Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 131



  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    JGM10D Round 131

    Looking forward:
    You are not stuck at home
    You are SAFE at home
    One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️

    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    November focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale
    2020 Focus:
    • Stabilise weight under 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Working on it. Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2020
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 131

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: <150
    🔹13 Sept 2020: 152.2
    🔹31 Oct 2020: 146.6
    🔹LW: 146.0 (Oct 2020)

    🔹Focus: maintenance around 150 lbs
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 130 EW: 146.7
    Round 131 Goal: Maintain

    • 03/11: 146.5: Goals🌟
    • 04/11: 146.6: Goals🌟
    • 05/11: 146.2: Goal🌟DH got a late birthday present through the post and I shared rather too much of the goodies 😂 so expect a wee bounce up over the next day or so while that works it's way through my system. It's all part of the ups and downs of maintenance.
    • 06/11: 146.7: Goals🌟
    • 07/11: 146.8: Goals🌟Had a better day today so should start dropping again.
    • 08/11: 147.2: Goals🌟Oh-oh! Slacking off!!! Time to focus again. 😂
    • 09/11: 147.2: Goals🌟
    • 10/11: 147.3: Goals🌟
    • 11/11: 148.2: Goals🌟
    • 12/11: 148.1: Goals🌟
    Last few Rounds
    • Round 127 EW: 148.4🌻
    • Round 126 EW: 151.2🌻
    • Round 125 EW: 152.2🌻
    • Round 124 EW: 149.4🌻
    • Round 123 EW 150.2🌻
    • Round 122 EW 150.1🌻-0.5
    • Round 121 EW 150.6🌻+0.5
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻-1.2
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻+ 1
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻 - 1.1
    • June 2017: Round 8 SW 162; EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!
    Daily Goals
    🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    🔹7,500+ Steps daily
    🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
    🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
    🔹Practice Self-care
    🔹Positively reframe thoughts
    🔹Learn something new
    🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

    Purple: #ff4968.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    @RockstarRae45 - sincere condolences. So sorry to hear of your loss, sending you hugs. Take care of yourself.

  • healthysmrs
    healthysmrs Posts: 32 Member
    I would like to join and give it a try. I am not usually a daily weigher, but need the accountability.

    Round 131

    11/09: 163.9
    11/10: 163.3 🙂
    11/11: 163.1 It all counts.. would love to break out of the 163’s tomorrow.
    11/12: 163.0 Nope.. See you Round 132!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,746 Member
    I'm in! Thank you, @GrandmaJackie!

    70 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    We used to walk 5 miles a day. Recovered from back surgery then hip surgery!! Got back to walking then I sprained my ankle. UGH! I was down for 6 weeks with the ankle. Getting back to it slowly.

    The Shelter in Place has everyone freaked. We need to remain calm and respectful of each other.

    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 150.0
    UGW: 132.2

    11/01 - 154.4 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.14 miles in 104 mins...on an adventure. First 5 miles in a long, long time!! :D
    11/02 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer.


    11/03 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...total rest day!
    11/04 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...maybe... 60 min workout w/trainer
    11/05 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...total nothing day.
    11/06 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ... :'(
    11/07 - 150.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...4.3 miles in 93 mins.
    11/08 - 150.8 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.35 miles in 125 mins...another adventure!
    11/09 - 150.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...maybe... 60 min workout w/trainer
    11/10 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...4.24 miles in 77 mins.
    11/11 - 152.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...4.26 miles in 90 mins and 60 min workout w/trainer
    11/12 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day.

  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 1,056 Member

    SW: 233.6
    GW: 170

    11/03 207.8; 9 mile bike ride
    11/04 203.4; 8k steps
    11/05 203.4; 8k steps
    11/06 203.8; 8k steps
    11/07 203.8; 15 mile bike ride + 9k steps
    11/08 204.4; 12k steps
    11/09 204.8; Strength training class
    11/10 204.0; 9 mile bike ride + 8k steps
    11/11 203.6; 15 mile bike ride + 9k steps
    11/12 204.0; 6k steps
  • yrmom
    yrmom Posts: 12 Member
    Overall Starting Weight 168.6
    Long term goal 155

    Round 130 ⬆️ 1.4
    Round 131

    Starting Weight 170
    Goal this round 166

    11/03 169.4 5790 Steps Over on calories and carbs already today. Succeeding at logging at least.
    11/04 168.6 3805 steps-time change killing the evening walk!
    11/05 168.4 3811 steps Family bought Oreos and Rocky Road ice cream. I asked my daughter to put the cookies where I wouldn’t find them..
    11/06 168.2 3856 steps not doing great on carbs but calories are improving
    11/07 167 lbs 6533 Steps my husband cooked and plated the meal which means I didn’t nibble or go back for seconds. Salmon on the Green Egg! Tracking every day is making steps 5412
    11/11 166.2 hope I don’t gain it right back - but loss def due illness.
    11/12. 166.4
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,549 Member
    edited November 2020
    whoops!! should be in new round thread!!
  • Mondowefte
    Mondowefte Posts: 150 Member
    F 37 158cm (5'2)

    SW 136.6kg (Jan 2020)
    CW 122.1kg
    GW (12 November) 121.0kg

    Round 123 - 129: 8.4kg loss
    Round 130: 0.2kg gain


    3/11 121.4kg
    Having a quiet day away from the family. It is nice to be able to pick what I want to eat and when. It makes it much easier for me to pick choices that work for me. Hopefully I am over the mid cycle volatility of last round.

    4/11 DNW
    Watched the US election returns, did some cross stitch and went for a walk. All up, an enjoyable day.

    5/11 121.0 kg
    Took a walk today as a break from my assignments.

    6/11 120.9kg
    Got some sugar free chocolate today. That hit the spot.

    7/11 120.3kg
    10kg (22lb) lost since I started in round 123. That feels awesome.

    8/11 120.1kg
    I was expecting it to bounce back up today, but it hasn't yet, which is promising. It would be exciting to get below 120kg this round, but I am ok if it doesn't happen. There is always next round.

    9/11 120.3kg
    10/11 120.8kg
    11/11 120.4kg

    12/11 120.0kg
    Uni is finally finished. I am so tired.

    Round 131: 2.1kg loss
    From Round 123: 10.3kg loss
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    Prayers @RockstarRae45

    @kmort009 and @deepwoodslady Thank you. She is feeling better but tired of resting.
  • HoopsGuy72
    HoopsGuy72 Posts: 381 Member
    edited November 2020
    5'11" male
    Highest weight ever: 245.0 (January 2015)
    OSW: 241.0 (7/18/2020)
    OBF%: 29.5 (9/30/2020)
    UGW: One-derland

    R120 EW: 233.6 (-7.4), AW: 235.3 (-5.7)
    R121 EW: 233.4 (-0.2), AW: 233.1 (-2.2)
    R122 EW: 228.4 (-5.0), AW: 230.5 (-2.6)
    R123 EW: 227.2 (-1.2), AW: 227.3 (-3.3)
    R124 EW: 224.4 (-2.8), AW: 226.2 (-1.1)
    R125 EW: 225.4 (+1.0), AW: 226.3 (+0.1)
    R126 EW: 221.4 (-4.0), AW: 224.7 (-1.6)
    R127 EW/EBF%: 222.8 (+1.4)/29.5 (0.0), AW/ABF%: 222.0 (-2.7)/29.55 (+0.05)
    R128 EW/EBF%: 222.4 (-0.4)/29.4 (-0.1), AW/ABF%: 223.0 (+1.0)/29.54 (-0.01)
    R129 (did not track)
    R130 (did not track)
    R131 EW/EBF%: 220.6 (-1.8)/29.1 (-0.3), AW/ABF%: 223.0 (-2.2)/29.08 (-0.46)

    Total W lost/Total BF% lost: 20.4/0.4
    Average W/BF% lost per round: 1.70/0.08

    Round 131 goal(s): 219.x


    11/4: 222.0 (-0.4)/29.3 (-0.1)

    11/5: 221.8 (-0.2)/29.3 (0.0).

    11/6: 221.6 (-0.2)/29.3 (0.0). Hey everybody. So... my scale broke, I got frustrated, and I've been having back problems and some GI issues. I just started weighing in again a couple of days ago, which magically coincided with the beginning of a new round. So here I am! I also happened to start keto on 11/4, for the first time in a couple of years. It's worked out REALLY well for me in the past, so I'm excited. No matter what, I'm happy to be back here!

    11/7: 219.8 (-1.8)/28.9 (-0.4). I love keto SOOOOOO much. I eat, I'm not hungry, I like the food, and I lose weight. And I can finally stop watching the various cable news outlets to get updates on the election. I am going to lift weights today (which I have not done in a while). For those of you on keto, what's a good number on the "ketone" tests to determine if you're in the right area? And does it matter what time of day I choose to pee on a stick?

    11/8: 219.6 (-0.2)/28.8 (-0.1). I had my brother-in-law and his fiancee over last night, and I stuck with my plan. I stayed keto all night (ordered from a different place than they did), and I had only spirits (probably four shots total). So far, so good. I'm going to relax today. I hope everyone is well.

    11/9: 221.0 (+1.4)/29.1 (+0.3).

    11/10: 221.0 (0.0)/29.1 (0.0).

    11/11: 220.2 (-0.8)/28.9 (-0.2).

    11/12: 220.4 (+0.2)/29.0 (+0.1).

    11/13: 220.6 (+0.2)/29.1 (+0.1). Still tracking, but really stressed at work.

    R131 EW/EBF%: 220.6 (-1.8)/29.1 (-0.3), AW/ABF%: 223.0 (-2.2)/29.08 (-0.46)

  • antiderivative
    antiderivative Posts: 262 Member
    Round 131
    Ready for my Round 9! 🍂

    Jillian Age 34 and 5'1"

    HSW: 179.8
    CSW: 151.8
    GW: 130 changes my BMI from overweight to normal! Take a maintenance break. Celebrate!
    UGW: 116
    Mini GW: 158 changed my BMI from obese to overweight! ✔️

    RGW: 150 and Exercise More Consistently

    Round 123 (1): 179.8 to 176.4 (-3.4)
    Round 124 (2): 176.4 to 170 (-6.4)
    Round 125 (3): 170.0 to 169.2 (-0.8)
    Round 126 (4): 167.8 to 164.4 (-3.4)
    Round 127 (5): 164.4 to 160.4 (-4.0)
    Round 128 (6): 160.4 to 157.4 (-3.0)
    Round 129 (7): 158.4 to 152.8 (-5.6)
    Round 130 (8): 152.8 to 151.8 (-1.0)

    🏃 11/03: 151.2 I did 30 squats on Sunday and 50 yesterday. Today the challenge calls for 75 squats! I am feeling it today, so we'll see if I can keep it up! It certaily is a good thing for me. I ate well enough yesterday, too. I had steak and potatoes for dinner.
    🏃 11/04: 150.4 I did 80 squats yesterday and today calls for 60! I've done 20 so far today, and I will do the other 40 later. My toddler saw me and did 3 squats, lol. I can smell the 140s!
    🏃 11/05: 150.8 I finished my 60 squats yesterday. Today is a rest day from squats, so I hope to put in some Ring Adventure time.
    🏃 11/06: 150 I weighed later in the day than normal, so this number is likely to go back up, but it sure is awesome to see anyway! I did 20/60 squats I need to do today. I will get the rest done later.
    🏃 11/07: 149 Today, I need to do 90 squats! I had a nopalitos taco with bacon for breakfast, so I have the fuel for it.
    🏃 11/08: 150.4 I'm not worried about this since it is within my goal range.
    🏃 11/09: 150.2
    🏃 11/10: 149
    🏃 11/11: 148.4
    🏃 11/12: 148 I forgot to post for a few days, but they've been very good days! I've continued to follow the squat challenge shown below including the 120 day and the 75 I did yesterday!


    My Weight Chart:

    My Starfleet Squat Like a Captain Challenge for November!
  • yrmom
    yrmom Posts: 12 Member
    Overall Starting Weight 168.6
    Long term goal 155

    Round 130 ⬆️ 1.4
    Round 131 ⬇️ 0.6

    Starting Weight 170
    Goal this round 166

    11/03 169.4 5790 Steps Over on calories and carbs already today. Succeeding at logging at least.
    11/04 168.6 3805 steps-time change killing the evening walk!
    11/05 168.4 3811 steps Family bought Oreos and Rocky Road ice cream. I asked my daughter to put the cookies where I wouldn’t find them..
    11/06 168.2 3856 steps not doing great on carbs but calories are improving
    11/07 167 lbs 6533 Steps my husband cooked and plated the meal which means I didn’t nibble or go back for seconds. Salmon on the Green Egg! Tracking every day is making steps 5412
    11/11 166.2 hope I don’t gain it right back - but loss def due illness.
    11/12. 166.4
    11/13 167.4
    11/14 168
  • Ikeeptrying2
    Ikeeptrying2 Posts: 156 Member
    edited November 2020
    I'm going to jump in on this one. My maintenance weight is no longer acceptable...

    SW: 144 (maintenance is 135-145)
    CW: 144
    GW: 135

    11/18 - 144
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    @Ikeeptrying2 please join us at the link above your message for the current round, if you haven’t already.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    * END ROUND 131 ( November 3- November 12)
    Seeking lower bodyfat%
    My name is Tish.
    Age: 64
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 253
    MFPSW: 240
    RGW: 180
    FGW: 150
    *It's easier for me to think 10lbs ahead at a time*
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)
    {Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs}
    {Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs}
    {Round 36 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs}
    {Round 38 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs}
    {Round 40 - lost 3 lbs}
    {Round 41 - lost .8 lbs}
    {Round 42 - lost 3.4 lbs}
    {Round 43 - lost 1.4 lbs}
    {Round 44 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 45 - no wgt loss}
    {Round 46 - lost 3.6 lbs}
    {Round 47 - lost 1.4 lbs}
    {Round 48 - lost 1.8 lbs}
    {Round 49 - lost .8 lbs}
    {Round 50 - lost 3 lbs}
    {Round 51 - .4 lb gain}
    {Round 52 - lost 2 lbs}
    {Round 53 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 54 - lost .8 lb}
    {Round 55 - gain .8 lb}
    {Round 56 - lost 3.2 lbs}
    {Round 57 - gain 1.6 (FR)}
    {Round 58 - gain .2 (FR)}
    {Round 59 - lost 1.2 lbs}
    {Round 60 - gain 3.4 lb EW 180.6(FR)}
    {Round 61 - lost 3.4 lbs (FR) EW 177.2}
    EW 174.2
    {Round 62 - lost 2.8lbs EW 174.4}
    {Round 63 - gain 2.8 lbs EW 177.2 (FR})
    {Round 64 - lost 1.2 lbs EW 173.2 (FR)}
    {Round 65 - gain 1 lb EW 174.2 (FR)}
    {Round 66 - loss 1.4 lb EW 172.8}
    {Round 67 - gain 2.4 lbs EW 175.2 (FR)}
    {Round 68 - loss .6 lb EW 174.6 (FR)}
    {Round 69 - gain .4 lb EW 175 (FR)}
    {Round 70 - lost 3.2 lb (FR) 171.8 EW}
    {Round 71 - gain .4 lb 172.2 EW}
    {Round 72 - gain 2.4 lbs 174.6 EW}
    {Round 73 - gain 3.6 lbs (FR?) 178.2 EW}
    {Round 74 - lost 2.8 lbs (FW) 175.4 EW}
    {Round 75 - gain 1.8 lbs (FW) 177.2 EW}
    {Round 76 - lost 3.2 lbs ( ) 174 EW}
    {Round 77 - gain 4 lbs (FW) 178 EW}
    {Round 78 - lost .8 lb176 EW}
    {Round 79 - 175.8 EW}
    {■Round 80 - 176 EW}
    {Round 81 - gain 1.4 lbs - 177.4 EW}
    {Round 82 - gain .8 lbs - 178.2 EW}
    {Round 83 - gain 2.8 lbs - 181 EW}
    {Round 84 - gain 1 lbs - 182 EW}
    {Round 85 - gain 2 lbs - 183 EW}
    {Round 86 - gain .6 lbs - 183.6 EW}
    {Round 87 - gain .6 lbs - 183.6 EW}
    {Round 88 - gain .4 lbs - 184 EW}
    {●Round 89 - gain 1.2 lbs (FR) - 184 EW}
    {Round 90 - lost .8 lbs - 183.2 EW}
    {Round 91 - 10/9~DNW (wgt on 10/8~183.6) gain .4 lbs (FR) /?EW}
    {Round 92 - 180.8 EW}
    {Round 93 - gain 2 lbs(FR)182.8 EW}
    {Round 94 -182.6 EW}
    {Round 95 -183.6 EW}
    {Round 96 -183 EW}
    {Round 97 - gain -185.6 EW}
    {Round 98 -185.6 EW}
    {Round 99 -185.6 EW}
    ~My commitment this year is to breaking 2 habits, crunchy, (no pretzels!) and peanut butter.
    *last day PB~ (12/ 21/19■Feb•13-26) This ended in
    *last day pretzels~ Jan 4/2020*This ended a few months into Covid.

    {▪Round 100 -187 EW}Jan 7 MIO
    {Round 101 -186 EW}Jan 17
    {Round 102 - 184.6 EW}Jan 27
    {Round 103 - 186 EW}Feb 6
    {Round 104 - 186 EW}Feb 16
    {Round 105 - 187 EW}Feb 26
    {Round 106 - 188.2 EW}Mar 7
    {Round 107 - 185.4 EW}Mar 17
    {Round 108 - 185.5 EW}Mar 27
    {Round 109 - 185 EW}Apr 6
    {Round 110 - 183.6 EW}Apr 16
    {Round 111 - 186.2 EW}April 26
    {Round 112 - 186 EW}May 6
    {Round 113 - 188 EW}May 16
    {Round 114 - 188 EW}May 26
    {Round 115 - DNW EW}June 5
    {Round 116 - 191 EW}June 15
    {Round 117 - 191 EW}June 25
    {Round 118 - EW}July 5
    {Round 119 - DNW EW}July 15
    {Round 120 - DNW EW}July 25
    {Round 121 - EW}Aug 4
    {Round 122 - 197 EW}Aug 14
    {Round 123 - 197 EW}Aug 24
    {Round 124 - 197 EW}Sept 3
    {Round 125 - DNW EW}Sept 13
    {Round 126 - EW}Sept 23
    {Round 127 - EW}Oct 3
    {Round 128 - 206 EW}Oct 13
    {Round 129 - 206 EW}Oct 23
    {Round 130 - EW}Oct 2

    Tu▪︎11/03-(Mo-11:30am, 7pm ~16.5hrs) 52g carbs

    We▪︎11/04-(Tu-7pm~24hrs) 35g carbs
    Th▪︎11/05-(We-10:30am, 1pm, 7:30pm, 15.5hrs) 100g carbs
    Fr▪︎11/06-(Th-6:30pm~23hrs) 75g carbs
    Sa▪︎11/07-(Fr-11:30am, 7pm~17hrs) 73g carbs

    Su▪︎11/08-(Sa-1pm,6pm~18hrs) 100g carbs

    Mo▪︎11/09-(Su-9:30am, 7pm~15.5hrs) 82g carbs
    Tu▪︎11/10-(Mo-10:30am,7pm~15.5hrs) 57g carbs
    We▪︎11/11-(Tu-hrs) g carbs
    Th▪︎11/12-(We-7pm ~hrs) g carbs

    Fr▪11/13- (Th-12:30pm, 7:30pm~17.5hrs) 124g carbs

    Seeking lower bodyfat%

    ●Since joining this challenge: (needs updating)
    •35.4lbs lost ✔
    •BMI lowered points
    •BF% reduced

    ■Bodyfat% using Vanity Planet BF scale
    ■BMI using National Heart Lung &amp; Blood Institute app

    link to: Waist to Height Ratio

    link to: Waist to Hip Ratio

    link to: Cucumber Detox Water Recipe

    SBMI ~ Smart Body Mass Index Link

    R34/SW: 218.4 - BMI=34.1- BF%=44.4
    R35/SW: 215.4 - BMI=33.7- BF%=44.2
    R36/SW: 213 - BMI=33.4 - BF%=43.1
    R37/SW: 212 - BMI=33.2 - BF%=42.8
    R38/SW: 206.4 - BMI=32.3 - BF%=42
    R39/SW: 205.4 - BMI=32.1 - BF%=41.7
    R40/SW: 202 - BMI=31.6 - BF%=41.2
    R41/SW: 199 - BMI=31.2 - BF%=39.9
    R42/SW: 196.6 - BMI=30.9 - BF%=39.7
    R43/SW: 195.6 - BMI=30.5 - BF%=39
    R44/SW: 194.2 - BMI=30.4 - BF%=38.6
    R45/SW: 193.2 - BMI=30.2 - BF%=38.4
    R46/SW: 193.2 - BMI=30.2 - BF%=38.4
    R47/SW: 189.6 - BMI=29.6 - BF%=38.1
    R48/SW: 188.2 - BMI=29.4 - BF%=37.1
    R49/SW: 186.4 - BMI=29.4 - BF%=36.8
    R50/SW: 185.6 - BMI=29 - BF%=36.7
    R51/SW: 183.4 - BMI=28.7 - BF%=36.6
    R52/SW: 182.8 - BMI=28.5 - BF%=35.9
    R53/SW: 180.8 - BMI=28.3 - BF%=35.7.
    R54/SW: 179.8 - BMI=28.2 - BF%=35.4
    R55/SW: 179 - BMI=28 - BF%=35
    R56/SW: 179.8 - BMI=28.2 - BF%=35
    R57/SW: 178.4 - BMI=27.9 - BF%=34.5
    R58/SW: 177 BMI=27.7 BF%=34.5
    R59/SW:178.4 - BMI=27.9 - BF%=34.5
    R60/SW:177.4- BMI=27.7 - BF%=34.3
    R61/SW: 178.8 (FR) BMI=(28) BF%=34.3
    R62/SW: 175.4 - BMI=27.7 - BF%=34.2
    R63/SW: 175.4 - BMI=27.7 - BF%=34.2
    R64/SW: 175.8 - BMI=27.8 - BF%=34.2
    R65 SW: 175.2 - BMI=27.7 - BF%=34.2
    R66/SW: 174.2 - BMI=27.2 - BF%=33.9
    R67/SW: 174.4 - BMI=27.1 - BF%=33.4
    R68/SW: 176 (FR) - BMI=27.1 - BF%=33.4
    R69/SW: 175.4 - BMI=27.1 - BF%=33.4
    R70/SW: 177 (FR) - BMI=27.1 - BF%=33.4
    R71/SW: 171.2 - BMI= - BF=33.2
    R72/SW: 174.8 (FR)- BMI=26.8 - BF%=33.2
    R73/SW: 174.6 - BMI=26.8 - BF%=33.2
    R74/SW: 177.2 - BMI=26.8 - BF%=33.2
    R75/SW: 177 - BMI=26.8 - BF%=33.4
    R76/SW: 178.2 - BMI=26.8 - BF%=33.4
    R77/SW: 174 - BMI= - BF%=
    R78/SW: 176.8 - BMI= - BF%=
    R79/SW: 176.2- BMI= - BF%=
    R80/SW: 175.8 - - BMI= - BF%=
    R81/SW: 176 - BMI= - BF%=
    R82/SW: - BMI= - BF%=
    R83/SW: 178.2 - BMI= - BF%=
    R84/SW: 181 - BMI= - BF%=
    R85/SW: 183 - BMI= - BF%=
    R86/SW: 183.6 - BMI= - BF%=
    R87/SW: 184.6 - BMI= - BF%=
    R88/SW: 184 - BMI= - BF%=
    R89/SW: 184.2 - BMI= - BF%=
    R90/SW: 185.2 - BMI= - BF%=
    R91/SW: 183 - BMI= - BF%=
    R92/SW: 181.4 - BMI= - BF%=
    R93/SW: 181.6- BMI=28 - BF%=36
    R94/SW: 182- BMI=28 - BF%=36
    R95/SW: 183.6- BMI=28 - BF%=36
    R96/SW: 183.6- BMI=28 - BF%=36
    R97/SW: 182.6- BMI=28 - BF%=36
    R98/SW: 185
    R99/SW: 185.6
    R100/SW: 187.4
    R101/SW: 187
    R102/SW: 185.4
    R103/SW: 183.8
    R104/SW: 186.6
    R105/SW: DNW
    R106/SW: 187
    R107/SW: 189
    R108/SW: 185.6
    R109/SW: DNW(3/29~186.8)
    R110/SW: 184.8
    R111/SW: 183
    R112/SW: 186
    R113/SW: 186
    R114/SW: 186
    R115/SW: 188
    R116/SW: 189.5
    R117/SW: 191
    R118/SW: 191
    R119/SW: DNW
    R120/SW: 192
    R121/SW: DNW
    R122/SW: 197
    R123/SW: 198
    R124/SW: 200
    R125/SW: 197
    R126/SW: DNW
    R127/SW: DNW
    R129/SW: 206

    55 lbs lost since returning to MFP, Oct. 2017
    69 (76.8) lbs lost since Sept. 2017p[/quote]