Women 200lb+, Let's Be Diligent This December!!!



  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    BreadPope wrote: »
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'10
    Highest: 20st Jan/2020
    CW: 15st 5lbs
    GW: 12st Mar/2021
    I be stickin to this seeing results in different areas.
    I’ve lost near 5st since January. (70lbs)
    I go through a lot of plateaus which used to discourage me but I’ve figured them for the most part. Usually it’s a scale vs muscle vs fat game. The more I move the more muscle I get ... which is highly new and strange to me body 😂! But muscle weighs in more. And while I develop it ... my scale stalls out. I’m consistent with a 1200 calorie intake which mean I have no where to go but down on the scale. If I want it to budge faster I need to keep my step goals and movement goals up.
    I move 500 steps every hour for 12 hours a day at a minimum. I set it to my fitbit and it keeps me honest. I try for two 30 minute power walks a day even if it’s in the house round and round in circles due to inclement weather.
    I’m not excited about it anymore. It just needs to be done. Because otherwise I’m going to die. And I’m not looking for that. I like food. I’m an actual baker. A professional bread maker. I make bread for a living. I am a yeast historian. I have been eating my work for 30 years😂 Eating my work and loving it my whole life.
    I didn’t mind being Mrs.Claus ...or the round Irish baker people love the sheer smell of because I always smell like fresh baked bread. I don’t mind being fat. But it appears me heart and brain had different ideas. Shortly after a brain aneurysm and a heart attack ... me and me organs have come to an agreement ... they will let me share this body with them on the condition I pitch in on repairs and upkeep ... other wise they are evicting me.
    Alas we have mutually agreed upon a whole body reboot ... less me more my organs😂
    I still smell like bread ... but my insides aren’t full of it anymore. This near 300lb life has come to end. I’m no where near my goal weight yet but this Irish lass is’na afraid of hard work... I’m not sure where I be going but I sure do love this journey!

    I loved this post and your way of writing. Welcome to the group! It's wonderfully supportive and it sounds like you've had a true reckoning between body and mind. You can do this!
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Trying not to eat tonight. Im at my calories for the day. I’m expecting a couple of pounds to drop soon....and so close to wonderland again. I have a doctors appointment in two weeks and I refuse to weigh more than I did last year. It’s amazing how hard it is to lose and so easy to gain. Hopefully will be a few pounds less than last year.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    IsETHome wrote: »
    Trying not to eat tonight. Im at my calories for the day. I’m expecting a couple of pounds to drop soon....and so close to wonderland again. I have a doctors appointment in two weeks and I refuse to weigh more than I did last year. It’s amazing how hard it is to lose and so easy to gain. Hopefully will be a few pounds less than last year.

    I believe in you! Fingers crossed for the drop!

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I'm clearly doing a bit better because yesterday I felt weird about not logging all day. It was a nice familiar relief to log my breakfast, and prelog my dinner.

    I kind of know what I'm having for lunch at my mother's house, but I'm not entirely sure of all of it, so I'll just log it when I get back. We'll see. Either way, it's a bit of an anomalous day because I don't eat cake and ice cream every single day, and I'll probably have some today.

    I'm going to leave in about thirty minutes with two large laundry baskets full of presents and my birthday cake so that we can celebrate my birthday (I was 49 yesterday) and open the Christmas presents while I'm there to see people's faces.
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    Happy Birthday @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 !! Hope you have a wonderful day today as your celebrations continue!
  • Tarzan37
    Tarzan37 Posts: 158 Member
    Well, I had good intentions for this month but the combination of working 7 days a week plus holiday shopping/shipping and not being with my family for Christmas for the first time ever have kind of gotten the better of me. I've gained a pound or so but have decided to just do what I need to do to get through this month. I can't believe it's the 18th already! Hope everyone hangs in there and I'll be back for an end of the year weigh in and goals for the new year.
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    Start of December Goal 5 lbs lost by January 2 2021

    Height 5'9"
    Weight Loss Goal 50 lbs in 1 year by January 2022 Slow and steady
    Week 1 -1.4 lbs down
    Week 2 -
    Week 3

    I have upped my calories per day so I can stay motivated and satisfied and not feel like I am on a diet.
    I am working little treats into my week so I have something to look forward to
    I am only eating foods that I like and that make me happy that I look forward to having.

  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @KeriA Hope you have a wonderful anniversary! It's good to hear how things are going with you and the new job. I know this time must be hard for your Mom. My Mom gets lonely, too. She's more outgoing than my Dad and she misses seeing her friends. I got my test result today and it was negative although I've had a sore throat and some congestion the past few days. Hopefully it's just a cold...
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    MuttiNM wrote: »
    @KeriA Hope you have a wonderful anniversary! It's good to hear how things are going with you and the new job. I know this time must be hard for your Mom. My Mom gets lonely, too. She's more outgoing than my Dad and she misses seeing her friends. I got my test result today and it was negative although I've had a sore throat and some congestion the past few days. Hopefully it's just a cold...

    I am happy to hear about the negative test but not about the sore throat and cough. It takes a few days for COVID to show on tests after exposure. Take care. Yes a very nice pandemic anniversary celebration. Didn't lose but didn't gain.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Things are going pretty well for me. I'm not quite where I feel ready to go back to seriously losing the weight, but the logging is going okay and I'm feeling some of the anxiety around it easing. I think by the beginning of next month I will definitely be ready to buckle down to it again. And the fact that when I "eat what I want" I still eat under maintenance is a good thing to know.

    I have also learned that if cake is in the house I will eat it, and the same with homemade cookies, and the same with my sweet bread. Sooo we just won't have any in the house until I've got the eighty pounds off. There's no point in making this any harder for myself than it has to be.

    A lot of my anxiety is now transferring to the exercise bike, but I keep telling myself that he uses it, he likes it, if it winds up just being his thing it's not a waste of money, and no one is making you do anything. It would be better if the gym was safe because I would just get up and go and that would be that. That works for me. But it's not safe, and I have just found out that my sister's husband is very sick, and so I need to be extra careful.

    Yeah, that. He'd been sick and on a couple different antibiotics, and then they found out that he has metastatic cancer and at this point has 18 months. He's in his fifties, and they have a 7 year old daughter. I don't like my sister, but I wouldn't wish what she's going through on anyone.
  • osier5
    osier5 Posts: 429 Member
    Just found this thread. I lost 80 pounds in 2018 and 2019 and gained 40 of it back in 2020. I finally started reining myself back in last week. My goal for this week is to log all my food and be curious about WHY I am eating. I'm an emotional eater and totally zone out when I am moving towards a binge.

    SW: 250 (7/18)
    CW: 209 (12/22)
    GW: 150
  • MaxCat1000
    MaxCat1000 Posts: 40 Member
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'2"
    Highest: 350 (approx. 2013)
    SW: 274 (Sept. 30/20)
    GW: 180 (Mar. 31/22)
    This month:
    Nov. 26: 256.1, DAC 1761
    Dec 1: 254.8, DAC: 1720
    Dec 8: 254.8, DAC: 1784
    Dec 15: 253.6 , DAC: 1943
    Dec 22: 254.6, DAC: 2015
    Dec 29:
    December goals:
    Weight: 250
    Daily Average Calories: <1750

    Ugh! I seem to be going the wrong way! But, I am not overly anxious about it. December has always been difficult, and one pound up isn't so bad as I am still down two for the month. Now I am stuck at home due to a HUGE snowfall overnight - like, over 12 inches between about 9 pm and 7 am and it's still coming down! so there's not much I can over indulge in except for the veggies I ran out and got yesterday before the storm. I have cleared my porch of snow, that has to be good for a bit of exercise! I am just waiting for some friends to come help me with the drive, car, and walk as it's way too much snow for my arthritis. I will still be out there shoveling some of it, but if I had to do it all alone it would take me until Christmas!

    I haven't been on line much so lots to catch up on. I am cheering for and commiserating with those who need it!

    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas
  • archiv88
    archiv88 Posts: 20 Member
    Weigh-in Wednesday!

    Age: 31 (32 on December 28) Height: 5'5"
    Highest weight: 320 lbs (end of pregnancy weight, June 2020)
    12/23: 289.4
    12/16: 290.2
    12/9: 292
    12/2: 289.4
    1st GW: 220 lbs, so I can change blood thinning meds (had deep vein thrombosis in October).
    2nd GW: 180 lbs (weight I was at in high school).
    3rd GW: 160 lbs.

    First off, merry Christmas, happy holidays to all of you! This year might be a bit different than other years, but it might make us realize what is truly important in life. Or maybe I'm just an eternal optimist trying not to say Bah Humbug this year. Either way, I hope your Christmas is a happy one, filled with love and happiness!

    Started solids with my daughter last week. She's doing so well and loves to eat! It's also forcing me to eat healthier, since she's eating what I'm eating.

    Off to start my pre-Christmas cooking (cauliflower casserole, green bean casserole, scalloped potatoes and my stepmom's traditional Christmas cheesecake). Cheers everyone!