Women 200lb+, Let's Be Diligent This December!!!



  • KMC55
    KMC55 Posts: 100 Member
    Hello December (and the last month of a bad year - 2021 may not be a switch to flip but a girl can dream)

    Age: 39 Height: 5'6"
    Highest: 272.2 (August 2019)

    10/1: 239.4
    11/1: 238.0
    12/1: 236.7
    12/2: 234.1(+1.8lbs from last week / -38.1lbs total loss)
    12/09: 232.3 (-1.8lbs / -40.8lbs total)
    12/16: 232.3 (no change)
    12/23: 233.2 (+0.9lbs / -39lbs total)

    December Goal: 230lbs Be kind to myself and end December with a loss.

    I am going to adjust my December goal because I am struggling. I am struggling with being so busy and not having time to exercise like I want/need to. Along the same lines of being so busy I have not been planning/prepping like I need to. I have done more fast food this month but haven't done as much as I would have in the past. I just don't want to completely go off the rails and gain 10lbs in the next 2 weeks (which is completely doable) but I also don't want to give myself more stress than I already have just because I'm not sticking strictly to my calorie budget.

  • SunnyBunBun79
    SunnyBunBun79 Posts: 2,228 Member
    Im scared to post my details in here but I hope to find some weight loss buddies in here to support and to be supported by...I am struggling with depression and have no family or friends IRL. I have a 6 yr daughter who I would like to be a better role model to...Please add me if you have space for an extra buddy <3
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday

    Highest weight: 435 (11/1/18)--lost 50 lbs. by the end of 2018 but got off track and gained back almost 31 lbs.
    SW: 415.8 (4/17/19)

    11/30: 184.4
    12/2: 183.4
    12/9: 180.8
    12/16: 178.8
    12/23: 176.4

    Dec. GW: anywhere under 185 would be a win
    GW: 160 (then reevaluate)

    Weekly exercise goals:
    - exercise bike 5 times per week - 3/5 (only 30 minutes each time instead of 60)
    - strength training 2 times per week - 2/2
    - chair yoga 4 times per week - 4/4
    - steps onto aerobic step platform twice a day at least 3 times per week - 3/3

    I've lost more than projected the last 3 weeks. I'm not sure why as I'm hitting my calories. I'll have to see if the trend continues. If it does, I'll have to try to figure out what's going on. And if it doesn't, I'll have to adjust to the losses slowing down to where they should be. :)

    I've been sick most of the week so I didn't quite meet my exercise goals. I'm just happy I was still able to get some exercise in on the days where I didn't feel the worst. I've also continued with the deep-clean frenzy on the days I didn't feel too bad. I've been trying to purge things while doing the deep-clean so I can start the new year lighter in more ways than one. :)

    I had to get another Covid-19 test since I developed symptoms the night before I had the first test. I had my 2nd test yesterday. Hopefully I'll have the results tomorrow but they said it could take up to a week. My dad had to go to the hospital on Saturday due to having trouble breathing. That was 3 weeks after he first tested positive. I was surprised he started feeling worse so long after first developing symptoms. It turns out he has pneumonia. He had it 3 weeks ago and it wasn't improving so they finally put him on antibiotics. He's supposed to be discharged today which is good for him but will be hard on my mom since she's still dealing with her own bout of Covid. Supposedly there will be some home health care for my dad. I'm hopeful my quarantine will still end after tomorrow (depends on my test result) and that I continue to feel better so that I can go help them out for a few days.

    Hope you all are well. A very Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @Abbybabbyboo I live in the NW corner of Seattle so pretty close to you. Fun having snow this week and then the next day we took a short walk in the sun. I am working at home too now but was furlough earlier in the year and got laid off. Now I have a better paying job working remotely. Today I am taking my 1 day of leave I have to before the end of the year. I used to get the week between 1Christmas and New Years off but I have had enough time off this year so I am fine working next week. I am struggling after losing more than 15 pounds earlier now that I am working full-time again and have less time for exercise and cooking at home healthy foods.

    @AlexandraFindsHerself I agree the gym isn’t safe at least where I am and this area is better than most in the US. I am glad it is going pretty well now for you. I hope you had a happy birthday. I think it was around when we were celebrating our anniversary.

    @IsETHome great NSV

    @osier5 great job reining in. You will be back in Onderland soon.

    @MaxCat1000 I think you are doing great for December and hope you get shoveled out soon.

    @archiv88 Yes I am about to start my Christmas cooking after posting here.

    @KMC55 Except for yesterday when it was sunny so we went for a walk I haven’t gotten much exercise this month either. However I too agree I am doing better than the past with water, and eating healthy at home. Although last year I was going to Aquafit 3 days a week. Try to go for a small loss for the month.

    @SunnyBunBun79 If you don’t want to post details here just post how you are doing. I think that checking in here will be helpful. It has been for me. It is a supportive group. Welcome
    @goal06082021 This year I started by eating healthier breakfasts which was my problem area and lost 12 pounds. Then I started planning dinners just because I wanted to limit shopping with the pandemic and lost some more. Lately I have been working on lunches. I like having leftovers the most but have been getting healthier items around for when there aren’t any leftovers for lunch.

    @MuttiNM you posted while I was getting caught up reading other posts! I am glad you got another test. I hope it is negative. Sorry your Dad got pneumonia and I hope he gets home health care and he and your Mom get better soon. Please take care and I hope you feel better soon too.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Well, I have gotten in the habit of taking my morning medications every day, so that is a good thing. I now need to get in the habit of taking the evening set. It's mostly supplements so it's not like missing them will kill me but given the IBS, I'm much more comfortable in general if I get them all in.

    Boyfriend is having a hard time and Girlfriend is in a manic episode, so life is mildly interesting here. His hard time is the sort where I really just want to snap "Oh, grow up!" at him, but that will be seriously unhelpful and actually harmful, so I won't. Very frustrating, but he's got to work through it.

    I'm doing a lot of small stuff today; I have the roast to do tomorrow, and the rest of the meal sides are either done or are easy to do. I also think I'm going to game a lot and try to get over the immense irritation I'm feeling. That won't help anyone.
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    Weigh-in Day!

    Progress (lbs)

    12/4: 278 (Starting)
    12/11: 276.4
    12/18: 275.8
    12/25: 272.0

    Feeling pretty good about my progress today, especially considering that my logging has been a bit lax the past day or two. I hope everyone is having a pretty good holiday!
  • liamerie2013
    liamerie2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi.. new here.. ready to start a new way of life.. A healthy life.. any motivation is appreciated. Please feel free to add me
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    December 2020 stats
    38 years old
    Height: 5' 7"
    SW (6/9/2020): 330.0 lbs
    Month SW (11/28/20): 252.4lbs
    Goal weight: 180 lbs
    11/28: 252.4 lbs
    12/5: 252.0 lbs
    12/12: 252.0 lbs (Weight stayed steady even though I just ate whatever for the week and did not exercise)
    12/19: 252.0 lbs (Weight remained steady) - Started doing some weight training as well.
    12/26: 256.0 lbs (Weight training + Period) 🙄😥😫
    12/31: lbs - Last weigh-in of the year
    1/2/2021: lbs - Saturday weigh-in to complete the week

    Weekly and Monthly Goals:
    * Keep logging in MFP
    * Continue the T-25 workouts
    * Do either a quick yoga, stretch, or walk (Reps to the Rhythm) workout in the evenings in addition to my morning workouts
    * Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night

    By the end of year Goals:
    * Enjoy the rest of the year!!
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    @goal06082021 At school, I usually carry a lunch bag and put one or 2 ice packs (large ones) in it. They usually keep my food cold all day. I found the lunch bags at Sam's Club and they were better insulated than those I found at Walmart. Also, my ice packs were thick (they used to be used for shipping stuff to labs).

    @liamerie2013 Welcome!!

    @LenGray Awesome job!!

    @goal06082021 That's great!! It has become a habit!!

    @KeriA For the streak, if it is logging in MFP, I think as far as you put in at least 1 meal for those days, it won't be lost. Also, someone had mentioned a while back about contacting the help desk to reset it or something.

    @MuttiNM Sorry that you have been ill. I hope the test comes out negative and you start to feel better soon.

    @SunnyBunBun79 Welcome!! I sent you a friend request. Sometimes virtual friends become real friends in real life. I know you will find support with this group. The ladies in the group are very supportive and helpful. Do not feel pressured to post anything you are not comfortable with posting!!

    @KMC55 I completely feel you. I held steady for 3 weeks, then started my period, and BAM - 4 lbs gained in 2 days!! 🙄🙄 For the rest of the year, I am just going to enjoy the time with family and friends while tracking and exercising and getting ready to go back to school in Jan.

    @BreadPope I so want to visit Ireland!! I have read so many books about Ireland that I just want to go and see it for myself!! I even tried to start learning Gaelic!! I sent you a friend request if you are interested in connecting. I love the discussion you had with your body as it is similar to one I had with mine (when I discovered I was starting to get arthritic changes in my knee).

    @ibrake4bunnies Welcome back. OMG!! I did a 10 minute kettlebell work out with my sister in law for the first time on Tuesday and was sore thru Friday!! I am excited to do it again!!

    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 I hope you had a great birthday!!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I forgot to post yesterday for weigh-in Friday, but you know, it was Christmas, so whatever. :)

    Weigh Ins (lbs):
    11/13 (Initial): 252.8
    11/20: 250.4
    11/27: 250.6
    12/4: 250.6
    12/11: 248.0
    12/18: 245.2
    12/25: 248.0

    Not sure if my scale was haunted last week or what was going on, but I was a little less concerned about staying under-budget this week so I'm not totally surprised by the number I saw yesterday morning. I've adjusted my approach for 2021 to a monthly setup and have put together my January workout tracker in my new bullet journal (thanks, hubs!). I ran out to Office Depot today and bought some gold-star stickers to track my progress, lol. Yes, like the ones from grade school.

    @uyister Yeah, I'm expecting that he'll need a lunch container of some kind; I don't think he'll have time to come all the way home for lunch. Neither of us know if there's anywhere on campus that has a microwave that students can use, though, so that's going to inform what I'm able to make for him to take along. I'd be surprised if there isn't one somewhere. He's in a medical training program, so he'll also be in clinic a few times a week; presumably the clinical sites will have a fridge and microwave available that the interns are allowed to use, since they're there for a full 8-hour workday, but we don't know yet. I have fridge and microwave access at my workplace, but I would prefer to just make a double batch of whatever I'm prepping for my own lunch rather than prep two separate lunches.
  • pamiede
    pamiede Posts: 123 Member
    Merry Christmas 🎄

    Unfortunately I still can’t weigh myself. My sister, my major care taker, has commented several times that I look like I’m stil loosing weight.

    Height: 5’4”
    SW: 4/2019 307
    CW: 175


    🎄 Maintain water intake
    🎄 increase workouts to build muscle and corre
    🎄 Walk by spring
    🎄 Continúe Rehab

    Have a great weekend❣️🎄
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    New, here.. Need to lose 200 lb. Frustrated depressed in pain and, really need to do, it this, time. Can't live like this any. Ore. Can hardly walk without being in pain. Everything hurts.
    Hard to walk up stairs. Knees, hurt. Arthritis in midfoot.. Anyone else with alot of weight to lose having mobility issues a d pain, sleep apnea etc..

    I have about eighty pounds left to lose; I lost fifty last year, mostly through diet. I have arthritis in my midfoot (lisfranc injury in my twenties) and yep, general aches and pains. But they are SO much better now, and I know it will keep getting better. I still can't stand for tons of time, but doing the grocery shopping doesn't put me out for the rest of the day any more. Feel free to add me. I'm on a break until the first of the year, but then I'll put it back to 1500 calories and keep losing.
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    @celticria46 welcome to the group. I like to think of every day as a day I can make a positive choice. Log and measure your foods if possible. I’d recommend picking a couple of “must do choices”, like no sugar drinks, or no chips. Make a list of weaknesses and commit to a couple of positive choices. Chips are a weakness for me, so is licorice. Also pick an exercise, it sounds like good support shoes, and walking would be a good start. I do water walking and jogging. If you have access to a pool that’s a good start. All of our journeys are different, require self reflection, if you have access to a nutrition advisor, recommend that also. See you on the board. We typically post our goals at the start of the month then try to stay accountable.
  • SunnyBunBun79
    SunnyBunBun79 Posts: 2,228 Member
    Reading up on everyone's posts , I feel so encouraged! Y'all are so motivating!! Keep it up! Hoping to be as consistent as y'all are <3<3 Add me if you have space for one more friend =)
  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Everyone, had a good Christmas and think I might have managed to loss about one pound this week. Still logged everything down but am glad that I am back into a routine again. Off work until Monday so am enjoying pottering around the house and doing some sorting. Realize I have a really hard time letting go of things. I know that there are some deep seated reasons and am looking forward to losing the emotional baggage this year as well that has contributed to my unhealthy relationship with food.

    My goal for the month of January is is loss 5 pounds and also maybe start journaling this journey as well. Have really appreciated your honesty in your posts. Every time I read them I feel like I have others who get it too.
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,318 Member
    Highest weight 105.5kg (aug 2018)
    Lowest weight 94.7kg (Mar 2020)

    Goal for end of December 94.9kg
    Actual weight end of December 99.2kg

    💛 To keep average cals for the week under 2000
    💛 To keep snacks under 25% of cals
    💛 To plan meals in advance for the week
    💛 16:8 - intermittent fasting
    💛 Mediterranean eating
    💛 Using non food ways to manage my emotions.

    Lets just say I wasn't diligent this December!!! But tomorrow is another day, without any mistakes in it yet.