How often are you working out and for what time periods?

I work out 4 days a week - Sat and Sun mornings I work out for 2 hours. After work on Mon and Wed I work out for 1hour 15minutes. I have a busy schedule, so this works for now, and I've just started, so this will probably increase in a few weeks.


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    4 days a week about 3 hours each session.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    4 days a week for 2.5 hrs (1-1hr15min weights, 45 min cardio, 30 min dog walk around the block)

    1 day a week for 2 hrs (1.5 hrs dedicated cardio and .5 hr dog walk around the block)

    2 days a week for 3 hrs or more (weekends hiking with the dogs)

    And a full time job and a part time job with an unreliable schedule. I’m busy busy busy 😜
  • Oliveciabatta
    Oliveciabatta Posts: 294 Member
    hardly any while the gyms in our region are still closed for covid safety. 1 hour a day weekdays an hour horseriding on Sundays and it varies on Saturdays usually a long walk weather depending
  • discolady74
    discolady74 Posts: 11 Member
    Chef_Barbell said "4 days a week about 3 hours each session."

    WOW!! That's impressive :) I like that as a goal for me once I finish this 4-6 week routine I'm currently in.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I lift 4-5x per week, about an hour each session.
  • dsc84
    dsc84 Posts: 208 Member
    Depends on my goal. I do mainly strength/weight training.

    Currently I'm working on building strength so I am 4X per week at about 2 hours per session. (Longer rest periods with this program, and no supersets on main lifts). This is at maintenance calories or increased calories to maintain energy and intensity.

    If I'm in a maintenance or calorie deficit I'm usually 5-6X per week for max 1.5 hours but usually closer to 1 hour. This includes a lot of supersets, shorter rest periods and higher rep sets at lower weights.

    When I'm adding in Cardio there is typically a 20-30 minute added 3-4X per week.
  • discolady74
    discolady74 Posts: 11 Member
    briscogun wrote: »
    Oh my goodness all you over-achievers make me feel like a bum!

    I do circuit training 3X/week for about 30 minutes, and I run for 2 miles or so 3X/week (so 6 days total). I add in stretching or light yoga most days as a cool down afterwards. So average 45 minutes each day?

    (Goes and crawls back in his hole ashamed of his effort...) ;)

    OMG, to work out 6 days a week is fantastic! I hope to up my workouts to 7 days a week. I notice I feel better after a good workout.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I do something every morning, first thing (after feeding the cats, of course). I'm using the workout videos in the Planet Fitness app and just doing this in my living room. I'm not comfortable going out to a public gym yet, and probably won't be for another 6-12 months, until we get a better handle on COVID and get people vaccinated.

    In the Before Times I dabbled in more serious strength training/weightlifting, but I have neither the space nor funds to be able to do that at home right now. sigh Someday!

    Monday - 20-minute bodyweight strength workout video
    Tuesday - 20-minute cardio workout video
    Wednesday - 20-minute dumbbell workout video (using ~1lb soup cans or 5lb dumbbells)
    Thursday - 20-minute cardio workout video (same one as Tuesday)
    Friday - 6-minute bodyweight circuit, 6 moves/30 seconds each/2 rounds (I have less time on Friday mornings)
    Saturday and Sunday - ~5-10 minutes of stretching, no rules; usually full-body, occasionally target a specific area if needed

    The weekend stretching is mostly to reinforce the habit and make it easier to get up and stay up on weekdays.
  • shirazum2023
    shirazum2023 Posts: 54 Member
    Gyms are closed here. So now I train from home. Push ups, Pull ups, Dips and variations. Pretty much training everyday. Loving the time spent training. Going by how body feels on that day. High volume, low volume, mobility, flexibility. At least one of these. Probably will train like this from now on. Miss doing squats and deadlifts though.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Chef_Barbell said "4 days a week about 3 hours each session."

    WOW!! That's impressive :) I like that as a goal for me once I finish this 4-6 week routine I'm currently in.

    Haha well it takes me 45 minutes to get to the gym by bus so I like to make it worth my while. 😂
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    An actual "workout"...twice per week in the weight room, once at my big box gym, and another on Fridays with a trainer. About an hour each session.

    I'd say I'm more of just an active person than a worker outer...most of what I do I wouldn't really consider to be a "workout". I walk three miles pretty much every morning with my dog and my travel mug of coffee while the sun rises. I road ride or trail ride about 4 days per week...sometimes 5...anywhere from 40-60 miles per week depending. I also like hiking, but do more of that in the spring and fall...some rock climbing here and there, etc. I'm active pretty much 7 days per week in some capacity or another.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Right now (since I'm in the midst of doing the 75 Hard program - just over a week in), I have to do a minimum of (2) 45 minute workouts/day, non-consecutive, so most weeks are looking like this:

    (5) days/week - 2-3 hours of [volunteer] barn chores M-F (mostly mucking stalls, but sometimes other stuff as needed) - lots of walking, lifting, twisting!

    (5) days/week - 45 weight/strength training (as best I can do at home right now), with martial arts and stretching between sets.

    (2)x/week (may vary) - 45 minute horse ride (hunter/jumper/dressage, not just tootling along a trail lol)

    (1)x/week each (may vary)
    - minimum 45 minute hike with the dog
    - 5-8 hour motorcycle ride in the mountains (as a racer, my street rides are always slower speeds but focusing on skill building for the track, so again, not just a leisurely ride on the countryside)
    - yoga for 45 minutes
    - some other fitness video (zumba is a favorite when I go this route)
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    4 days a week at the gym (100% mask use required...most people are complying) 1-3 hours depending on lift day...I sit on my butt the rest of the week:(
  • darwod1
    darwod1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi -walk my dog every morning for 30 -60 minutes; take aerobic and weight lifting class for 45 min. 2x a week and just aerobic 1x for 45 minutes, and a senior strength class for 30 minutes 1x a week -involves lifting weights and moving body around, finally 1/2 hour pilates 2x a week. A lot but I don't know if or how they increase my fitness. I'm assuming they do as I'm pretty healthy. And none of it is done at top speed, more like steady pace for everything.
  • darwod1
    darwod1 Posts: 3 Member
    Before the pandemic, I did aerobics 3x a week and swam 2x a week and felt I was in better shape. It's hard to get really worked up if you're doing it in a small room with a carpet. I am aiming for 10000 steps a day.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,761 Member
    Varies a great deal, seasonally and for other reasons.

    Right now, it's Concept 2 Holiday Challenge season, so I'm doing about 50 minutes machine rowing (with 3 about 1'15" water-drinking/sweat-wiping breaks interspersed between the 4 2k pieces included in that time), 6 days a week.

    Before that, we were mostly rowing on water 4 days a week for about an hour (plus carrying boats and stuff), and I usually did something on the 2 other days (walk, bike ride, also usually around a hour) but sometimes just blew off the other days.

    At the last stages before the rowing club reopened (Covid-related limitations March until late summer), I was doing 8k+ rowing machine 3 days, 6k+ rowing machine and around 40' strength training on the alternate 3 days. Early part of Covid "stay at home", I was lackadaisical. Pre-"stay at home", usually rowing 4 days a week and spin class 2 days a week. Yoga/stretching, and strength training, tend to vary in and out randomly.

    I tend to slack off in Winter, have for over 15 years, so we'll see what happens this year after the Holiday Challenge. I'm old (65) and have been working out regularly for a long time (around 17 years), even while obese, so I don't stress too much about ups and downs. Eventually, if I slack off, I start feeling moody, tense, kind of unfit (after not too long a time of slacking off) and get back at it. Since that's been happening for years, I don't see a short inactive period as a slippery slope to permanent full-time couch-surfing.
    6x a week with the weights and 4-5 I add cardio. but I’m just starting out again. Weekdays are usually around 2 hrs and weekends a full 3 is easy to do.
  • msapplek
    msapplek Posts: 95 Member
    Since I work from home now since COVID, I've used the 10hrs/week of commute time towards exercise and working out! Yay for me!

    For the past 3months, I've been pretty focused on completing a 4day strength/weight training program + 1day HIIT designed by a YouTube trainer I discovered. The workouts range from 30min-1hr. Oh man, my newbie gains have been really motivating, and I wish I had started weight training earlier.

    On top of that, I was also running 3-4x/week for 1-1.5hr plus 2x yoga (1x tennis or swimming, though the season is over for those activities now). Unfortunately, I've recently injured my knee/quad, so I am taking this month off from running, and focusing on walking for 40min-1hr daily, though frankly, it's tempting to just stick with the walking as it's a lot more enjoyable and less high impact.

    Since I'm newer to this commitment of fitness and activity, I really enjoy reading this thread to see how people use their time and energy. Side question: do your non-exercising friends and family have little interest in listening to your fitness schedules and goals?

  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    msapplek wrote: »
    Since I work from home now since COVID, I've used the 10hrs/week of commute time towards exercise and working out! Yay for me!

    For the past 3months, I've been pretty focused on completing a 4day strength/weight training program + 1day HIIT designed by a YouTube trainer I discovered. The workouts range from 30min-1hr. Oh man, my newbie gains have been really motivating, and I wish I had started weight training earlier.

    On top of that, I was also running 3-4x/week for 1-1.5hr plus 2x yoga (1x tennis or swimming, though the season is over for those activities now). Unfortunately, I've recently injured my knee/quad, so I am taking this month off from running, and focusing on walking for 40min-1hr daily, though frankly, it's tempting to just stick with the walking as it's a lot more enjoyable and less high impact.

    Since I'm newer to this commitment of fitness and activity, I really enjoy reading this thread to see how people use their time and energy. Side question: do your non-exercising friends and family have little interest in listening to your fitness schedules and goals?

    Yes VERY little interest lol. I’m boring them to death 😜