Eat More Cucumbers!



  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    ebonyroche wrote: »
    I eat cucumbers because I love them 😍

    Me too!!

    I did a batch of bread and butter pickles yesterday with some of the first ones from our garden. The rest will go in a salad with cherry tomatoes and goat cheese. And there's a million more things to make with the rest. I'm so pumped!!!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Cukes, yum! 🥗
  • tammigates
    tammigates Posts: 46 Member
    Cucumber slices satisfy my "crunchy" craving...I use them in place of chips!
  • tammigates
    tammigates Posts: 46 Member
    ....also delicious with hummus!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    tammigates wrote: »
    ....also delicious with hummus!

    That's how I prefer my cucumbers. That, and in a great big green mixed veggie salad.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I love cucumbers fresh from the garden or farmers market...not so much from the store. I'm the same with tomatoes. Most other vegetables I'm fine with from the store, but those two just aren't even close to garden fresh from the store. Alas, no cucumbers at the farmer's market yesterday...maybe Saturday. Did get some nice tomatoes though and had some BLTs last night (sub spinach for the L)
  • futuresylph
    futuresylph Posts: 2,178 Member
    Now I really want some dainty little cucumber sandwiches.
    But I don't want to make them myself...I want to go to a fancy tea and have them served to me.

    Oh, now you're talking. I love teatime.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @paperpudding :lol::love: :kissing_heart: <slinks away to watch fireworks>

    I think I have mentioned once or twice that I really do not like cucumbers :D

    Fortunately for me I do not need any help with blood pressure or diuretics and I'm sure I can get enough potassium and vitamins from other foods and I don't have any toxins to need detoxing. :)

    I like cucumbers a lot. But I agree that there is not one specific food that I have to eat to keep my blood pressure in check or get potassium. (P.S. if you have any cucumbers you need to get rid of .... :smile: )
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    I’m now getting marrows fly-tipped on my doorstep

    ^^ LOL I have no idea what this means!!
    Hah! Maybe it’s a Brit thing? Marrows = oversized courgettes (zucchini) and fly tipping is when you dump rubbish somewhere you shouldn’t and run.

    As I declined the last lot of courgettes (my fridge is still full of them) my sneaky neighbour waited until it was dark then left a load on my doorstep. I did exactly the same to them last year so it’s now courgette-wars 🤣🤣

    Nope. U.S. resident here. Not just a Brit thing. I don't much care for summer squash of any kind, but especially zucchini, because when I was growing up every backyard gardener (including my mother) grew them and tried to foist them on friends, co-workers, neighbors. All summer long it was watery zucchini stewed with tomatoes as the green veg (plus lots of zucchini bread, which was OK). Maybe I should try roasting it now to see if it's better that way -- but who wants to roast in summer?

    Before anybody other than university academics knew what the Internet was, there were IRL memes in the U.S. about sneaky ways people tried to get rid of zucchini. Put it in a nice bag or wrap it like a gift and leave it on a bench or bus. Or put the bag on your car's front seat and leave the car door unlocked (if they took the car too, it was a small price to pay to get rid of the zucchini).
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,945 Member
    edited August 2021
    I usually love cucumbers and courgettes. But my neighbours have grown an impressive crop this year (thank goodness I haven’t grown any) and I’m now getting marrows fly-tipped on my doorstep. To be fair I did the same to them last year but I can’t keep up with the blasted things! This weekend is narrow chutney time.I’m desperate.

    So. A bumper crop of zucchini/courgettes and cucumbers?

    Cucumber can be dehydrated nicely.

    Zucchini/ courgettes are delicious if you boil and mash with garlic and a little butter. This is a great way to use the cricket/baseball bat sized ones. And it freezes nicely.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,864 Member
    With all this talk about neighbours flytipping excess produce, I wonder if food banks and soup kitchens vegetable donations.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    edited August 2021
    acpgee wrote: »
    With all this talk about neighbours flytipping excess produce, I wonder if food banks and soup kitchens vegetable donations.

    This is a good idea! A couple of our small ones will accept fresh produce. The big regional one here won't from individuals but will from corporations.

    I like zucchini and other summer squashes a lot. I make a zucchini bread that's really just a delicious chocolate cake. Also zucchini pickles, or marinated and grilled on skewers. It's an easy thing to chop and saute and add to pretty much any pasta dish or taco or enchilada filling. It can add a lot of bulk and take on the flavors of whatever you're cooking with very nicely, without adding many calories at all. This past week I had a giant one that I sliced and combined with sliced eggplant to make eggplant and zucchini parmesan.

    Shredded zucchini can be stored in the freezer easily enough too if I get the itch for zucchini bread/cake midwinter, though I'll also freeze the loaves themselves to be given later as a dessert for meal trains (I do a lot of these - usually for new parents but sometimes other situations too. It's nice to know that my garden and freezer storage can be used to help others too.)
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    I had a side dish at an Indian street food restaurant the other day. It was chopped seasoned cucumbers, corn and tomatoes with crushed cornflakes, called corn bhel. It was out of this world.

    I would dearly love to learn how to make it, but the bhel recipes I find are different.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I’m now getting marrows fly-tipped on my doorstep

    ^^ LOL I have no idea what this means!!
    Hah! Maybe it’s a Brit thing? Marrows = oversized courgettes (zucchini) and fly tipping is when you dump rubbish somewhere you shouldn’t and run.

    As I declined the last lot of courgettes (my fridge is still full of them) my sneaky neighbour waited until it was dark then left a load on my doorstep. I did exactly the same to them last year so it’s now courgette-wars 🤣🤣

    Nope. U.S. resident here. Not just a Brit thing. I don't much care for summer squash of any kind, but especially zucchini, because when I was growing up every backyard gardener (including my mother) grew them and tried to foist them on friends, co-workers, neighbors. All summer long it was watery zucchini stewed with tomatoes as the green veg (plus lots of zucchini bread, which was OK). Maybe I should try roasting it now to see if it's better that way -- but who wants to roast in summer?

    Before anybody other than university academics knew what the Internet was, there were IRL memes in the U.S. about sneaky ways people tried to get rid of zucchini. Put it in a nice bag or wrap it like a gift and leave it on a bench or bus. Or put the bag on your car's front seat and leave the car door unlocked (if they took the car too, it was a small price to pay to get rid of the zucchini).

    Did you mean the practice is not a Brit thing or the phrases are not just Brit?

    I am very familiar with the practice of sneaky ways to dispose of excess squashes, but never heard of "marrows" or "fly tipping."
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    acpgee wrote: »
    With all this talk about neighbours flytipping excess produce, I wonder if food banks and soup kitchens vegetable donations.

    None of the food banks, shelters, or soup kitchens where I'm at will accept fresh produce as it goes bad too quickly and lack of storage capacity.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I’m now getting marrows fly-tipped on my doorstep

    ^^ LOL I have no idea what this means!!
    Hah! Maybe it’s a Brit thing? Marrows = oversized courgettes (zucchini) and fly tipping is when you dump rubbish somewhere you shouldn’t and run.

    As I declined the last lot of courgettes (my fridge is still full of them) my sneaky neighbour waited until it was dark then left a load on my doorstep. I did exactly the same to them last year so it’s now courgette-wars 🤣🤣

    Nope. U.S. resident here. Not just a Brit thing. I don't much care for summer squash of any kind, but especially zucchini, because when I was growing up every backyard gardener (including my mother) grew them and tried to foist them on friends, co-workers, neighbors. All summer long it was watery zucchini stewed with tomatoes as the green veg (plus lots of zucchini bread, which was OK). Maybe I should try roasting it now to see if it's better that way -- but who wants to roast in summer?

    Before anybody other than university academics knew what the Internet was, there were IRL memes in the U.S. about sneaky ways people tried to get rid of zucchini. Put it in a nice bag or wrap it like a gift and leave it on a bench or bus. Or put the bag on your car's front seat and leave the car door unlocked (if they took the car too, it was a small price to pay to get rid of the zucchini).

    Did you mean the practice is not a Brit thing or the phrases are not just Brit?

    I am very familiar with the practice of sneaky ways to dispose of excess squashes, but never heard of "marrows" or "fly tipping."

    I meant the practice, which was how I read the first reference upthread to "it" being a Brit thing. Apologies if I misread it. I see a singular pronoun, I look for a singular antecedent.

    I have heard of marrows and courgettes from watching/reading British cooking shows/books, but was not familiar with the phrase "fly tipping."
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,945 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    acpgee wrote: »
    With all this talk about neighbours flytipping excess produce, I wonder if food banks and soup kitchens vegetable donations.

    None of the food banks, shelters, or soup kitchens where I'm at will accept fresh produce as it goes bad too quickly and lack of storage capacity.

    This is where things like Buy Nothing and Freecycle have a part to play in the equation.

    Although here in the Pacific Northwest many people just do drive by vegetable porch distribution.