JUST FOR TODAY -- Daily Commitment Thread for 2021



  • Janele0627
    Janele0627 Posts: 231 Member
    Janele0627 wrote: »
    JFT 12/06
    - Vitamins
    - 64 oz of water ✓ 65
    - 30 minutes of cardio
    - Laundry (At least 2 loads)
    - Log everything
    JFT 12/07
    - Vitamins
    - 64 oz of water
    - 30 minutes of cardio
    - Put laundry away
    - Clean cat box
    - Pick up BC at pharmacy
    - Log everything
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    JFT for 12/7 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 12/4), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) Peanut butter ok today (last 12/2)
    3) Don't weigh again until Wednesday, 12/8
    4) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 12/2)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last 12/2)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, some of nut gift ok today
    7) Up to 6 dried apricots today. (up to 1 serving) (last 12/2)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today.

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. No more ground turkey today. I can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    JFT for 12/6 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 12/4), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.✔️
    2) Peanut butter ok today (last 12/2)✔️Didn't eat today.
    3) Don't weigh again until Wednesday, 12/8✔️
    4) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 12/2)✔️
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last 12/2)✔️
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, some of nut gift ok today✔️Didn't eat any of nut gift today.
    7) Up to 6 dried apricots today. (up to 1 serving) (last 12/2)✔️Didn't eat today.
    8) None of DH's treats today.✔️
    9) No turkey jerky today.✔️
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today.✔️

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    JFT for 12/6 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 12/4), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) Peanut butter ok today (last 12/2)
    3) Don't weigh again until Wednesday, 12/8
    4) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 12/2)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last 12/2)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, some of nut gift ok today if Gary opens one
    7) Up to 6 dried apricots today. (up to 1 serving) (last 12/2)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today.

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,038 Member

    JFT Tuesday 7th

    Drink plenty yes
    Back exercises just a few
    Do NOT sit still all day Did keep getting up, weather too wild to go outside, did a few things indoors
    Small sensible meals yes, breakfast and lunch vg, no evening meal

    JFT Wednesday 8th

    Drink plenty
    Back exercises
    Do NOT sit still all day
    Small sensible meals
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,584 Member
    edited December 2021
    Recap 12/7 T ~ unplanned rest day :s
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks :) 8K & 13/14
    2) Net calories zero / 14c water :) green 28, sodium & fiber good, protein ok, 14c
    3) ROP-BJ J, maybe K (at pg 78 of 133) / 12:00 Facebook Live / 12:30 webinar / submit webinar summary form & CPE cert = 4/4
    4) Update address labels / shop online for S & J gifts / finish decorating living room / start organizing mess of papers in dining room / another ta-da? TA-DA! = 3/5
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 6:00 alarm (treadmill before work) :smiley: 6/6

    JFT 12/8 W
    1) Walked treadmill 3 mi before work :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    3) Net calories zero / 14c water
    4) 9:00 Citrix install? / ROP-BJ finish K & more (at pg 93 of 133) / vax booster after lunch / pack laptop & folders
    5) Wash towels / update address labels / shop online for S & J gifts / wash dishes / sort papers in dining room / another ta-da?
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 6:00 alarm (treadmill before work)

    2021 Goals:
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ remember this year! ~ 1.31.21 ~ 2.28.21 ~ 4.3.21 ~ 4.30.21 not pretty ~ skipped 5.31.21 & 6.30.21 ~ 7.31.21 accountable ~ 9.1.21 horrible after vacation but recorded ~ 9.30.21 small improvements yay ~ 10.31.21 ~ 11.30.21 slightly better
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events even if virtual ~ started MapMyWalk You Vs. Year 1021K on Jan. 1 / virtual 50 Mile Frenzy 11.27.20 - 1.15.21 (replaced Frenzy on the Fox for Jan. 2021) 50.37 miles 12.17.20 and completed 97.44 miles total / Tour de Northeast WI virtual challenge: cover distance from Oshkosh to Gills Rock (139 miles) 1.1.21 - 3.31.21 ~ completed distance on 3.21.21 / 30/45 Build to Bellin virtual challenge 30 min. activity for total of 1,350 min. in 45 days 3.1.21 - 4.15.21 = 146 out of 339 in 34:00:42 / Hope 2021 Face Mask virtual 5K (benefits No Kid Hungry) anytime 5.11.21 in 58:04 / 100 Miles in May virtual challenge ~ 134.68 miles would've been more if I hadn't sluffed off on dog walks one week / Bellin (virtual) 10K on 6.19.21 after thunderstorm in 1:45:49 ave. pace 17:02 per mile / Titletown Wellness Shoreline Challenge: virtual distance from Gills Rock to Pleasant Prairie (228 miles) as many times as possible 6.12.21 - 11.26.21 YAY finished with 460.08 = 2X medal / Packers 5K IN PERSON 7.24.21 48:36 ave. pace 15:39 / Bellin Women's Pink Pumpkin 5K IN PERSON 10.2.21 47:34 ave. pace 15:19 second half pace 14:48 / Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K 10.9.21 in person 52:10 ave. pace 16:48 hill climb 1:44
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last year that should be repeated
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ had this goal in 2020 and how ironic
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office and basement ~ made good progress in 2020 & want to keep it up

    Word for 2021: Gratitude ~ be mindful of & appreciate my many blessings
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    🎄🤶🌟🧑🏻‍🎄DECEMBER 🧑🏻‍🎄🌟🤶🎄

    Live! Laugh! Love!!! NOW!!! Mindfully!!!
    Feeling almost back to normal.
    I got my follow-up Gynae appointment


    Tues 7 Dec:
    🔹Go to craft group am
    Got the week wrong 😂 Drove to venue during Storm Barra before I realised. It’s next week. Spent the day ensconced indoors. As the storm blew itself out.
    🔹Work on Christmas cards pm ✅
    🔹Track Daily Habits ✅

    Wed 8 Dec:
    🔹Up at 7am to go grocery shopping
    We always go early as their are few people there
    🔹Hearing aid repair ✅
    🔹Use Spend Local card before deadline on 14th.
    Used in part payment for new winter boots and shoes. My old boots had a split sole and were letting in water.
    🔹Work on Christmas cards ✅
    🔹Track daily habits ✅

    Thu 8 Dec:
    🔹Write/post overseas cards
    🔹Work on fabric craft cards for daughters
    🔹Track Daily Habits
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,141 Member
    Well it's a bit late but we got our Christmas tree up finally!
    Marley accidentally unwrapped the fake presents so I had to rewrap them because she got upset bless her! (Need to remember to swap these out when 'santa' comes lol)
    I now have a pounding headache but glad we managed to get it done for them today.
    I have to say I think this is the last year Saskia will believe. She said it a few weeks ago she didn't think he was real. But think I just managed to convince her. I just wanted her to have one last Christmas where Santa comes!

    I was supposed to ring the drs today. 3 weeks I've had this cold and that's the point you can ring the doctor. I dunno if it may be bronchitis? But that's according to Dr. Google😂. So I'll just have to see what the actual doctor says when I ring tomorrow.
    My tummy muscles and right hip muscle (?) is sore from all the coughing. Feel like I've been doing some insane amount of sit ups lol
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Hour commitment - After I finish my spinach and metamusal, I won't eat again until after 5 pm.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    JFT for 12/8 (today):
    1) No dessert today (last 12/4), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.✔️
    2) Peanut butter ok today (last 12/2)✔️
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 12/13✔️
    4) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 12/7)✔️
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last 12/2)✔️
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, some of nut gift ok today if Gary opens one✔️
    7) Up to 6 dried apricots today. (up to 1 serving) (last 12/2)✔️Didn't eat today.
    8) None of DH's treats today.✔️
    9) No turkey jerky today.✔️
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today.✔️
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    Will be gone two days, so I won't do JFT goals, but will post Hour Commitments as needed.

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,038 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 thank you so much for mentioning overseas cards! I haven't thought about my Christmas cards yet and had completely forgotten I have relations overseas, oops.

    @more_freggies76 well done! Happy to read your post!

    JFT Wednesday 8th

    Drink plenty yes
    Back exercises just a few
    Do NOT sit still all day did potter about all day
    Small sensible meals yes, made an evening meal as son wanted it, only ate half

    JFT Thursday 9th

    Drink plenty
    Back exercises
    Do NOT sit still all day
    Small sensible meals

    @Bex953172 you're not too late with your tree, I think it's perfect timing. When my kids were small it was the norm to put the tree up the weekend before Christmas, it's just recently that it's got earlier and earlier. Not that I'm complaining, i love to see other people's lights.
    I looked up bronchitis after reading your post...yep I have all those symptoms too. Totally get being in pain, I am in so much pain under my b00bs with coughing. I've even tried sleeping sitting up for a few nights. By the time I get up, washed and dressed, I'm exhausted.
    I spoke to a doctor yesterday and she said there was a very nasty cold doing the rounds. I already knew that lol. She wasn't calling about me, could just hear that I was coughing on the phone. She was calling about my mother, it seems the surgery follow up all care home residents before Christmas to find out what they would want if they become ill over the holidays. Do they want treated in hospital or to stay in the home. A polite way of asking if they want saved or not, not quite a Do Not Resuscitate but close. I suppose those questions have to be asked.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,584 Member
    Recap 12/8 W
    1) Walked treadmill 3 mi before work :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks :smiley: 16.1K & 14/14 boom!
    3) Net calories zero / 14c water >:) overtired, frustrated and evening snacking, even though not hungry
    4) 9:00 Citrix install / ROP-BJ finish K & more (at pg 93 of 133) / vax booster after lunch / pack laptop & folders = 4/4
    5) Wash towels / update address labels / shop online for S & J gifts / wash dishes / sort papers in dining room / another ta-da? TA-DA = 3/6
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 6:00 alarm (treadmill before work) = 3/6

    JFT 12/9 R ~ another rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    2) Net calories zero / 14c water
    3) 9:00 system check / ROP-BJ final push to finish F&Ds / 12:00 Facebook Live
    4) Update address labels / 6:30 choir rehearsal / wash dishes / something on ta-da list
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 6:00 alarm (workout before work)

    Feel like I've been pushing myself quite a bit lately... work deadlines looming, cleaning & decorating, other holiday preparations, etc. All while keeping up with workouts at least 5x per week. Decided to cut myself some slack this morning and skipped workout. Treating myself gently today.

    @Bex953172 I agree with @littleblackskirt that it's not too late to put up a tree. We have a small tree already up in the front room since it can be seen from the street. But the main tree will go up this weekend (if the snow predicted allows). That's the one I love, because it has all the ornaments I've collected over the years. Some were gifts or obtained on travels, some were both of my grandmothers' or handmade by family members. Always warm memories decorating and enjoying.

    2021 Goals:
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ remember this year! ~ 1.31.21 ~ 2.28.21 ~ 4.3.21 ~ 4.30.21 not pretty ~ skipped 5.31.21 & 6.30.21 ~ 7.31.21 accountable ~ 9.1.21 horrible after vacation but recorded ~ 9.30.21 small improvements yay ~ 10.31.21 ~ 11.30.21 slightly better
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events even if virtual ~ started MapMyWalk You Vs. Year 1021K on Jan. 1 / virtual 50 Mile Frenzy 11.27.20 - 1.15.21 (replaced Frenzy on the Fox for Jan. 2021) 50.37 miles 12.17.20 and completed 97.44 miles total / Tour de Northeast WI virtual challenge: cover distance from Oshkosh to Gills Rock (139 miles) 1.1.21 - 3.31.21 ~ completed distance on 3.21.21 / 30/45 Build to Bellin virtual challenge 30 min. activity for total of 1,350 min. in 45 days 3.1.21 - 4.15.21 = 146 out of 339 in 34:00:42 / Hope 2021 Face Mask virtual 5K (benefits No Kid Hungry) anytime 5.11.21 in 58:04 / 100 Miles in May virtual challenge ~ 134.68 miles would've been more if I hadn't sluffed off on dog walks one week / Bellin (virtual) 10K on 6.19.21 after thunderstorm in 1:45:49 ave. pace 17:02 per mile / Titletown Wellness Shoreline Challenge: virtual distance from Gills Rock to Pleasant Prairie (228 miles) as many times as possible 6.12.21 - 11.26.21 YAY finished with 460.08 = 2X medal / Packers 5K IN PERSON 7.24.21 48:36 ave. pace 15:39 / Bellin Women's Pink Pumpkin 5K IN PERSON 10.2.21 47:34 ave. pace 15:19 second half pace 14:48 / Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K 10.9.21 in person 52:10 ave. pace 16:48 hill climb 1:44
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last year that should be repeated
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ had this goal in 2020 and how ironic
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office and basement ~ made good progress in 2020 & want to keep it up

    Word for 2021: Gratitude ~ be mindful of & appreciate my many blessings
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Hour commitment - Going to have coffee stuff a little early today...due to an early departure. Not sure about lunch yet. May go ahead and have a breakfast instead.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,984 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hour commitment - Had early meal (will still have my dose of metamusal), now I won't eat again for several hours. Preferably not until dinner with DH, but I can have some driving "crap" if it entices me - within reason. Usually helps me some to stay awake, especially if driving. I'll keep you posted!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Friday
    1. Tea! Pack bag. AM meds.
    2. Morning: Check email. Send greetings. Think Pink!
    3. Test Prep Class: Check in to BB. Update late work. Emails. Print spreadsheets. Print article.
    4. Pit Crew: Show video. Update class site.
    5. Online Facilitation: Send check-in emails. Calls in lib? Finish lesson plans.
    6. English Class: Starter - Grammar test. Make-up work. ROL from Fighting Words. GR update.
    7. Planning: Lesson journaling - what worked? what didn't? what next? Booster.
    8. Evening: Respond to Twitter & FB groups. Dinner: Soup. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Chop celery. Update JFT. Livestream.
    9. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Read: 1 hr (AoP) while playing sleepy music.
    10. Upcoming: Wed/Fri livestreams. MH Monday check-in; Tough Question Tuesday; Whatever Wednesday AMA; Thankful Thursday. Indochino suit fitting - Atlanta or Nashville? S&F script work. Clois. Saturday volunteering at library? Theater 1/12. Dentist 5/12. Therapy 12/29. Booster 12/10. Christmas w family. Dems mtg ??. Local gov panel 12/16 1st lunch. 12/18 Tweetchat abt HW; need 6 questions.

    Scale progress
    • End of 2017: 174.6
    • End of 2018: 189.2
    • End of 2019: 196.4
    • End of 2020: 187.4
    • End of January: 189.8
    • End of February: 190.0
    • End of March: 190.4
    • End of April: 188.7
    • End of May: 191.2
    • End of June: 191.4
    • End of July: 190.2
    • Today: 194.2

    Ongoing plans/ideas
    1. Purchases: Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie), Hood Feminism (Mikki Kendall), Caste (Isabel Wilkerson).

    2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.

    3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.

    4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Write 1 reflection weekly; type one in Classroom by Weds. Copy-paste to discussion board for comments due Friday. Homework: Online journal Mon due Tue; Reflection Tue due Wed; C&P journal in class Wed; Comments Thu due Fri. Bonus if you are the first response; further bonus if you respond to comments on your post. Grammar practice Mon & Wed; quiz Fri. Unit plan for research (Idea for regular: comparing same story on sites with different biases).

    5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week - Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals.

    6. Medical: Dentist May 12. ObG schedule for 2022 after 9/28. PCP 9:45 AM Dec 22. Therapy 9 AM 12/29

    7. Theater: Read play for discussion Jan 12 7pm.

    8. House: Siding. Ask about bathroom floor. How to remove cement.

    9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday. Put jewelry away. Edney Hack Nights alt Weds. ASL? Spanish/Portuguese practice? Practice piano. ROL Secret Adversary. Buy bike rack for car.

    10. Volunteering ideas: Theater. Library. Animal shelter. Community Kitchen. Emerge Georgia training.

    11. Family: Book group. Dinners?

    12. Writing: Blog post: Running, Racism and Rum: Learning to Handle Discomfort. Fanfic: Create a scene list for the Batgirl story. Finish the cafe scene for the Titans story.

    13. Lifting: 15 squats, 15 deadlifts, 10 shoulder presses, 15 arm raises, 10 pushups, 30 crunches, 15 side lifts, 15 back kicks. Horse stance for 5 breaths, tree for 10 breaths each leg.

    14. Summer: Organize photos with the family. Write Clois. Write Stuffy and Friends. Create blog posts for video lessons; need directions for MLA format.

    15. Other: Practice hair braiding with D. Remind D to ask his dad about the table and check with home repair contractors. 3 posts/week? Create test for MLA format? Create test for infographics and visual information. Remember that M does not like surprises! Check dates of classes and update semester plan. She Should Run vision statement.

    WFTY: Persistence. I need to think of a WFNY...
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    edited December 2021
    🎄🤶🌟🧑🏻‍🎄DECEMBER 🧑🏻‍🎄🌟🤶🎄
    Live! Laugh! Love!!! NOW!!! Mindfully!!!
    It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost over.


    Thu 9 Dec:
    🔹Write/post overseas cards
    Several other errands occurred, and felt rather lethargic. Probably a reaction to the hectic last week.
    🔹Work on fabric craft cards for daughters
    Finished embellishing about a dozen cards.
    🔹Track Daily Habits ✅
    I stuck to my daily habits.

    Fri 10 Dec:
    🔹 Track Daily Habits
    🔹 Write/post overseas cards
    🔹 Work on fabric craft cards for daughters
    🔹 Drive DH to the car repair place
    🔹 Update Sole Mates spreadsheet

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,584 Member
    Recap 12/9 R ~ another rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks :neutral: little sluggish yesterday 7.9K & 12/14
    2) Net calories zero / 14c water :) green 79, sodium green yay, fiber & protein excellent & 12c
    3) 9:00 system check ~ rats, still needs debugging / ROP-BJ final push to finish F&Ds ~ woohoo 133 pgs completed! / 12:00 Facebook Live = 3/3
    4) Update address labels / 6:30 choir rehearsal / wash dishes / something on ta-da list :/ absolutely no energy as day wore on...
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 6:00 alarm (workout before work) = 1/6 plopped into bed at 9 p.m. and couldn't be bothered with the rest

    JFT 12/10 F ~ continuing with the rest day theme...
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    2) Net calories zero / 14c water
    3) ROP-BJ finalize Compliance Rate Sheet & draft report / update Project Status s/s / submit PAR, PRO, KRO s/s / set up testing for GA-IT follow-up audit
    4) Update address labels & print / wash dishes / some ta-da
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 7:30 alarm (pick up birdseed order by noon)

    Yesterday I was feeling mild side effects from my booster shot Wed. afternoon. Headache and tiredness all day. Didn't even feel like eating much (now that's a switch for me). This morning I feel like the wool has been pulled away from around my head, much better. Still decided to let my body rest & recover, so taking yet again a rest day. I know that next week will not be the same, and I'm fine with giving myself an occasional break, as long as it doesn't become permanent. Poor dog, though. She's by my side of the bed each morning when I wake up, ever hopeful. Sorry, icy roads mean indoor workouts.

    2021 Goals:
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ remember this year! ~ 1.31.21 ~ 2.28.21 ~ 4.3.21 ~ 4.30.21 not pretty ~ skipped 5.31.21 & 6.30.21 ~ 7.31.21 accountable ~ 9.1.21 horrible after vacation but recorded ~ 9.30.21 small improvements yay ~ 10.31.21 ~ 11.30.21 slightly better
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events even if virtual ~ started MapMyWalk You Vs. Year 1021K on Jan. 1 / virtual 50 Mile Frenzy 11.27.20 - 1.15.21 (replaced Frenzy on the Fox for Jan. 2021) 50.37 miles 12.17.20 and completed 97.44 miles total / Tour de Northeast WI virtual challenge: cover distance from Oshkosh to Gills Rock (139 miles) 1.1.21 - 3.31.21 ~ completed distance on 3.21.21 / 30/45 Build to Bellin virtual challenge 30 min. activity for total of 1,350 min. in 45 days 3.1.21 - 4.15.21 = 146 out of 339 in 34:00:42 / Hope 2021 Face Mask virtual 5K (benefits No Kid Hungry) anytime 5.11.21 in 58:04 / 100 Miles in May virtual challenge ~ 134.68 miles would've been more if I hadn't sluffed off on dog walks one week / Bellin (virtual) 10K on 6.19.21 after thunderstorm in 1:45:49 ave. pace 17:02 per mile / Titletown Wellness Shoreline Challenge: virtual distance from Gills Rock to Pleasant Prairie (228 miles) as many times as possible 6.12.21 - 11.26.21 YAY finished with 460.08 = 2X medal / Packers 5K IN PERSON 7.24.21 48:36 ave. pace 15:39 / Bellin Women's Pink Pumpkin 5K IN PERSON 10.2.21 47:34 ave. pace 15:19 second half pace 14:48 / Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K 10.9.21 in person 52:10 ave. pace 16:48 hill climb 1:44
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last year that should be repeated
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ had this goal in 2020 and how ironic
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office and basement ~ made good progress in 2020 & want to keep it up

    Word for 2021: Gratitude ~ be mindful of & appreciate my many blessings
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,439 Member
    I've been totally ignoring my goals this week, and I'm really ok with that. I'm enjoying time with family and friends and not getting too caught up in weight loss right now. Exercise has been nonexistent, but I'm really enjoying the season!

    Hope y'all are having a happy holiday season.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    🎄🤶🌟🧑🏻‍🎄DECEMBER 🧑🏻‍🎄🌟🤶🎄
    Live! Laugh! Love!!! NOW!!! Mindfully!!!
    It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost over.


    Fri 10 Dec:
    🔹 Track Daily Habits✅
    🔹 Write/post overseas cards
    🔹 fabric craft cards for daughters —>
    🔹 Drive DH to the car repair place✅
    🔹 Update Sole Mates spreadsheet (partly)

    Sat 11 Dec:
    🔹 Track Daily Habits
    🔹 Write more cards
    🔹 Work on fabric craft cards for daughters
    🔹 Local shopping
    🔹 finish Update Sole Mates s/sheet