Recommendations for inner thigh exercises?

Hi everyone,
Im looking for any recommendations for any way to lose fat and tone up the inner thigh. Ive had issues with it for years and it is just there. im currently cycling and started walking but any other advice is greatly appreciated!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,535 Member
    She's right: Spot reducing fat is not a thing we can achieve. We just need to lose fat until we're in a healthy zone.

    You can "tone" any area that has muscles in it. "Toning" usually means building and firming muscles, in a context where enough fat has been lost that those muscles show in an aesthetically pleasing way. Your cycling and walking are good. There are lots of lists and videos online of exercises for inner and outer thighs, which may not be worked as much by cycling. Some examples are side lunges, side step-ups, sumo squats, squeezing a ball between your legs, clamshells, various exercises with resistance bands . . . .

  • age_is_just_a_number
    Can’t spot lose weight. Your body decides where the fat will be used.

    In terms of exercises that build upper leg, inner thigh, muscles, consider these:
    Squats, leg raises, clam shell, sumo squats,
    Consider Pilates
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,471 Member
    Sorry, you can't spot reduce, and just training the inner thighs won't make the fat there disappear or turn fat into muscle. Any exercise is great for heath though.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    @Kait_Dee wins for giving the most positive response and not using the phrase "you can't spot reduce." While the phrase is true, you can shape up overall and make you legs stronger.

    I care more about fitness than looks, and I find that cycling and walking are great for legs overall, so you're already doing it. Add in some resistance training (bands, squats, etc.), and you'll see results!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,297 Member
    Great suggestions on toning exercises for the inner thigh. I find my legs have gotten toned from my daily power walks.. but the inner thigh needs its own work. Exercises do work in improving problem areas.
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    I'll agree with what a lot of others are saying in that you can't spot reduce one area, but there are exercises out there to specifically tone the legs and inner thighs. I think Barre-type exercises (think plies) are great for this, especially if one isn't concerned about gaining a lot of strength or getting stronger in certain lifts.

    I currently do heavy lifting with more compound exercises for my strength training, but used to swap out one of those sessions for a Barre workout because I really enjoyed them (and still incorporate some of the moves and use for my core work). I highly recommend Suzanne Bowen fitness for this. I like her philosophy (she'll also tell you you can't spot reduce) and her workouts are challenging, yet not punishing and would want to do them again. I feel like some Barre-type routines are too fast for my taste (and thereby for me form wasn't necessarily a priority). I'd do her workouts all the time if they aligned more with my current fitness goals.