ever notice how eating healthy isnt the norm?



  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I think it is so wierd that eating healthy and "right" for our bodies is not the normal thing to do..

    Why do people sometimes assume that just because your eating healthy your trying to lose weight.. why can I just not enjoy eating that way?

    Yeah I am trying to get back on track and lose weight now. But even when I was just eating normal for myself I had people ask if I was on a diet? what the heckk

    I guess it just bothers me that sometimes it is assumed if you eat veggies and fruits and dont like chowing down on a steak and dont drink soda your "on a diet"
    I think it is a bit ridiculous and ignorant.

    If someone is eating healthier than the general population.. I think it shows they are just more aware and educated on what goes into their body. Those people actually know the consquences food can have on our bodies and health (not just weight). I am by no means a health guru, but since learning more about all the foods out there I like to know what i am putting into my body.. it the only one i have and i want to take good care of it.

    You have to take into context who is the some people. Also, do not advertise your life syle, live it. It does not matter what others think. We who want to live long and live strong do not look back but always look forward. Eating healthy removes a lot of woes (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lessens chance of cancer, and diabeties among a few) so I will just keep on keeping on.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    hahaha it's so true!

    As a dietitian, you would not believe (well, perhaps YOU guys would!) the kind of crap we have to put up with both if we choose to eat healthily or if we choose to eat something not so healthy.

    If you choose the fruit over the cake at the staff morning tea you are the obsessive eating disordered dietitian... but the physio can get away with it just fine! If one of us eats a white bread sandwich for lunch, suddenly there are all these questions about whether we think white bread is better for us and why we are eating it.

    Don't even get me started on the people (including staff we work with) that absolutely refuse to eat anything in front of us!! :laugh:

    Ha ha ha... So, true. When they have the birthday gatherings I tend to come and sing but refuse the cake and they act like I am a party pooper. Why does it matter what I eat or don't eat? This is all about me after all, right? Nothing to do with their life style but my own choice for a better life and a healthier me.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    That is soooo true. The media pushes so much unhealthy junk foods and marketing is geared to promote it everywhere you look, that is the norm now. All the garbage they put in the foods, and people are amazed that most of the general population is overweight with multiple health issues????

    When you go to the supermarket what do you see, junk junk and more junk plus lots of overweight people. When you go to WholeFoods Market (an organic/natural supermaket/deli) the norm there are slender people. I like that norm way better!!!

    I have to agree. I took my mom to this health food supermarket to look at some nut butters. I wasn't really paying attention to the people in the store but when we left my mom goes "All those people looked healthy and thin in that store."
  • springgrl
    springgrl Posts: 168 Member
    We who want to live long and live strong do not look back but always look forward.

    +1. This pretty much sums it up.
    The choice is ultimately up to the individual. Have some will power. If you want to lose weight and change your life bad enough, you will, no matter what the television tells you.

    +1 here also. This is a bit off topic, but anyone notice if you are watching a lot of commercial TV it is harder to stay on a diet? I think it is probably a survival instinct or something to want to eat when we see others eat and now we have a box where we can watch people eat 24/7
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    cparter: its not about advertising the life style its about informing the people around me. its caring about them and wanting them to know all this information. its about wanting to make a difference in their lives.

    Usually some people refers to the people I am around. My friends and some family think i eat wierd. ha ha. which is fine, i like my wierd food :) but really when i eat around people isnt that "advertising" the food i eat. but its not like that is intended. I am going to eat around others and when they are curious about what im eating..i am more than happy to share.

    But to be around my friends who didnt grow up eating fruits and veggies. Two of my best friends will only eat like 2 fruits. It amazes me! i loveeee fruit. So to be able to inform them about how to eat healthier and expose them to new foods, i feel like i can teach them something they didnt learn at home.

    I have a friend who had one of the stomach surgeries.. at the age of 19! and yet she thinks she can still eat the most unhealthy food and be "healthy" (some of the food even makes her sick now bc of the surgery) It upsets me bc that is the wrong way to look at it. It seems like she thinks it was the solution to her "problem" when in reality it wasnt.. it should have just been the first step.

    So i hope that all of us keep informing (maybe it is advertising) our healthy wasys, so that the people around us will learn and mayeb even adapt to these healthy habits.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I agree. Even before I lost the weight, I always tried to get proper servings of fruit, veggies, and milk. I just feel better when I eat that way.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    hahaha it's so true!

    As a dietitian, you would not believe (well, perhaps YOU guys would!) the kind of crap we have to put up with both if we choose to eat healthily or if we choose to eat something not so healthy.

    If you choose the fruit over the cake at the staff morning tea you are the obsessive eating disordered dietitian... but the physio can get away with it just fine! If one of us eats a white bread sandwich for lunch, suddenly there are all these questions about whether we think white bread is better for us and why we are eating it.

    Don't even get me started on the people (including staff we work with) that absolutely refuse to eat anything in front of us!! :laugh:

    Ha ha ha... So, true. When they have the birthday gatherings I tend to come and sing but refuse the cake and they act like I am a party pooper. Why does it matter what I eat or don't eat? This is all about me after all, right? Nothing to do with their life style but my own choice for a better life and a healthier me.

    You know, I was actually told by several different people of several different cultures that refusing birthday cake is bad luck to the birthday person, not to mention insulting to whoever baked the cake..... Mostly my grandmother and her sisters/cousins. (Slovak and Polish mostly, but some arabic friends too)

    I had to learn to say, sorry, your year is about to suck cuz I ain't eatin that. (I'm actually allergic to everything in cake. But profuse vomiting is not even enough to convince one of those old ladies that I don't need cake. Its never the cake, must be because I eat so little that I can't handle real food. LOL)

    The older european ladies in the fam are always insulted..... Whatever. Not a single birthday celebrater has ever died because I refused cake.:laugh:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495

    I have a friend who had one of the stomach surgeries.. at the age of 19! and yet she thinks she can still eat the most unhealthy food and be "healthy" (some of the food even makes her sick now bc of the surgery) It upsets me bc that is the wrong way to look at it. It seems like she thinks it was the solution to her "problem" when in reality it wasnt.. it should have just been the first step.

    I totally agree. I've said this before, but I think people tend to believe that weight loss automatically equals healthy. And if your skinny, then you're healthy. Like theres no other pieces to the puzzle.

    I shared in another thread about the variations of this. I have a friend who feeds her son fast food regularly as well as a completely processed diet otherwise. She says its ok because he is not heavy, he has a fast metabolism. On the other end of the spectrum, I have friends who are extremely heavy. They eat just one meal a day and say that this is how they are meant to be because they are big boned. The common denominator between these two, is that they are always busy and work and fun are their top priorities. Eating healthy, cooking, exercise- those are too much work and trouble so they are not necessary because they do not have any noticable health problems.

    They don't consider the fact that they get the flu EVERY year, sometimes twice, and colds all the time to have anything to do with health. They also don't think that the fact that they have sleep issues has anything to do with health. Type 2 diabetes, they say, is hereditary. As is heart disease, GI problems, and even the weight in general. People tend to disconnect reality to suit there own agendas.

    I know someone who had sugery too. She would eat macaroni salad for lunch and say she was feeling so healthy since she lost weight. But her eyeballs were sunk into her head and surrounded by purple circles. She was sick all the time with what she called "the flu". And no matter what, every time someone saw her, they said she looked great and weight loss was doing wonders for her. So she believed that this is what healthy is.

    I know I can't convice others. I know its not my responsibility to give everyone a reality check. I just keep doing what I do and focus on teaching my daughter to make smart choices. In the end, people around me tend to come and ask me thiings when they are ready. Or they have no choice because they get that "Aha" and decide to change. I try to be as supportive as possible and as non judgemental as I can be without being a pushover.

    It has taken me so long to type this because of all the interruptions with the kids..... I think I forgot my point....
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Watch FOOD INC, if you want to know whats in your food....creepy!

    LOVED this movie! And super size me too :)
    Another you'd likely get alot from is 'Food Matters' it's one I saw recently on Netflix. It's one I'd watch several more times to take it all in. Discusses drug companies and how the nutrients in the earth are no longer like they used to be so taking vitamins is something we now need to consider. Where in days past the ground we grew our foods in covered all our basics. It's facisinating. I'd have to rank it out of all the ones mentioned on here and others of the related topics the one I've got the most out of.

    I think it's airs on PBS from time to time as well.

    Hope you all get a chance to take a look,
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    hahaha it's so true!

    As a dietitian, you would not believe (well, perhaps YOU guys would!) the kind of crap we have to put up with both if we choose to eat healthily or if we choose to eat something not so healthy.

    If you choose the fruit over the cake at the staff morning tea you are the obsessive eating disordered dietitian... but the physio can get away with it just fine! If one of us eats a white bread sandwich for lunch, suddenly there are all these questions about whether we think white bread is better for us and why we are eating it.

    Don't even get me started on the people (including staff we work with) that absolutely refuse to eat anything in front of us!! :laugh:

    Ha ha ha... So, true. When they have the birthday gatherings I tend to come and sing but refuse the cake and they act like I am a party pooper. Why does it matter what I eat or don't eat? This is all about me after all, right? Nothing to do with their life style but my own choice for a better life and a healthier me.

    You know, I was actually told by several different people of several different cultures that refusing birthday cake is bad luck to the birthday person, not to mention insulting to whoever baked the cake..... Mostly my grandmother and her sisters/cousins. (Slovak and Polish mostly, but some arabic friends too)

    I had to learn to say, sorry, your year is about to suck cuz I ain't eatin that. (I'm actually allergic to everything in cake. But profuse vomiting is not even enough to convince one of those old ladies that I don't need cake. Its never the cake, must be because I eat so little that I can't handle real food. LOL)

    The older european ladies in the fam are always insulted..... Whatever. Not a single birthday celebrater has ever died because I refused cake.:laugh:
    First off, OMG, really? Secondly :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at your comeback! Seems so many ppl take not eating when it's offered to be very offense. I'm a bit offended when food is forced on me:laugh: :ohwell:

    Thirdly, Holly you're looking so good in your newer photo, so healthy!! :)

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    The fact that older ladies try to please you by force feeding, is a cross-cultural phenomenon. It happens here in Greece all the time, I guess because older people lived through World War II when people were starving to death and food was scarce. Remember that the ideal female of the post-war era (the 50's) was fat, a guy with a gut commanded respect because he could afford having one. Gout was a disease of the rich. This is not the case anymore today.

    I read the other day that 31% of the US population is obese. Greece ranks 5th on the list with 23% and is second in child obesity. Less than 30 years ago fast food was practically inexistent here, women were cooking more at home, people were eating the traditional mediterranean foods and the percentage of obese people was below 10%. Coincidence?
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    The fact that older ladies try to please you by force feeding, is a cross-cultural phenomenon. It happens here in Greece all the time, I guess because older people lived through World War II when people were starving to death and food was scarce. Remember that the ideal female of the post-war era (the 50's) was fat, a guy with a gut commanded respect because he could afford having one. Gout was a disease of the rich. This is not the case anymore today.

    I read the other day that 31% of the US population is obese. Greece ranks 5th on the list with 23% and is second in child obesity. Less than 30 years ago fast food was practically inexistent here, women were cooking more at home, people were eating the traditional mediterranean foods and the percentage of obese people was below 10%. Coincidence?

    That is so true. When my uncles family visits from Greece, all we do is cook! When tea says eat, she is automatically shoving in your mouth, LOL. Theres no chance to even say no. Just shut up and chew:laugh: It was Easter when I was 11 that I quit meat after seeing the whole lamb roasting. To this day, I am the weird one on Easter because I don't eat the lamb.

    As far as the change in foods, it is quite scary. The mediteranian diet is considered so heart healthy and just healthy in general by american standards. When my cousin spent the summer there a few years ago we expected her to come home thinner because of all the walking and bike riding and good food. But she actually came home 20 pounds heavier! She said the only time she ate fresh food was on the island with the family. The rest of the time she was eating the same stuff she eats here! Even my uncle was shocked, but he hadn't been home in a few years and his family lives on the island.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Not sure if anyone here is familiar with Dave Ramsey. I appreciate his no nonsense approach to getting/staying out of debt. He always says "You don't want to be normal because normal is BROKE!"

    Well, you can look around and make an equivalent statement when it comes to "normal" eating. :wink:

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I agree with just about everything said on this topic. The reason people make fun of all of us for choosing to eat healthy is because they won't....Not that they can't, the WON'T. I hate all the food police people in this country who say that we should regulate fast food advertising. It's such crap! They earned that money, they should be able to spend it how they want to. The choice is ultimately up to the individual. Have some will power. If you want to lose weight and change your life bad enough, you will, no matter what the television tells you. There's always a way to make it happen. Personal responsibility has been a dieing thing since the early 90's. It's always someone else's fault if we can't reach our goals. Sorry, not true. You are the only one that can make the change happen in you.

    great point!