
Hi all.
I'm Dave.
I'm currently 7 stones overweight (compared to the so-called ideal weight) and have opted for a complete lifestyle change after years of laziness and unhealthy eating.
Its gonna be a long hard road, of which I have no illusions.
Wish me luck!


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Hi, Dave. Welcome to MFP.

    Be kind to yourself and don’t do a whole lifestyle change, diet change, severe calorie cut, (and often sudden exercise) on the turn of a dime.

    Make this something you can easily maintain well after the weight comes off.

    This is a supportive group you might want to check out:

    You’ll also find a wealth of information, questions answered, support and advice given here on the general boards.

    I could not have been as successful as I’ve been without investing some time reading here almost daily.

    It IS an investment, in yourself.