death by nutella



  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    Ive changed to nutella. Because i found out i cant have peanutbutter.seemed like a gpod idea untill i see and no that i cant keep out of it .bad very bad i am. so for know no more of that jar of heaven..
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I can't keep conventional chocolate in the house without it haunting me until it's gone but I'm totally fine with Nutella in the cupboard. Once or twice in the beginning of my weight loss when I still craved chocolate occasionally I used to weigh up 5g in a teaspoon and eat it really slowly like a nutella lolly and it satisfied the craving without too many calories. It's probably going to be out of date before I finish the jar!
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I made the Nutella brownies someone posted on here and they are just yummy.

    Are they a "healthy version"?

    Is there a healthy version? The recipe I used (use the search engine to find Nutella Brownies) works out at 157 cals, 17 carb, 3 protein, 8 fat and 1 fibre. Warning though, not easy to just eat one. Thankfully I have 2 teenage boys who usually demolish them way before I get sniff of a 2nd one.