Am I just Broken? (Is lipo my only hope?)



  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    If what you're doing isn't working, DO SOMETHING ELSE. At this point, anything anybody has suggested is better than what you are doing.

    - The regular MFP plan with 1 lb per week weight loss
    - In place of a road map
    - IIFYM

    Pick any one of these and come back in a month. If you haven't lost 4 lbs, I will personally send you a check for $10.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.

    Okay, I'm betting your cheat day is pretty impressive in terms of calories and you're erasing your deficit. If I ate this food every day, I'd eat 6k plus on my "cheat day" and go absolutely insane. Because this diet would destroy my will to live.

    Also, vodka is 64 calories an ounce. If you're having 1.5, 69 calories is not correct.
  • tylersass1
    I actually really enjoy it im not hungry at all and my dinners are my favorite meals! Steaks, salmon, brocoloi beans! The apiete supression is a result of the coconut oil. If you take a tbls spoon of it holding your nose (like you would medicine) an hour before you eat anything! (Usually do it with my daily vitmians in the morning) it completely eliminates all your feelings of hunger I am in know way starving i have plenty of energy) my vodka is bc I enjoy sipping on it while i watch madmen ;)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I actually really enjoy it im not hungry at all and my dinners are my favorite meals! Steaks, salmon, brocoloi beans!

    Well, of course it's your favorite meal. It's your ONLY meal.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    You're not broken yet but you will be if you keep that kind of eating up. Refried beans are loaded with sodium as well which makes you retain water.

    Do any of the three VorJoshigan suggested and add a strength training program in addition to more cardio exercise. Or if nothing else look at the food pyramid for daily serving suggestions of fruits, vegetables, and meat.
  • tylersass1
    Lol i ment my favorite meal as in my favorite foods! :) I know it sounds a little silly but I mean I really truly am not hungry or lacking energy i just spent 4 hours doing hard work (setting up an entire bbq for 500 people with heavy lifting and moving and i had plenty of energy!)
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    -Try getting calories from actual food instead of vodka and coconut oil

    -MFP should give you enough calories to work with every day that you don't need a "cheat" meal

    -Eat the calories MFP recommends

    -Exercise more

    -Seriously, eat real food.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Stop trying to make it more complicated than it is. "Set point method of appetite suppression" - what the heck?

    Listen to what people are telling you about accurately recording cals in and cals out. Eat at a reasonable deficiit. Give the program time.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.

    So basically you are doing it all wrong and think you are "broken"? Follow the standard guideline of calories in v. calories out - eat 20% less than your TDEE. You don't need to cut carbs, and certainly don't need to do this BS. And stop drinking every day (4oz of vodka is more like 280 cals...and mad men doesn't come on every day). Do this for a month and come back and tell us how well it worked now that you weren't following some gimmick.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Tyler. You are not a failure or a loser or hopeless or any of those things you describe. Failure depends upon your definition of success. As the Wizard of Oz said (in the Wizard Of Oz): 'No man is a failure who has friends'.

    So... if there is just ONE person (or animal) who cares about you and is your friend, in this world, then you are (whether you like it or not) a success. Perspective.

    Good luck on your journey :-)

    Jenny xxx
  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    two weeks really isn't enough time the weight isn't going to melt off and it will take time. I would eat more if I was you and I would still eat some pretty sure the alcohol has carbs in it to just not the kind you want and having a cheat day makes you feel like you are depriving yourself. Plus you don't wanna cheat a whole day, more like enjoy a favorite meal or snack you normally wouldn't have.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Lol i ment my favorite meal as in my favorite foods! :) I know it sounds a little silly but I mean I really truly am not hungry or lacking energy i just spent 4 hours doing hard work (setting up an entire bbq for 500 people with heavy lifting and moving and i had plenty of energy!)

    not trying to be a jerk, but why ask for advice if you're not going to listen to any of it?
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Lol i ment my favorite meal as in my favorite foods! :) I know it sounds a little silly but I mean I really truly am not hungry or lacking energy i just spent 4 hours doing hard work (setting up an entire bbq for 500 people with heavy lifting and moving and i had plenty of energy!)

    not trying to be a jerk, but why ask for advice if you're not going to listen to any of it?

    It wouldn't feel like MFP without people doing that...
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time.

    My typical day

    1Tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165)

    1 tbls of coconut oil (120)

    1/2 can of refried beans 320 cals

    Steak 520
    1 tbls of grape seed oil 120

    1.5 vodka on the rocks 69

    That is a prettty typical meal for me the obly variant is my dinner i purposely chose my highest calorie meal for this example.

    What kind of life is this?
    Do you enjoy eating like this?
    I'm sorry, but life is for living and having fun, and enjoying things... starving yourself and drinking every day does not seem like a lot of fun.

    Not trying to be judgy, but hun, you sound like you need to seek help - this is not healthy.

    I find "foods that I like in reasonable portions" to be an effective appetite supressant.

    Also, if you're not logging your 'cheat day' you might be eating at a surplus by the end of the week. If you're going to do a cheat day you need to ensure you actually log everything and maintain a deficit over the course of a week, which would probably be in the ballpark of 14,000-15,000 calories per week.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Lol i ment my favorite meal as in my favorite foods! :) I know it sounds a little silly but I mean I really truly am not hungry or lacking energy i just spent 4 hours doing hard work (setting up an entire bbq for 500 people with heavy lifting and moving and i had plenty of energy!)

    not trying to be a jerk, but why ask for advice if you're not going to listen to any of it?

    This is the internet, where people go expecting strangers to reinforce their per-conceived ideas, just like their friends. Then when they receive genuine, open advice and criticism, complain that people are mean.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Lol i ment my favorite meal as in my favorite foods! :) I know it sounds a little silly but I mean I really truly am not hungry or lacking energy i just spent 4 hours doing hard work (setting up an entire bbq for 500 people with heavy lifting and moving and i had plenty of energy!)

    not trying to be a jerk, but why ask for advice if you're not going to listen to any of it?

    I'm going to say this and then I'm out. Washing my hands of this. I'm going to be completely honest, which I'm sure you'll take it as "she's being mean to me" because I am NOT going to coddle you, sugar coat it or tell you what you want to hear.

    You are not broken. You will be with your continued eating habits and it'll be that much harder to ever get any of it off because you will have messed your metabolism up so bad, it won't know what to do.

    You asked for help, you asked for advice, yet you continually ignore it. You are choosing to stay the way you are. You don't want it bad enough. When you do want it bad enough then you will actually listen and consider taking what we all have said under advisement.

    I've lost 44 lbs EATING FOOD. REAL FOOD. No short cuts, no quick fixes, eating foods I love and want to eat. Whatever I want to eat/drink. So yeah, I must not know anything about this at all.

    So go ahead, keep doing what your doing which is obviously not working and I'll continue playing the worlds smallest violin for you over here. Because you don't want help. You want someone to tell you what you want to hear, which is keep doing what you're doing or even eat less. So there, it's been said, though that is NOT my advice.

    The definition of insanity is to keep doing the exact same thing you have been doing and expect different results.

    So go ahead. Keep at it.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Jesus. Some of you vultures need to give the kid a break. :(

    People can be vulnerable. It's both wise and kind to judge a person's vulnerability before venting your anger and frustration on them.

    Learn to control your own behaviour before attacking someone else for theirs.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Jesus. Some of you vultures need to give the kid a break. :(

    I think you should refine your term of vultures. This kid is 21 years old and is potentially starving, drinking and drinking himself into significant and possibly long term body damage.

    People are being hard because he needs to know that someone his size and age cannot live how he is living without it being dangerous.

    That isn't vulture. That is intervention.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Jesus. Some of you vultures need to give the kid a break. :(

    I think you should refine your term of vultures. This kid is 21 years old and is potentially starving, drinking and drinking himself into significant and possibly long term body damage.

    People are being hard because he needs to know that someone his size and age cannot live how he is living without it being dangerous.

    That isn't vulture. That is intervention.

    Thank you.

    Hildy, did you even read the 3 pages of this thread? Him wanting to know what he's doing wrong, we're all trying to give him advice on what he should be doing, which is basic taking care of himself advice. Every time he comes back with how he likes what he's doing now, but it's not working, but he likes it, and doesn't want to change it. I said in my last post that I was going to be honest and I was. I've actually been in his shoes before and you know what helped me? PEOPLE BEING BRUTALLY HONEST. Not the ones that said, "Oh there, there, it'll be alright, you're doing great!" You know who I appreciate more know than ever, those that were honest with me. No one here needs to be coddled, and I'm sorry if I didn't sugar coat what I said, which I said I wasn't going to. Nothing I said was out of anger or frustration. I said what he NEEDED to hear not what he wants to hear.

    So maybe before you call someone a vulture or decide I'm mean and the kid needs to be cut a break, maybe you should actually look into the kids behavior first. Maybe see how much the kid is drinking day in and day out and starving himself. Yeah, let's just cut him a break and let him continue to harm himself. That's great advice.
  • tylersass1
    Juuuust clarify... Im not mad! I dont think you guys are being mean and im not vunerable x) im just a 21 year old guy whos been all over the dieting world and trying to just get something that will work and work long term :) i appreciate everything you guys have told me and i am completely open to your advice! I am big on self experimentation and will treat any solid plan you guys give me as such and treat it with an open mind :) id like to get to my ideal wieght and bf (185-200) 10-15% bf in six months. What do you think is a realistic caloric deficit to achieve this and keep in mind large amounts of exercise really isnt an option until the next year due to my last year of 21 units in college and a job! Thanks again for the help advice and motovation that im not broken! :)