Recommendations on tv shows / movies for weight loss / health motivation

Hey guys, can anyone recommend anything to watch that will full my motivation beans? - can be anything from an amazing athlete story to the biggest loser ... x


  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 695 Member
    'Run Fat boy run'

    Is a funny film that I find very sweet :)
  • Katali93
    Katali93 Posts: 4 Member
    It's not a movie, but I usually watch YouTubers like Grackle for motivation and ideas.
    Eat Well For Less (BBC) is also really interesting.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I'll sometimes watch youtubers what I eat in a day or something similar...
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    “Killing the Fat Man” available on prime or yourube
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    motivation comes from within. not from watching a movie.

    I watch movies with scientists saving the world, doesn't mean I could do it LOL

    instead of using 105 minutes sitting on your *kitten*.... get up and move!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I bought a step aerobics step platform (sorry, no idea what it’s called in English) and used to get going on that while watching weight loss shows on TV. My favorite thing to watch was the Biggest Loser, and my motivations ranged from feeling smug and superior to needing to keep up with the people so much more overweight than me to being inspired by the trainers to doing it ”with them”. I know the show is awful in terms of sustainability and mental health, but I used to be able to put it into perspective and just enjoy the motivation I was able to extract from it.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    You're not going to dig this very much, but:

    Naruto, Dragon Ball, or one piece.

    High energy martial arts anime with stories that go for hundreds of episodes. I like to watch them while doing cardio on a stationary device (elliptical, bike, etc).

    On the assumption that's not going to be your thing, just pick any long running series you haven't seen before, and binge it while doing cardio.

    If you're looking for something that's more inspirational for while you're NOT doing cardio. Hmmm maybe some cooking shows :) Burn the calories off so you can eat the goods!
  • Iwannabeapunkrockmom
    Iwannabeapunkrockmom Posts: 61 Member
    Revenge body on E!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Split the difference: Find audio books or podcasts, listen to them while walking (no headphones if on roads!) or doing other exercise?

    IMO, establishing new habits, even slowly, is more important than "motivation".

    The audio+exercise instead of seated screen-time, that would be a candidate new habit.

    Podcasts and motivation are not my thing, but there are threads around here with suggested ones. Pretty much any book is available as audio these days, sometimes free through libraries.

    I think this is a good suggestion. Motivation aside, I think pairing something you don't yet do easily (like a workout) with something fun -- like listening to a podcast or watching a show or trying out a new playlist -- is great motivation (as in makes you want to do something more than you otherwise would).

    For shows, watching fun cooking shows tend to get me excited about cooking and what I can create if I'm in a cooking rut, so would recommend them (or YouTube videos -- I like actual cooking ones). I agree with the person who said you might want to avoid stuff like British Baking Show, though. I like historical food/cooking videos and shows, even though it's not directly relevant to what I do in the kitchen for the most part. It's interesting and does tend to keep me interested in cooking anyway.

    I do often like running or walking to fitness-focused podcasts, like Sigma Nutrition or (old, I tend to like the older episodes, not sure if there are new ones) FitCast or some running themed ones. There used to be a triathlon one with a couple of guys in the Chicago burbs I liked, but mainly because I'm in Chicago and have done tris (there was one where they argued about just how flat the Chicago tri course was -- flat, but not completely pancake flat one of them was insisting -- amused me). I'm not into more weight loss specific ones, but know some like Half Size Me.

    I also like completely different non-fitness related ones, some I save for workouts I'm not in the mood for, since I know I will want to listen to them. (I'm not assuming anyone will have the same taste in them as me, so won't list.)
  • 406MamaBear
    406MamaBear Posts: 47 Member
    The book “Fast Food Nation” is a good read.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    For regular old TV, I will say that my family enjoys watching American Ninja Warrior every summer. A lot of the competitors are "normal people" (or they achieved celebrity doing this program successfully and were normal people prior!), though there is a mix of Olympic athletes, stunt actors, or other pros, too. I don't think I would ever try out for the program (nowhere near fit enough for that at present!), but the idea of completing obstacle courses appeals to me, and it's fascinating to see what people can do! All the people are fit, but there's a range of ages and sizes, and several women have become very competitive in it too.
  • Iwannabeapunkrockmom
    Iwannabeapunkrockmom Posts: 61 Member
    I just thought of another... It's not tv, but I am really inspired and motivated by the half size me podcast on Google play. It's taught me a lot about sustainable weight loss and how to have a healthy relationship with food.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I just thought of another... It's not tv, but I am really inspired and motivated by the half size me podcast on Google play. It's taught me a lot about sustainable weight loss and how to have a healthy relationship with food.

    Yes, when I'm going for long walks in the woods by myself I like the Half Size Me podcast for half my walk and peppy rock music on the way back.

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