How do you stop yourself?



  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I don't keep any tempting food in the house, and I make sure I log my food for the day in advance so I just follow my journal :) Oh and and very strong willpower...haha. But I don't deprive myself, if I can fit it into my day I will :)
  • horrorstory
    horrorstory Posts: 125 Member
    This is what happens with me:

    Walk into the kitchen,
    open the fridge,
    open the cupboards,
    think about how much I want *insert food here*
    think about how much I want to lose weight...
    tell myself NOPE and walk the f**k out.
    Like a boss.

    (also I dont buy bad stuff, so if I do end up stuffing my face, its with healthier foods)
  • Turtlesallthewaydown
    I don't stock food I want to eat in my house. I stock nutritious things that I will eat if hungry. There is a huge difference. For example if I'm going to eat an apple, I'm really hungry. If I'm going to eat chips it's because I want the flavor, or I'm bored, etc. Don't buy food that you desire purely for the fun of eating on a regular basis and reserve those foods for treats. I wanted to binge just now. I have some brussels sprouts, apples, grapes, water... yeah not going to pig out on those things.
    I also interrupt myself. Like "You can go in the kitchen but first the dog needs a walk, there is laundry, vacuuming, dusting, etc" and I just keep going until I don't want to snack anymore. Plus there's nothing 'good to snack on' in my fridge or pantry. Just food for when I need to eat verses food for entertainment or drowning my feelings.
  • orangesapphire
    I generally can't stop myself.
    One thing I have found that works is taking a shower at night, when I can fit it in after dinner. With kids, school, dinner prep, etc., this is sometimes impossible. But it does help to feel clean and fresh, with teeth brushed. Then I can more calmly fix myself a big drink with ice cubes (no calorie) or a hot drink if it is fall or winter ... and a healthy snack that takes a long time to eat, like popcorn or a piece of washed fruit, like a peach. I hope this helps. I am pretty lame at stopping myself from binging.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Take off your clothes and eat in front of the mirror. You should be able to stop soon.

    This works for me, I don't even have to take them off, just envisioning it already helps stop me.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Sometimes you just got to give in. Just dont make a habit out of it.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I remember that I'm really not in the mood to wash more dishes and wipe up the counter again.
    I have a planned and scheduled snack at 9:00, so I know it is waiting for me, so I know I don't want to ruin that.
    I have very few 'quick-grab' foods other than fruits and yogurt.

    But if I'm actually hungry, I don't see any reason to deprive myself.