Am I just Broken? (Is lipo my only hope?)



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    .your body needs at least 1000-1200 calories alone for organ function and blood flow....

    He needs a lot more than that, he is an 18 year old MALE.
  • tylersass1
    The drinks are 1.5 oz or 2 oz each with a total of 2 a day for 3-4 oz. :)

    Bleh I hope its just water wieght im so tired of this.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    2) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    3) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones, and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, 25% daily value or less of sodium, and high in fiber.

    4) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight will fluctuate, but with a constant diet it should trend down over every two or three days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.) Don't obsess over the scale — let it be your friend and point the way to a weight losing diet.

    5) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    6) Do regular daily exercise

    The only point that makes any sense is #6. The rest is just not necessary.

    All he needs to do is properly calculate his TDEE, properly measure his food, eat whatever he likes in moderation making sure it fits his macros and including healthy foods and incorporate exercise.

    He should also go see a doctor to ensure against underlying medical issues.

    I also highly suggest getting rid of the booze. There's absolutely no need for it every single day at 18 years old...or any age for that matter.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    2) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    3) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones, and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, 25% daily value or less of sodium, and high in fiber.

    4) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight will fluctuate, but with a constant diet it should trend down over every two or three days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.) Don't obsess over the scale — let it be your friend and point the way to a weight losing diet.

    5) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    6) Do regular daily exercise

    ^ Or ignore all that and maintain a caloric deficit + exercise and profit.
  • tylersass1
    The drinks are 1.5 oz or 2 oz each with a total of 2 a day for 3-4 oz. :)

    Bleh I hope its just water wieght im so tired of this.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Adjust your calorie level to the proper level.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    The program works, there are thousands of users that will testify to that.

    Except he is not doing the program. It would be impossible for him to be set to 1500 calories. If he chose 2 pounds a week, he would be set at about 1700 + exercise cals. Since he is supposedly eating 1000-1500, he is not doing it right or healthy.

    I know. Read my previous post. What you quoted was just an add-on.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    6'2" male and you are eating 1000-1500 calories a day? EAT MORE!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Stop drinking.
    Exercise more than 45 minutes a week.
  • sexymuffintop
    I wouldn't have a full cheat day. A meal yes. Whole day no. Also I would recalculate your calorie needs, you seem to be eating a low amount for your height/weight.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I looked over your previous posts (from 2012). It sounded like you were successful up to a point: what were doing that worked to lose weight? What happened when you gained it all back?

    To me it sounds like you're not really dedicated yet. Take a moment to think about why you really want to lose weight/get healthy/reach your goals.

    I would agree that you should be eating more calories. How much more is up to you (I wouldn't recommend less than 1500/day).

    You also need to exercise more. I would suggest at least 30 min 5x a week.

    Last: stop drinking on a daily basis. I have nothing against alcohol but I would suggest you cut back to 3-4 drinks on the weekend and stay away from it during the week.

    It's a LONG and SLOW process for the most part. Some weeks are good, some are bad, you just have to keep going. Also take pictures and measure to track progress- don't put so much emphasis on the scale.

    I wish you the best of luck. You CAN do it! Find something and stick with it. It's not so much about what you do- it's giving 100% to the program you choose.
  • tylersass1
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    6'2" male and you are eating 1000-1500 calories a day? EAT MORE!

    ^^^ THIS!!!!!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    A cheat day once a week can erase a weekly deficit, depending on what you're consuming during your cheat day.

    I'd suggest eating at a reasonable deficit for an entire month, no "cheat days" but one day a week at maintenance would be fine, and then report back.

    Log everything. Weigh and measure it.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.

    What kind of life is this?
    Do you enjoy eating like this?
    I'm sorry, but life is for living and having fun, and enjoying things... starving yourself and drinking every day does not seem like a lot of fun.

    Not trying to be judgy, but hun, you sound like you need to seek help - this is not healthy.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    What? I'm not understanding what you are doing to suppress your appetite? That's what's not working. You need to eat more. I know all you ever hear is eat less and move more to lose weight. It's not true. I eat 1688 a day, I work out 3-4 times a week, 30-45 each time (2x kickboxing, 3x couch to 5k). I'm losing weight. Lately I've just been eating the 1688 and haven't worked out as much because I've been working lots of OT and I'm preparing for a race.

    But you can eat what your body NEEDS and still lose weight.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    2) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    3) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, 25% daily value or less of sodium, and high in fiber.

    4) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight will fluctuate, but with a constant diet it should trend down over every two or three days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.) Don't obsess over the scale — let it be your friend and point the way to a weight losing diet.

    5) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    6) Do regular daily exercise

    I would rather be fat than have a daily diet of that stuff.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You want help and advice on what to do to help you lose weight. That's what we are all giving. Your calorie intake isn't 'shocking' but it's a little shocking to think you think you'll lose weight that way. I'm not trying to be mean, horrible, just being honest.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.

    Yeah, I'd be doing vodka also if I had a daily diet like this. :huh:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.

    It's not working, is it? If it was, you wouldn't be on here asking why it isn't working. This much LESS isn't better, it isn't effective, and it is bad for you. So why don't you do it the healthy way?