Who's going to "cheat" on Labor Day

Labor Day (Mon, Sep 2) is right around the corner & there's going to be food; some of it dieters can eat & plenty that dieters shouldn't eat. Who's throwing caution to the wind & giving themselves labor day? If you said yes, what will it be & if you plan to burn it off, how?


  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Pretty rigid on my meal plan... As of right now, I still plan on cleansing that day:/
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I will be traveling the entire weekend. I have done some looking up as to what I can order at fast food to try and stay within my calorie goals but its gonna be tough. I am going to pack some protein shakes and almonds for the car. I also have planned on hotels with gyms and since I am an earlier riser then the rest of my family, will be using those gyms to gain a few extra calories from exercise while on the road. I am hoping to stay within target range, I have worked to hard to let it all go now. But who knows? I will see how strong my willpower is once I am away from home for a while.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I did a vacation while reducing and did really well that week. Mainly because it was an insane amount of walking.
  • dorrien12
    For holidays or events, I work out BEFORE I go AND if I am hungry I eat something lite to hold me over. That way I have most of my calories avail to eat my favorites; fried chicken (now reserved for special occasions), potato salad and whatever desert I want.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I did a vacation while reducing and did really well that week. Mainly because it was an insane amount of walking.

    That word reminds me of Betty from Madmen. When she says that she is " trying to reduce". I kinda like that term lol makes me feel classy and subtle. :laugh:
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I don't generally plan 'cheat days'. I think since joining MPF I've had two days where I've gone over on cals but I also go under so I figure those balance out in the long run and they haven't really hurt my weight loss. If I want something, I usually eat it as long as I don't eat the whole box of it lol! I also try to get in exercise every single day to help increase the cals in part.

    We also don't really celebrate Labor Day since we live so far from family and know no one at all here yet lol. It'll be a regular day for me!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I had a hamburger binge yesterday. I feel like crap warmed over today. I don't think we have to worry about me going too overboard on Labor Day.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    I'm not sure what the foods are dieters shouldn't eat that you speak of. I'm eating whatever I want. It's a bbq, a holiday celebration. I'm not going to sit there eating grilled chicken and rice while everyone else has skirt steak. You're out of your mind.

    Edit: And I wont be exercising the day of at all. The next day will also just be a normal day.

    MMmmmmm, skirt steak. Haven't had that cut of meat in a while. Not because I'm avoiding it, I just don't make it since the wife is a ribeye and filet girl...
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Actually, I'm thinking about making it a long run day... Day after a 2 day rest, no work to get in the way...
  • bcarman86
    bcarman86 Posts: 51 Member
    I will be traveling for the weekend and breaking my usual diet and exercise routines. We are packing plenty of healthy snacks for the drive to avoid eating out when possible. I'll be trying to make healthy choices along the way but my focus will be having fun on vacation.. I will be on the treadmill at the hotel in the morning so i can get my drink on at night! Next week I can work it all off!
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I did a vacation while reducing and did really well that week. Mainly because it was an insane amount of walking.

    That word reminds me of Betty from Madmen. When she says that she is " trying to reduce". I kinda like that term lol makes me feel classy and subtle. :laugh:

    I like it better than "dieting" because this is a lifestyle change, etc. but I am actively trying to lose weight, so I figured it's more accurate. Use it!
  • MrMaxOut
    MrMaxOut Posts: 18 Member
    Avoid the beer and potatoe salad eat that grilled chicken, beef and corn on the cob avoid the brats and bbq sauce and you'll be fine. Art least that's my plan opps no sodas either using those calories for a margarita. Prior to all this fun do at least a hour of intense cardio
  • SymphonyTea
    Thanks for the responses MFPers; it's helped me "adjust the lens" so I won't be going too far of track:
    *I hate beer :(~
    *have almost completely cut red meat out of my diet
    **Sunday night I will be on the dance floor, dancing off most of the mixed drink that will be in my hand ;)
    ***I have planned on an early Monday morning 35 miles (17.5 both ways) bike ride; so if I want em' I will have: a cupcake, bbq'd chicken, mac&cheese (I grate 3 cheeses into my mac&cheese & use egg whites, plus I haven't prepared that in 3 months - just decided that I'll be cooking some mac&cheese Monday afternoon.) & a delicious chilled glass of red wine...

    Have a Fun Relaxing Labor Day Everyone!
  • SymphonyTea
    I will be traveling the entire weekend. I have done some looking up as to what I can order at fast food to try and stay within my calorie goals but its gonna be tough. I am going to pack some protein shakes and almonds for the car. I also have planned on hotels with gyms and since I am an earlier riser then the rest of my family, will be using those gyms to gain a few extra calories from exercise while on the road. I am hoping to stay within target range, I have worked to hard to let it all go now. But who knows? I will see how strong my willpower is once I am away from home for a while.

    Willpower is the key & it's sooooo true, that once you've come so far the desire to not loose ground is much more powerful than having a serving of fattening food.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Big issue: "food that dieters should/shouldn't eat."

    That doesn't exist.

    I'll eat what I want and if I go over in calories, I won't care.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    A holiday isn't a reason to go off the rails. You can enjoy any food you want in moderation. One big reason "diets" fail is restricting your foods so you feel the need to "cheat" on your diet. You won't (hopefully) be on a diet for the rest of your life so why not learn good eating habits that are with you 365 days a year?
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I normally get around the holiday overeating by eating a big, late breakfast and grilling at two or three in the afternoon. That way I get to eat my huge meal and it's late enough that I don't want dinner later. Everyone else is welcome to leftovers or fast food for dinner if they even want it.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Big issue: "food that dieters should/shouldn't eat."

    That doesn't exist.

    I'll eat what I want and if I go over in calories, I won't care.

    All that beauty and smarts in one package.