Gain muscle help?

So I've been pretty skinny all my life. I'm 5'8", and about 2 months ago was 185 lbs. I got myself down to 169-170 I feel pretty good about everything except my stomach but I know I have to correct my diet to fix that along with exercises. Anyway I'm looking for some help on a weight lifting routine with the equipment I have at home, which isn't a lot. I have a 300 lb weight set and the weider xrs 20 bench and squat rack and 2x 25 lb dumbells.. Never lifted weight that much in my life other than some curls. I'm looking to gain some muscle and tone up, I'm not looking to become a body builder or anything but definitely wanna be able to notice.

Any suggestions on a routine? Today I did 4 sets of 10 reps on 90 lb preacher curls, 4 sets of squats with a 35 lb weight, 4 sets of 10 lb arm laterals, and 4 sets of 90 lb leg extensions. Also usually do around 100 push ups a day and messed around with deadlifting today for the first time ever but just threw 200 lbs on just to see how it was which was easy. Everything seems random though and not sure of a daily routine to help my situation

Is what I'm doing good, should I add or take anything away or adjust? I'm still new to all of this.

Any feedback is appreciated.
