Is it Okay to have a cheat day?

I let myself have a cheat because I have heard that cheat days can speed up your metabolism. When you hit a platue. But are there certain rules about cheat days. like how many calories you can go over. And what you can eat?
I let myself have one yeasutrday but I think I ate to much.


  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Yes. It’s ok if that’s what works for you. The “best” diet is the one you can easily follow all your life.
    Personally, I have a cheat meal once a week, not a day. For me, it’s a meal to practice maintenance and awareness. If I’m actively trying to lose, I never eat out without
    Researching first. Look up the menu and calories online before I go, figure out what fits my calories and macros. Cheat meal, I just go. Figure out what comes sorta close when I get there, but no worries if it’s not as good as I thought, or if they really don’t have anything low calorie that I like. I know I’m trying to eat less, so even on a cheat meal, I try not to go way overboard. You CAN eat all the calories you saved all week in that one meal, but that would defeat the purpose.
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    Who you gonna cheat on?
  • amyrluk
    amyrluk Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2021

    freda78 "Who or what are you "cheating"?

    I don't know if I agree with your philosophy that I am somehow cheating myself. Because a cheat day is not a bad thing. I saw a weight watchers post of facebook. and several of the posters said that cheating actually helped them break a plauto of not loosing. I hit a platue. and a i cheated and I broke it. Cheat days are not bad. I just want information on how to do it right.

  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    To me, it depends partly on how you define "cheat day". No holds barred, the sky's the limit? I have occasional days when I eat something I've been craving (usually mixed nuts or trail mix), but I log those calories and still remain within my limit for that day. (So I have to eat less of the healthier foods and my diet is not balanced that day). I consider that a "cheat" in the sense that I've pushed aside better choices, but I log every bite and stay within bounds. I haven't maintained for as long as most of you - just 7 months at this point - so I do feel that I need to be more vigilant still than others are able to be.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,956 Member
    amyrluk wrote: »
    freda78 "Who or what are you "cheating"?

    I don't know if I agree with your philosophy that I am somehow cheating myself. Because a cheat day is not a bad thing. I saw a weight watchers post of facebook. and several of the posters said that cheating actually helped them break a plauto of not loosing. I hit a platue. and a i cheated and I broke it. Cheat days are not bad. I just want information on how to do it right.

    So why is that "a cheat" rather than "a strategy"?

    In the thread I linked up above, there's information about "how to do it right", if there is such a thing as "doing it right". (By which I'm not saying you shouldn't have a higher intake day; I think that's something a person can choose to do for various reasons. My implication is that I don't think it's something that requires profound technical correctness, if we're talking about something that happens relatively rarely. Other than avoiding allergens or poisonous/dangerous things, or foods contraindicated by some health condition or medication, I don't think it matters a lot what the over-goal calories consist of.)
  • CaydensMommy
    CaydensMommy Posts: 315 Member
    What about a "treat" day while doing keto?
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    It all comes down to how much of your weekly progress you're willing to give up. Weekend lollapaloozas can wreck havoc with your progress. You'll have to ask yourself that as the weeks go by.
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I note that some of you are talking about "cheat days" during the weight reduction phase. Maybe that can be motivating in terms of keeping people on track (so you don't feel like 'the most deprived person in the world' and give it all up!), but I would probably make those very rare during weight reduction and only start to work them in during maintenance, when we have parties and social events and other things that we're opening up to again (as the pandemic permits, of course). You want to feel that you can eat more normally - i.e. less restrictively or vigilantly - once you're in maintenance.
  • Annie42019
    Annie42019 Posts: 85 Member
    I have two no hold barred cheat days. My birthday and Mother’s Day. These are about six moths apart for me and have worked well for the last three years. I eat my “ never” foods those days. Ribs, Pasta and tons of bread.