some technique there that I just don't know.

    @Camaramandy648 Great job on your 10k PR! Like @Scott6255 said, gunshots in earshot around a trail in my area could be from any number of gun ranges.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @skippygirlsmom and @Teresa502 I was wondering if that was where she went to school. They seem to have some really good athletes there. She is amazing and sounds really humble and sweet. I'm so happy for her.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Hahahaha @quilteryoyo nope, I didn't get lost too bad, just the car did. :)

    @Teresa502 @Scott6255 @skippygirlsmom @katharmonic @martaindale and everybody else - thank you for your support and kind words! It actually means more than you know - I couldn't tell anybody about it except the kids' dad and had to take so many precautions, etc. It's the things we do when nobody is looking that really count though.

    Turns out today is not a rest day - I should have been up and running at 4. HA! Yeah right! I was driving allll day yesterday!

    I'll get the run in this evening. Meh.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member
    Happy 50th @AlphaHowls

    Way to go! @mybumwobbles Sometimes it's surprising what we are capable of!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »

    @Teresa502 and @skippygirlsmom Where is the girl from in TN? I haven't been listening to the news lately, so missed it if it was on there. That's awesome. So glad it was sanctioned, so holds up.

    She goes to Science Hill High School in Johnson City. The article in Sunday's paper states she ran it in 15:58:42 - still impressive either way!

    @Teresa502 that was a typo on my part, I knew it was 15:58, I actually had to go back and look at what I typed. LOL So many boys running under 15 that 14 was on my mind. Very impressive
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @AlphaHowls You are amazing. How long do you plan on keeping up the HM streak?

    Congratulations @mybumwobbles ! That's a great accomplishment!

    @jensey602xx Welcome.

    @Avidkeo That looks like a great place for a bike ride. Lots of cows to cheer you on! Glad you are pain free and looking forward to hearing about your adventures with Hal.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    That's great that you got a 10K PR @Camaramandy648! Those were really tough conditions to do that in. If you were in Irving and heard a gun range nearby, that narrows it down to about a dozen :D

    Ha, I was trying to think if we run trails anywhere there isn’t a gun range nearby. I don’t think there’s one near Stanky Creek. But there is at Shelby Farms and WC Johnson and the Greenline and the Greenway.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @Camaramandy648 Great race! It’s awesome that you were able to go someplace new and exciting.
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,933 Member
    @AlphaHowls You are amazing. How long do you plan on keeping up the HM streak?

    *bursts into song* "One day at a Time"
    One Day at a Time
    Lynda Randle
    One day at a time, sweet Jesus
    Thats all I'm asking of You
    Just give me the strength to do everyday
    What I have to do
    Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine
    Help me today
    Show me the way
    One day at a time
    I'm only human
    I'm just a woman
    Help me believe in what I could be
    And all that I am
    Oh, show me the stairway
    That I have to climb
    Lord, for my sake, teach me to take
    One day at a time
    One day at a time, sweet Jesus
    That's all I'm asking of You
    Just give me the strength to do everyday
    What I have to do
    Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine
    Help me today
    Show me the way
    One day at a time
    Oh, do you remember
    When You walked among men
    Well, Jesus, You know
    If You're looking below
    That it's worse now than then
    Oh, there's pushing and shoving
    And it's crowding my mind
    So, Lord, for my sake
    Teach me to take
    One day at a time
    One day at a time, sweet Jesus
    That's all I'm asking of You
    Just give me the strength to do everyday
    What I have to do
    Oh, yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine
    Help me today
    Show me the way
    One day at a time
    Lord, help me today
    Show me the way
    One day at a time
    One day at a time
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Beautiful photos @RunsOnEspresso !

    10k on the Greenline today. Usually Monday is our trails day, Tuesday is lifting, and Wednesday is our long run Greenline day, but we are taking Wednesday as a rest day and and planning to race hard Thanksgiving morning. That would put our next run on the holiday weekend when probably a ton of people will be on the Greenline, so we are planning to go out to the far side of the Wolf River where no one goes and do trails then.

    Planned an easy run but the weather was nippy and just didn’t want to run easy, more like a tempo run. Ended up with a 1:03:58 Strava 10k pr, which is like 6 minutes slower than my real pr but faster than I have been in a while! Strava freaked out and drew a straight line across a mile of my cool down walk, fortunately the glitch happened after we stopped running.

    Saw the same hawk I took a picture of once before, on the exact same pole. It swooped down, caught a mouse and ate it as we went by.

    A dude in some sort of work vehicle honked his massive air horn at me and made me leap clean out of my skin!