6 Months In, 38 lbs down, 25 F 5'6 249-211

SNLover87 Posts: 101 Member
6 months ago I started this journey, and today I can say that I'm officially down 38 lbs, 10+ inches off my waist, 3+ inches off my hips, and a hell of a lot happier.


I started at 249, I'm currently at 211, and my GW is 165. I'm only 4 lbs away from my halfway point, and 11 lbs away from ONEDERLAND (SO excited about that last part!)

I personally love counting calories, I'm a very organized person so it's ideal for me! Every day that I end under my goal is a win for the day. I calculated my own numbers from research I did online (basically TDEE-20% as many suggest), and over time I learned to eat less and less. I finally got all the way down to 1300 a day and was really happy with that. Unfortunately, I then started to plateau, and more research made me realize I'd gone too low too early. I upped my calories back to 1500-1800 and I'm back losing again.

Everyone has that picture that started it all. Mine was the pictures taken at my aunt's wedding back in March. Left is at the wedding, right was yesterday, same dress.


I've been regularly exercising for 6 years. It never made a difference in my weight - the food has been what's made me successful in this process. I still workout regularly, and fortunately I'm able to do more than I could before. For those who are interested, I highly recommend Zumba, it's a lot of fun. I also do yoga everyday, and I've started doing the Jillian Michaels DVDs at the suggestion of other MFPers. I recommend those too. Also at the recommendation of others on MFP, I've started strength training, and that has been extremely beneficial (I'm sorry I didn't start that sooner!). I've also never set foot inside a gym. There are so many resources and tools available to you to workout on your own terms.

My advice for those who are interested:

- Take it day by day. If you screw up, no biggie - you can start fresh tomorrow.
- If I crave something bad, I think about how disappointed I'll be if I eat it. The disappointment lasts for much longer than the time it takes to eat it. That being said...
- Cheat meals are necessary. When I have one, I'm 150% more dedicated the next day. But I set a limit (2 a month)
- DO SQUATS. Seriously. They're hard when you start out, but the muscles they tone are awesome. Trust me on this.
- Exercise is important, but it's not everything.
- Counting calories is important, but it's not everything. Just because you can fit that double chocolate sundae into your total, doesn't mean you should eat one everyday. Try eating healthier, it feels great I promise.
- Don't let the scale get you down. Everyone plateaus at some point, and everyone has their own pace. If you stick with it, it will happen.

And lastly, for those of you reading that haven't started: In 6 mts you're going to wish you had. The last 6 mts have flown by for me, but I couldn't be happier that I started then. Each day you put it off is one day you're further from a healthier, happier you.

One more of 6 mts ago vs. today.


I love this site - and I'm a supportive friend. Add me if you're interested!


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