This isn't a dating app...



  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    report and block online jerks. be done with em.

    related but not .... the dog in my profile pic is Holly. She is 150 pound Great Pyrenees, and is one of our 2 livestock guardian dogs. Super friendly, loves everyone. GREAT at her job (as is her brother). And because she is equally as good with people and wouldn't hesitate to rip the jugular out of anyone attacking ME... is a fantastic travel companion for my many road trips (well, pre-covid lol).

    That's what my mind keeps coming back to as I keep reading the comments on this thread. That everyone needs a 'Holly' (please dont run out and buy one, they really are NOT the breed for everyone LOL)... If only I could take her EVERYWHERE. Not really a dog you can shove in a purse though LOL

    I had a miniature dachshund who was a pussycat.

    Someone came over to the house, knowing I was home alone, screamed “I wish you were dead!” then put his hand on the gate to vault it to attack me.

    In front of my very eyes, that dachshund swole to the size of a Doberman and went for him. He grew taller than the three foot fence and went all junkyard dog, snarling and foaming. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since.

    It was enough to scare some sense into my unwelcome visitor, who took off. Dog would not tolerate strangers near me after that, all twelve pounds of him.

    Beware My Wiener, indeed.

    im far more cautious around unknown little dogs than unknown big dogs LOL

    OK but the advice to get a dog does nothing about online creepers.

    And for IRL creepers?

    Well…. I have almost always had dogs.
    It doesn’t make much difference.

    The problem is the creepers.

    Exactly. There is nothing that I can do to "make" another adult human person act a way around me - what they choose to do or say to or at me is just that, a choice that adult human person is making, that I am in absolutely no way responsible for. I can't DO anything to avoid being the victim of a crime if someone has decided to victimize me, it's not my decision to make. Like I said before, any of the """"advice"""" in this thread about what women (people, but it's disproportionately women) """"""should do"""""" to """"""""""""""prevent""""""""""""""" men (people, but it's disproportionately men) from harassing, abusing, assaulting, murdering them only increases the likelihood that that man will harass, abuse, assault, murder some other woman instead because what he chooses to do is not her responsibility. The way to prevent men from doing sex crimes is for men to not do sex crimes, end of story.

    @callsitlikeiseeit and @springlering62 I love both of these dogs, thank you for sharing your stories, even if they are offtopic lmao
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    What we need is a virtual dog, clearly. 😉
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member

    I'm clearly set on the dog front (plus two not pictured). Sadly they seem to attract more attention than repel it but at least the dog on the far left of the image would eat someone for me if needed.
  • DerangedPixi
    DerangedPixi Posts: 84 Member
    You must be new here lol I actually have friends who met, dated and are now married to their significant others here. I also have friends who have hooked up with each other, or someone from on here, way back in the day MFP was wild.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member
    You must be new here lol I actually have friends who met, dated and are now married to their significant others here. I also have friends who have hooked up with each other, or someone from on here, way back in the day MFP was wild.

    There is a huge difference between consenting interaction and being a creeper.