What keeps you motivated?



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
  • hollywollyx
    Honestly I don't even feel like im motivated anymore. I've just developed a habit that im sticking to. (logging & working out)

    Yeah! I did feel like that for a long time. Now I want to start doing more and I'm kinda lost for inspiration. I walk 2 hours a day, every day and interval training for 20 mins on the stationary bike (15 mins rest 30 mins full speed) 3 days a week and then the days I don't do bike I wanted to fill with something extra... Maybe yoga or pilates. I can't do lifting because of back issues. I've lost so much weight but I still feel a bit meeh lol. Can't explain why. I'm fine as far as habit goes. It has really helped reading everyones positive attitudes though :D
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I stay motivated because I've found a form of exercise I really genuinely love. I focus my health around my ability to do said exercise - I sleep more so my body can repair, I eat enough of the right kind of food so I have fuel to do it but don't feel sick. Before I started that, though, motivation was extremely hard to come by, so I totally get it!
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    IMO, motivation comes and goes. Most days I don't want to workout or eat healthy. But I'm dedicated to meeting my goals no matter how long it takes. There are A LOT of days that the only thing that gets me to eat healthy and go to the gym is dedication. I always feel better when I'm done, but getting off the couch is the hardest part of my workout.

    Have you tried signing up for a 5K or something like that? Sometimes that can give you a little boost to push yourself.
  • MJDuley
    MJDuley Posts: 47 Member
    Looking at my 7-month-old daughter and realizing that I will be almost 60 when she graduates high school is my motivation. I want to be healthy and live a long time for her. I want to live to see HER kids and be able to enjoy playing with them! And I don't want her to be stuck caring for me at a young age because of my poor health choices.
  • baigra16
    baigra16 Posts: 1 Member
    I watch this video every morning when I wake up.

  • bikiniaday
    My profound answer?? BIKINIS !!!!!!!
  • sjwilson0223
    sjwilson0223 Posts: 5 Member
    Cute clothes! I want to lose weight and go on a shopping spree! I think about skirts and dresses... and a swimsuit! Maybe by next summer!!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    What keeps me motivated is looking at old photos. Knowing that they weren't even at my high weight gives me motivation to not get back there and gives me the drive to keep doing what I'm doing.
  • cateyedkp
    cateyedkp Posts: 70 Member
    I might set up a rewards and punishment chart lol. It sounds like something they do on 'Super nanny' for the naughty kids. But I honestly have the attention span of a fish and I'm full of excuses.
    Sticker chart on a wall calendar in a highly visible spot (like above your television!)- do it! No joke. Gold star for meeting or exceeding my exercise goal for the day. Green star for being at or under my calorie goal. Smiley face when I weigh in and I've lost. I try to add a sticker on every day of the week, because if I've met even one of these goals, I know I'm on the right track ;) Totally geeky but really can help motivate when you're feeling whiny or full of excuses (one of my constant struggles).

    The other thing I try to expose myself to regularly are fitness/health podcasts (I like The Jillian Michaels Show and Cut the Fat on iTunes.) Good luck!
  • pauljsaunders
    At my age I just dont want any of the health issues that go along with over eating and being over weight, currently it's good to know I'm out of the obese an purely just over weight.... lol At least that gets me going again...
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I take time off, every once in a while. Right now, I'm at the end of a week break from Ripped in 30, and I'm starting to get antsy to get back on it. That keeps me perked up and back into giving 100%. I still make healthier food choices and I definitely continue to log in, but I know that the break is just what I needed. I don't want it to be a chore. I want to WANT it.
  • hollywollyx
    I might set up a rewards and punishment chart lol. It sounds like something they do on 'Super nanny' for the naughty kids. But I honestly have the attention span of a fish and I'm full of excuses.
    Sticker chart on a wall calendar in a highly visible spot (like above your television!)- do it! No joke. Gold star for meeting or exceeding my exercise goal for the day. Green star for being at or under my calorie goal. Smiley face when I weigh in and I've lost. I try to add a sticker on every day of the week, because if I've met even one of these goals, I know I'm on the right track ;) Totally geeky but really can help motivate when you're feeling whiny or full of excuses (one of my constant struggles).

    The other thing I try to expose myself to regularly are fitness/health podcasts (I like The Jillian Michaels Show and Cut the Fat on iTunes.) Good luck!

    OOhhh!! Fab tip!. I'm definitely going to do a chart! And the pod casts sound like a good shout! Thank you :D