Ben Affleck is Batman?!?!?!



  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    ...he's a great actor.
    You lost me.

    He's an OK actor that has been pretty good (Boiler Room, Paycheck, Argo) and really bad (DareDevil, Gigli, etc).
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Hey, people didn't think Heath Ledger could be a good Joker, but he proved to be the most terrifying of all. I'll give him a shot. One. Chance.
    Way different. First, I loved the casting from the beginning with HL. Second, he was at least somewhat of an unknown at that time (he'd only done a few bigger movies). Ben is a known commodity...if you can call it that. He's been in almost 50 movies.

    I hated Heath Ledger from the beginning with the casting. Maybe he was unknown to you, but if you were a teenage girl you knew him very well. 10 Things I Hate About You and A Knight's Tale just to name a couple. I liked him, but I didn't want his handsome Austrialian self anywhere near my Joker. The Joker is the only villian I've ever liked, let alone loved. I grew up with Mark Hamill voicing him and putting a chill in your veins. Who knew Luke Skywalker could be so scary? I even loved Jack Nicholson.

    Anyway, Heath turned out to be an AMAZING Joker. All those actors are my favorites in small ways, but he did a great job. My point being, don't judge an actor by their previous works. These movies are often hit or miss. Sometimes I've been so psyched to see a comic book and it was ok. Other times I thought it was terrible, but it was great. And on occasion I thought something would be terrible and I was right. Just watch the movie first, or at least the trailer.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    ...he's a great actor.
    You lost me.

    He's an OK actor that has been pretty good (Boiler Room, Paycheck, Argo) and really bad (DareDevil, Gigli, etc).

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    People thought Michael Keaton would be horrible Batman and he was great.
    People thought the last Joker movie would be horrible and it wasn't. So.... maybe just give it a chance and if you don't like it after a watch then that's different.
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    Aw come now, let's give him a chance and yes I remember the DareDevil disaster. Ben has matured as an actor and he may prove to have that special Dark Knight presence. This could make or break the DC movie franchise. Ryan Reynolds did a good job a Deadpool/Marvel movie (maybe 'cause he had no speaking parts) and did poorly as Hal Jordan/DC. I'm hoping this works out since I am dying to see a Justice League movie. I'm keeping my fingers cross since he has some big shoes to fill. Let's not forget good ol' Kilmer and Clooney....don't think I heard much complaints when they were chosen, I could be wrong.
  • thisdarkpassenger
    thisdarkpassenger Posts: 76 Member
    People thought Michael Keaton would be horrible Batman and he was great.
    People thought the last Joker movie would be horrible and it wasn't. So.... maybe just give it a chance and if you don't like it after a watch then that's different.


    And...he was a great actor in The Town.
  • just_me_mindy
    just_me_mindy Posts: 210 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.

    ^^^^ this... he would have made a great batman...
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    well that's one way to kill another Super hero franchise...
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.

    ^^^^ this... he would have made a great batman...

    They already made him Robin in the last movie...they can't take that back now
  • audreykts
    audreykts Posts: 24 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.

    This was my first thought, too.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Really? Oh that is just wrong.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    No. No, no, no.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm with the crowd of "Why not?" Yes, I saw Daredevil and honestly had no beef with it. All my comic book nerd friends LOVED it. Besides, he's been doing great work recently.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Meh... I honestly don't mind this. It all falls on the director controlling the movie to get the best performance out of him. I think he has the ability to be a good Batman, lets hope that the script is something they can work with. Remember Superman Returns? Great cast, but the script was so bad they could not pull it off.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.

    ^^^^ this... he would have made a great batman...

    They already made him Robin in the last movie...they can't take that back now

    Sure they could. They set him up to take over as Batman, and in the Comic cannon D!ck Grayson (the original Robin) actually took over as Batman for awhile while Bruce was traveling through time. So there is precedent for Robin as Batman.

    edit: Apparently writing Mr. Grayson's actual name (****) is a no-no on the forums...
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.

    ^^^^ this... he would have made a great batman...

    They already made him Robin in the last movie...they can't take that back now

    Yup. Also - I don't understand the logic of Joseph Gordon Levitt as Batman. He's a bit small to play him... and while I think he's an amazing actor, I just can't see him being a convincing Batman or Bruce Wayne.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I am not seeing Ben Affleck as Batman either, but hey maybe they see something I don't.

    Someone said Heath Ledger as joker, that wasn't actually about Heath Ledger when people commented. He had some big shoes to fill. Jack Nicholson is a tough act to follow in any role. So he was had to really step up his game and he pulled it off. Sometimes it isn't about the actor in the role, but who played that role before?

    But I don't really see him as Batman, unless it will be more Kitch. In my opinion he isn't very dark and that is my concern. George Clooney and Val Kilmir I could see that they had a dark side even though goofy. I don't see Ben as good at dark.
  • thisdarkpassenger
    thisdarkpassenger Posts: 76 Member
    Blegh. I don't understand why they didn't go with Joseph Gordon Levitt. Nolan lobbed up an easy one for them and they whiffed big time.

    ^^^^ this... he would have made a great batman...

    They already made him Robin in the last movie...they can't take that back now

    Yep, can't play Batman AND Robin lol
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    Yeah, totally miscast... a big error in WB;s part.
    Maybe somebody owed him a favor. Oh well...