Thought I had a home intruder last night.



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Here's a picture of the bathroom.

    We all know that paranormal activity shows up on cameras as blobs, or streaks, or other things that can't be explained by science.

    Behold, ghost-free bathroom:


    Look more closely at the reflection in the 2nd window for a few seconds. Once you let your eyes relax you'll see it.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Former property manager here. Your wall switch for the light is faulty. It happens. Replace it.

    Took the words out of my mouth! And your pup was picking up on your apprehension. Ghosts sounds more fun, though (for us, anyway). :wink:

    This is what I was thinking. Especially being a BC, your pup was just reading your cautious and abnormal behavior and being cautious and abnormal himself. Our dogs (especially the smart ones) are very in tune with the slightest change in our behavior, and sneaking around bent over and tensed for a fight in the middle of the night is certainly not what your dog is used to seeing from you, I would think.
  • FrankenBeanz
    FrankenBeanz Posts: 176 Member
    That story was sounding vaguely familiar- until the part where you did actually check your wife was in bed.....

    Yes!! I thought this was going down the Oscar Pistorius route for a moment too...
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I ADORE this thread! Had to make myself a tea once I got into it so I could continue reading with maximum pleasure. haha

    Two stories involving the night my Mum died. ( neither involve me ) I've not been that lucky. haha

    1: My older sister gets a call at 3am. ( why is always 3am that *kitten* goes down? ) Mum had died earlier that day. Sister picks up the phone:

    Sis: Hello?


    Sis: HELLO?

    Woman: Where's my daughter?

    Sis: Sorry, who are you?

    Woman: I'm sorry, I just want to speak to my daughter.

    Sis: I think you have the wrong number...and its 3am!

    Woman: I know I'm really sorry.......Is my daughter ok?

    Sis: I'm sorry I have no idea...

    -awkward silence-

    Woman: Just wanted to hear her voice again. -silence- ( sister is severely creeped out ) ...Ok. Goodnight.

    * Hangs up *

    Weird huh? Apparently this woman sounded quiet, and calm. A little upset but not in a panic at all, almost monotone.

    Story 2!:

    Also the evening after Mum passed. Her sister ( my Aunty Susan ) and her boyfriend are sitting on the couch,when her BF offers to make a cuppa. So he gets up to go to the kitchen. He's in there doing his thing, when he sees my aunt passing by the kitchen, and go into the loo. He asked her if she was Ok, she smiled ( warmly so I hear ) and walked passed him. He returns with the tea and apparently dropped it to the floor when he came back into the room to see my aunt on the couch. Only seconds had passed in the time before seeing her walk into the loo,and being back in the living room.

    " How did you get back so quick? Didn't even hear a flush! " - She was confused and said she hadn't moved an inch since he left the room. He insisted " You walked by me!! I asked if you were ok and you smiled and nodded??? "

    This actually turned into a huge argument until they realised that there's a possibility it wasn't her walking by him. :-) ( FYI my Mum is one of 12 sibings, with the most of my aunts looking very alike. ) And although my aunts boyfriend was in the family for a year, he still hadn't met Mum as Susan is estranged from us, or was at the time. So he wouldn't know the difference!

    - - - - - - -

    I haven't beefed these up in any way, and they also never happened to me. But wow, I love hearing these stories.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    This reminds me of the time my brother and I slept in the basement. It had been so hot that summer that even with the air conditioning on sleeping was a misery. The basement was still fairly cool, though. I was about 12 or 13 which would make my brother 9 or 10.

    So there we are, sound asleep, when we were awakened by the sound of someone tapping at the window. At first I wasn't sure it was real, but it kept repeating, 4 or 5 knocks of insistent tapping. Well...I wasn't real keen on this, to say the least. I'd been gotten a copy of the audiobook Jerusalem's Lot by Stephen King at the library, which I'd really enjoyed, and had led me to get the book 'Salem's Lot which turned out to be about vampires. Naturally, vampires have to be invited in, so if you're asleep they'll knock on your window to wake you up and get your attention.

    Certainly I don't expect any of my friends or my brother's friends to come to our window in the middle of the night. Even if they wanted to, and were successful in sneaking out, how would they know we were sleeping in the basement that night? Clearly, under the circumstances vampires make the most sense.

    I check with my brother to see if he's awake. Oh, yeah! He's awake...maybe I can pull rank and get him to check the window. His response is unambiguous: NFW.

    So it's on me. A Big Brother job. We're in the basement so the window is just above grade level. There is a set of horizontal blinds (closed) obscuring the view, so in order to see who or what is tapping I'll have to go right up to the window and pull the blinds up. I crawl over to the window which puts me below grade. I get over to the window and am crouched underneath it, reaching towards the cord that controls the blinds with one shaking hand when it happens again. Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

    I pull back my hand pretty quick and sit there evaluating my options. Open the blinds within arms reach of the vampire, separated by only a thin piece of glass? Nah....go back to bed and forget about it? Fat chance...Somehow coerce my brother into taking over? Yeah, right. What to do?

    As I'm crouching there it happens again. Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Right then I decide to open the blinds. I'll open them suddenly, that way I'll startle the vampire. Before I lose my nerve, I reach up and grab the cord to the blinds and pull. The blinds go up, making that inimitable sound that blinds make when they are ripped open suddenly. What do I see?

    Nothing. No vampire. No cold, skeletal hand. No friend playing a joke, either. Nothing. Slowly I stand up so I'm head height with the window and peer out into the right, my nose pressed to the glass. I strain my eyes and try to make out the dark shapes in the yard, looking, perhaps, for a vampire.

    Tap! Tap! Tap! Geez-Louise! I can feel the glass moving against my nose! I pull back instinctively and scan the window for the tapper. Finally, I see it.

    Right at ground level, barely discernable amongst the debris on the ground, is a toad. He's obviously not a Mensa member, because he's hopping against the window, headbutting the glass each time. Tap! Tap! Tap!

    I let the blinds close and head back to bed. I don't recall what I told my brother it was. Probably the truth, though if I'd been a proper big brother I'd have reported "Vampire. Scared him off."

    That was quite a long time ago. In honor of that occasion, I have composed a haiku, modifying some of the details, thus cleverly disguising the nature of my fear while still maintaining the emotional impact of the experience. If I ever forgive my brother for making me go to the window BY MYSELF perhaps a will add a second verse, juxtaposing the existensionalism of man with the bonds of brotherhood, thus lending a sense of verisimilitude to the narrative.

    Ready? <Clears throat>

    Frozen pond
    Jumping frog
    Stupid reptile.

    Thank you.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Here's a picture of the bathroom.

    We all know that paranormal activity shows up on cameras as blobs, or streaks, or other things that can't be explained by science.

    Behold, ghost-free bathroom:


    Look more closely at the reflection in the 2nd window for a few seconds. Once you let your eyes relax you'll see it.

    Oh, no you did NOT!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I ADORE this thread! Had to make myself a tea once I got into it so I could continue reading with maximum pleasure. haha

    Two stories involving the night my Mum died. ( neither involve me ) I've not been that lucky. haha

    1: My older sister gets a call at 3am. ( why is always 3am that *kitten* goes down? ) Mum had died earlier that day. Sister picks up the phone:

    Sis: Hello?


    Sis: HELLO?

    Woman: Where's my daughter?

    Sis: Sorry, who are you?

    Woman: I'm sorry, I just want to speak to my daughter.

    Sis: I think you have the wrong number...and its 3am!

    Woman: I know I'm really sorry.......Is my daughter ok?

    Sis: I'm sorry I have no idea...

    -awkward silence-

    Woman: Just wanted to hear her voice again. -silence- ( sister is severely creeped out ) ...Ok. Goodnight.

    * Hangs up *

    Weird huh? Apparently this woman sounded quiet, and calm. A little upset but not in a panic at all, almost monotone.

    Story 2!:

    Also the evening after Mum passed. Her sister ( my Aunty Susan ) and her boyfriend are sitting on the couch,when her BF offers to make a cuppa. So he gets up to go to the kitchen. He's in there doing his thing, when he sees my aunt passing by the kitchen, and go into the loo. He asked her if she was Ok, she smiled ( warmly so I hear ) and walked passed him. He returns with the tea and apparently dropped it to the floor when he came back into the room to see my aunt on the couch. Only seconds had passed in the time before seeing her walk into the loo,and being back in the living room.

    " How did you get back so quick? Didn't even hear a flush! " - She was confused and said she hadn't moved an inch since he left the room. He insisted " You walked by me!! I asked if you were ok and you smiled and nodded??? "

    This actually turned into a huge argument until they realised that there's a possibility it wasn't her walking by him. :-) ( FYI my Mum is one of 12 sibings, with the most of my aunts looking very alike. ) And although my aunts boyfriend was in the family for a year, he still hadn't met Mum as Susan is estranged from us, or was at the time. So he wouldn't know the difference!

    - - - - - - -

    I haven't beefed these up in any way, and they also never happened to me. But wow, I love hearing these stories.

    My SIL's (my brother's wife's) grandmother passed away, and the night of the day she died, my brother woke up to their bedroom lamp (which had been said grandmother's in her old house before she downsized) turning on and off. It had a 3-way bulb in it and was not controlled by a switch, so it was going low, medium, high, off, low, medium, high, and so on. My brother even heard the clicking of the knob on the lamp as it turned. He got up, unplugged the lamp, and went back to sleep. He plugged the lamp back in the next morning, and the next night it happened again. Since his wife didn believe him about the first night, he woke her up, and she witnessed it. She said, "We know you're here, Grandma. We love you and miss you already," and the lamp turned off. It never happened again.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member

    Try hanging some garlic on the windowsill.

    Vampires cannot enter unless invited inside.

    You people clearly never watched Buffy.

    I think I love you ;)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    OP, oh my I would've been freaked out, too! Has that skull always been in the right corner of your window? At first I thought it was cobwebs but I zoomed in on it and it's definitely a skull!
    Are you sure no one got into your house? Was anything stolen or different? Someone could have always gotten into your house before you locked it up for the night, hid out somewhere and come out once you guys were asleep. (Hate to change the pace from paranormal to, well, normal haha :tongue:)

    We're in a relatively crime free area (knock on wood) and I keep things locked 24 hours a day. That said, nothing was missing.

    I put the skull there just to be silly. :) It's a little ceramic glow in the dark skull I got at Disney land like... 25 years ago.

    I'm always one for a rational explanation to everything. However, especially late at night, my mind really likes to dabble in the irrational. When it was all done, and I was laying in bed, I could just feel icy pinpricks down the nerves in my back - hair standing up on neck - as if something was watching me through the window.

    Something that wouldn't be there if you looked - but still, just maybe, if you turned your head fast enough you might catch it in the corner of your vision... So you turn slowly, very slowly, with held breath, hoping it's gone by the time you fix your eyes into the darkness through the window.

    And it's gone, never there, of course. ..but even then, maybe just in the back of your mind, you can make out two black circles, just slightly darker than the rest, like sunken eyes watching you from the night.

    Ridiculous, of course. Just a bit of seeing what you expect, or spots in your vision. floaters.

    Still. funny how even a non-superstitious person like myself can get a little carried away, that late at night.

    Have you ever checked your house for EMF (electro magnetic something…. blah) emissions? I have heard that sometimes high EMFs can cause feelings of being watched, etc, although that doesn't explain the light going on and off, unless there is faulty wiring. Old wiring is a frequent cause of EMF problems (but your house isn't all that old).

    On the flip side, many ghost hunters claim that high EMFs can fuel paranormal activity. :laugh: :devil:

    Anyway, just a thought.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Here's a picture of the bathroom.

    We all know that paranormal activity shows up on cameras as blobs, or streaks, or other things that can't be explained by science.

    Behold, ghost-free bathroom:


    Why do you keep a shrunken skull in the lower right corner of your window??
  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 160 Member
    You can't shoot ghosts you know...

    Next time I'll go for a vacuum cleaner.

    LOL! Awesome!
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    @RBXChas - How lovely! I know many people who have told similar stories, and I always find them very heartwarming.

    @Dbroerse - Epic. You really should have told your Bro it was something horrific. Just went back to bed with wide eyes and stayed silent over his questioning. haha

    Ok now I will tell me own story. It doesn't involve seeing anything, and it could also be my own mind comforting me, but here goes:

    3 nights after Mum died ( I was 14 ) I lay in my bunkbed crying. First time I'd let it all loose, and in true child-like fashion I was bawling my heart out. You know, the style where your out of breath and slabbering and all sorts?

    This went on for, God, an hour maybe? And then out of nowhere, I felt the most intense rush of energy. But I was in the dark, could't see a thing. I can only describe it as:

    Everything in the room, on a molecular level, became "Mum". The air, the bed, ME, etc. Not just " energy " , it was her. Without a shadow of a doubt in my wee broken heart. I felt like without any physical touching sensation, that she had wrapped her entire soul or entity around me, like a cuddle.

    I literally konked out that second. I experienced this feeling for all of 1-2 seconds but it was so intense I either passed out, or was comforted like a baby in my mothers arms, that I was able to sleep. Having not been tired at all.

    I woke up the next morning, feeling as if I had never slept. Like the past 4 hours sleep had been in the blink of an eye and couldn't contain myself when telling everyone what I felt.

    Was it her spirit? Or was my brain protecting myself? Who knows. But I still tell that story regularly, and most people go. " oh, right. :/ "

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I woke up one night to the sound of something falling or being dropped on the wood floors downstairs. It had a very distinct sound compared to, say, something falling off a shelf in the laundry room and hitting the tile. Anyway, none of our four dogs stirred, surprisingly, so I thought maybe I'd imagined it. I once had a possible sleep paralysis thing happen to me (where I woke up with a supposed dark presence holding me down), so I wondered if that was it, but I was so weirded out that I woke up my husband. He didn't believe me because he didn't hear it and because the dogs didn't stir.

    Our daisies with special shotgun pollen was downstairs (we had been showing it to my FIL and forgot to bring it back up), so now I'm freaked that someone's in the house and now has a lovely bouquet of flowers! I didn't go back to sleep, but I watched my son's video monitor like a hawk to make sure no one went in there, and since my iPad was downstairs, I used my iPhone to track it to make sure it didn't move, since I figured any thief would surely grab that.

    Finally when the sun came up I walked over to the balcony overlooking the family room, and a big book that had been on the shelf was on the floor about six feet away from the bookshelves.

    Basically there's no way it could have gotten there without force. If it had fallen, it wouldn't have been so far away from the shelf. It was one of my husband's really old books and was open (face down) to a story by some author. I Googled him to make sure it wasn't his birthday or something, but it wasn't.

    Our house was built in 2009, and this happened in 2012. The shelves are also new and stable, and we've never had anything fall from them.

    However my brother lives down the street in a house that was built in 2007, and they've had tons of weird stuff happen.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    OP, oh my I would've been freaked out, too! Has that skull always been in the right corner of your window? At first I thought it was cobwebs but I zoomed in on it and it's definitely a skull!
    Are you sure no one got into your house? Was anything stolen or different? Someone could have always gotten into your house before you locked it up for the night, hid out somewhere and come out once you guys were asleep. (Hate to change the pace from paranormal to, well, normal haha :tongue:)

    We're in a relatively crime free area (knock on wood) and I keep things locked 24 hours a day. That said, nothing was missing.

    I put the skull there just to be silly. :) It's a little ceramic glow in the dark skull I got at Disney land like... 25 years ago.

    I'm always one for a rational explanation to everything. However, especially late at night, my mind really likes to dabble in the irrational. When it was all done, and I was laying in bed, I could just feel icy pinpricks down the nerves in my back - hair standing up on neck - as if something was watching me through the window.

    Something that wouldn't be there if you looked - but still, just maybe, if you turned your head fast enough you might catch it in the corner of your vision... So you turn slowly, very slowly, with held breath, hoping it's gone by the time you fix your eyes into the darkness through the window.

    And it's gone, never there, of course. ..but even then, maybe just in the back of your mind, you can make out two black circles, just slightly darker than the rest, like sunken eyes watching you from the night.

    Ridiculous, of course. Just a bit of seeing what you expect, or spots in your vision. floaters.

    Still. funny how even a non-superstitious person like myself can get a little carried away, that late at night.

    Have you ever checked your house for EMF (electro magnetic something…. blah) emissions? I have heard that sometimes high EMFs can cause feelings of being watched, etc, although that doesn't explain the light going on and off, unless there is faulty wiring. Old wiring is a frequent cause of EMF problems (but your house isn't all that old).

    On the flip side, many ghost hunters claim that high EMFs can fuel paranormal activity. :laugh: :devil:

    Anyway, just a thought.

    I had faulty light switches in my kitchen that we replaced, and while they caused the lights to flicker or go on or off unexpectedly, the switches themselves never moved. That is why I think the OP's account of hearing the switch actually flip/click/whatever is weird.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    This reminds me of the time my brother and I slept in the basement. It had been so hot that summer that even with the air conditioning on sleeping was a misery. The basement was still fairly cool, though. I was about 12 or 13 which would make my brother 9 or 10.

    So there we are, sound asleep, when we were awakened by the sound of someone tapping at the window. At first I wasn't sure it was real, but it kept repeating, 4 or 5 knocks of insistent tapping. Well...I wasn't real keen on this, to say the least. I'd been gotten a copy of the audiobook Jerusalem's Lot by Stephen King at the library, which I'd really enjoyed, and had led me to get the book 'Salem's Lot which turned out to be about vampires. Naturally, vampires have to be invited in, so if you're asleep they'll knock on your window to wake you up and get your attention.

    Certainly I don't expect any of my friends or my brother's friends to come to our window in the middle of the night. Even if they wanted to, and were successful in sneaking out, how would they know we were sleeping in the basement that night? Clearly, under the circumstances vampires make the most sense.

    I check with my brother to see if he's awake. Oh, yeah! He's awake...maybe I can pull rank and get him to check the window. His response is unambiguous: NFW.

    So it's on me. A Big Brother job. We're in the basement so the window is just above grade level. There is a set of horizontal blinds (closed) obscuring the view, so in order to see who or what is tapping I'll have to go right up to the window and pull the blinds up. I crawl over to the window which puts me below grade. I get over to the window and am crouched underneath it, reaching towards the cord that controls the blinds with one shaking hand when it happens again. Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

    I pull back my hand pretty quick and sit there evaluating my options. Open the blinds within arms reach of the vampire, separated by only a thin piece of glass? Nah....go back to bed and forget about it? Fat chance...Somehow coerce my brother into taking over? Yeah, right. What to do?

    As I'm crouching there it happens again. Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Right then I decide to open the blinds. I'll open them suddenly, that way I'll startle the vampire. Before I lose my nerve, I reach up and grab the cord to the blinds and pull. The blinds go up, making that inimitable sound that blinds make when they are ripped open suddenly. What do I see?

    Nothing. No vampire. No cold, skeletal hand. No friend playing a joke, either. Nothing. Slowly I stand up so I'm head height with the window and peer out into the right, my nose pressed to the glass. I strain my eyes and try to make out the dark shapes in the yard, looking, perhaps, for a vampire.

    Tap! Tap! Tap! Geez-Louise! I can feel the glass moving against my nose! I pull back instinctively and scan the window for the tapper. Finally, I see it.

    Right at ground level, barely discernable amongst the debris on the ground, is a toad. He's obviously not a Mensa member, because he's hopping against the window, headbutting the glass each time. Tap! Tap! Tap!

    I let the blinds close and head back to bed. I don't recall what I told my brother it was. Probably the truth, though if I'd been a proper big brother I'd have reported "Vampire. Scared him off."

    That was quite a long time ago. In honor of that occasion, I have composed a haiku, modifying some of the details, thus cleverly disguising the nature of my fear while still maintaining the emotional impact of the experience. If I ever forgive my brother for making me go to the window BY MYSELF perhaps a will add a second verse, juxtaposing the existensionalism of man with the bonds of brotherhood, thus lending a sense of verisimilitude to the narrative.

    Ready? <Clears throat>

    Frozen pond
    Jumping frog
    Stupid reptile.

    Thank you.

    Did your toad look like this?


    Vampire-toad, lol.
  • tazhinshaw
    tazhinshaw Posts: 297 Member
    OOooh I loooove ghost stories!!

    But I am sad that nobody put a casper the friendly ghost peeking out from behind the shower :( lol
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Here's a picture of the bathroom.

    We all know that paranormal activity shows up on cameras as blobs, or streaks, or other things that can't be explained by science.

    Behold, ghost-free bathroom:


    Look more closely at the reflection in the 2nd window for a few seconds. Once you let your eyes relax you'll see it.

    Oh, no you did NOT!

    I ain't dun nuffink, guvnor.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Apparently no one here is spending too much time looking at that bathroom picture. I didn't see it till the third page at least. Now stop sub-consciously freaking me out!
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I had a middle of the night home intruder once. Turns out, it was a flying squirrel (which was beyond cool because I had never seen one before). Luckily, this was before the cats. The outcome could have been completely different.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I had a middle of the night home intruder once. Turns out, it was a flying squirrel (which was beyond cool because I had never seen one before). Luckily, this was before the cats. The outcome could have been completely different.

    You mean... it'd be like a scene from Battle of Britain? Or have I misunderstood you?