December 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @kgirlhart Glad you had such a nice run!

    @rheddmobile Congratulations on your PR for the 5K. That's fantastic.

    @katharmonic Great run. When I run on the treadmill, I always rely on it for the distance, but my Garmin for calories burned. Enjoy your skiing lesson. I haven't skied in years, but really enjoyed it when I did.

    @ContraryMaryMary Wow! That's a lot of running. So glad your coach is giving you Christmas Day off. Isn't that special. :wink: Enjoy your vacation at the beach!

    Congratulations on finding the perfect house @polskagirl01 !

    @mbaker566 Wow! Glad you didn't go. That could have been disastrous! I hope those who were shot are okay.

    Not sure what Christmas is going to bring here. Mom and I were planning to go to my niece's for our family Christmas, but if the weather prediction is accurate, we won't be going anywhere. They are calling for rain Thursday, with falling temperatures, turning into snow and a low of around 12°F. That will mean a layer of ice with about 3 inches of snow on top. If that happens, I am going to try to walk to her house so she/we won't have to spend the entire day alone. Normally, I would be excited about a white Christmas. But, not this!

    Yeah, when we get a white Christmas in Tennessee it mostly means ice storm!

    Right now Memphis is forecast to be clear but cold. We usually do Christmas breakfast at my mom’s and it is supposed to be just about freezing. She was wanting to hold breakfast outside but it sounded pretty purgatorial trying to relax and eat in the cold so we are just quickly exchanging gifts and giving her a bento box with Christmas treats.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @martaindale i believe the bonk run is to help our bodies "learn" to continue going after we've reached low glycogen level.
    i didn't do this one because my hip was strained but i probably wouldn't have anyways. i don't think the science really supports training this way. but i remember that in the Prefontaine movie one of the coaches or runners said that the wall we think we are hitting really isn't the wall. that there is a whole other wall behind it. and i think the bonk runs help us deal with the gap between our "mental wall" and THE WALL. like when you think you're done but you do have a little umph to speed up to the finish line.
    either way, not really my thing. but it's all in good fun so whatever :)
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    shorkster wrote: »
    2/12 - 1.84
    4/12 - 1.84
    6/12 - 1.74
    8/12 - 1.88
    10/12 - 1.94
    12/12 - 2.08
    14/12 - 2.2
    16/12 - 1.86
    17/12 - 2.59
    19/12 - 2.26
    22/12 - 3.19

    23.42/ 30 miles for December

    On track towards my goal and it looks like I might exceed!
    My 1st 5km ever today and I'm brimming with confidence.

    Congrats on your first 5k!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    December Goal – 120 miles
    12/1 – 1.05 miles
    12/2 – 6.41 miles
    12/3 – 3.3 miles
    12/4 – 5.02 miles
    12/5 – 1.72 miles (travel day)
    12/6 – 6.09 miles (2 mile walk on beach)
    12/7 – 5.50 miles (4 mile walk on beach)
    12/8 – 6.21 miles Jingle all the 10K Way (virtual)
    12/9 – 3.51 miles (18.44 mile bike ride; 1.78 mile walk on beach)
    12/10 – 13.24 miles
    12/11 – 5.14 miles (2.27 mile beach walk)
    12/12 – 1.14 miles (travel day)
    12/13 – 1.26 miles
    12/14 – 4 miles
    12/15 – 5.02 miles
    12/16 – 4.27 miles
    12/17 – 5.67 miles (Christmas Lights Run) + 5K walk
    12/18 – 2.02 miles (trail)
    12/19 – 5.04 (Pioneer 5 Mile Race)
    12/20 – 5.01 miles
    12/21 – 4.01 miles
    12/22 – 6.33 miles
    12/23 – 7.02 miles
    Total – 107.98 miles

    Yesterday’s Yeti 12 Days of Christmas challenge was to run some place that you’ve never ran before. At the top of my driveway, I can see an old fire watch tower on a distant mountain. I decided I would run up to it. I had not been up there since I was a teenager. The bottom set of steps of the 100 foot steel tower have been removed to discourage people from climbing up in the tower. The road leading up to the tower is a dirt/gravel narrow road. Once you get to the top of the mountain, you have an additional quarter of a mile climb through the woods. Round trip was 6.33 miles from the church where I parked and 1578 feet elevation gain.
    I took this picture from the parking lot of the little church. I circled the tower on the mountain.
    Picture of the tower.
    View from the top overlooking the valley.

    Today’s Yeti 12 Days of Christmas challenge was to walk 3 miles and then run 3 miles. It was 25F this morning. I walked 0.67 of a mile before I decided to move a little faster to get warm. I ended up with 7 running miles plus the little walk.

    Hugs to everyone who needs them!

    That looks so fun! Beautiful pictures!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Teresa502 You are doing great with the Yeti Challenge. I love the view from the top of the mountain. The fire tower looks pretty run down. Not sure who would want to climb it at this point, but I'm sure some teenage boys would take it as a challenge. It's good that they removed the steps.

    @rheddmobile Glad the weather was good for your run. Sorry the walkers didn't cooperate as they should. I don't get why people won't do what they are supposed to.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Thanks, everybody for the falling well-wishes!

    @eleanorhawkins I am so, so, so sorry. How are things today?


    I had to skim - I was hoping for an easy work day but nah. it's been crazy annoying and stressful. I did get to work from the hospital yesterday - My daughter had surgery - it wasn't the worst or super invasive. I got my own little room to wait and work in so that was nice and everybody was so compassionate and catered to her autism in such huge ways. I mean, they REALLY went out of their way to make sure she was comfortable.

    Anyway. Still running. Can't say enough how glad I am that I adopted the 4am running because I don't think I'd be running at all if I hadn't. Life is so busy!

    I still miss you all and I need to check in more often.

    In the meantime,

    here is what i wrote after the run this morning. I woke at 3:45AM, before the alarm this time!

    Up before the alarm today. I have said before: there is not much that I fear, after everything. There are just a few things, one of which is getting to the end of my life (as if I know when that’s going to be) or living any part of it and knowing inside myself that I didn’t do all I could. Didn’t really reciprocate this gift with everything.

    I can tell you all about darkness dealing and evils that creep up on you as well as evils that you knowingly walk right into and stay there because sometimes it really did feel amazing to just feel anything at all: long term brokenness.

    Today this is enough, though. To just say I am so grateful I lived and that I will keep showing up and keep fighting to give it everything. Mercy is new every morning.

    Maybe the remains of the paths I take (have taken) will create a path for you, too. That’s literally what this is for. Love so hard and lead strong.

    Leo Tolstoy said, “The antagonism between life and conscience may be removed in two ways: by a change of life or by a change of conscience.” I think you can have both because from the heart flows every single thing. We can have both.

    (PS: how bout a 57F morning at the end of the December?! I’ll take it! The wind was insane. When it was at my back I was a bird and when it wasn’t, I was a soldier. May need to run with bricks so I don’t blow away).

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    @Teresa502 Congrats on your AG finish! Re: the bonk run. What exactly is the point of doing that on purpose? Did the challenge give any insight into why you would do that to yourself?
    The guy running the challenge (Jason Greene) is an ultra runner. He said the goal is to train your body to use alternate fuel sources. He said "Mixing this type of run has helped me feel better in those 50Ks that take me way longer than they should."

    I'm training my body to use Christmas cookies as an alternate food source...

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    I'm training my body to use Christmas cookies as an alternate food source...

    I've got plenty of reserves!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Camaramandy648 I'm glad the hospital workers were all good with your daughter and hope she heals quickly. You are awesome, getting up and running that early. I just can't...not that I can run right now anyway.

    I'm with you @Tramboman !

  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    @Teresa502 Congrats on your AG finish! Re: the bonk run. What exactly is the point of doing that on purpose? Did the challenge give any insight into why you would do that to yourself?
    The guy running the challenge (Jason Greene) is an ultra runner. He said the goal is to train your body to use alternate fuel sources. He said "Mixing this type of run has helped me feel better in those 50Ks that take me way longer than they should."

    I'm training my body to use Christmas cookies as an alternate food source...

    Yep. Me too.

    @skippygirlsmom our overall living costs here are lower than they were for us in the USA. Electricity and fuel for the car are much higher, but there are also more eco-friendly options available in cars and appliances. And I've read way too much about people like your former neighbor. Possible trigger warning, under spoiler
    A family from my hometown found out that the husband had been molesting children for years. He's in jail for the rest of his life, but his now-ex wife and son have teamed up to tell their story and to educate people and organizations like churches on the methods abusers use to manipulate and deceive people so they can get away with their crimes, and what we can do to stop them. So after reading their blogs, and the training I've sat through at several jobs I've had... I can imagine how tricky the guy is and how cleverly deceived the woman was to have moved in there with her CHILDREN, and it makes me angry just thinking about it, but he should never be allowed around children. If he's really sorry for what he did he'd be in agreement with needing to stay away from children and not pursuing relationships with single moms.