Who's going to "cheat" on Labor Day



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    What food shouldn't I be eating? What food would I have to eat to "cheat?" Never mind...rhetorical question. When you look at your diet as a noun and overall lifestyle rather than an action verb, it becomes clear that you can indulge on occasion without guilt and you don't have to call that cheating.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I am not; my gym is going to be open from 8-5 so I am going to hit the gym an then go running. It just another day to me!!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Big issue: "food that dieters should/shouldn't eat."

    That doesn't exist.

    I'll eat what I want and if I go over in calories, I won't care.

    QFT. I'll be at my parents for Labour Day weekend and I intend to eat all the noms, including some belated birthday cake!!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Big issue: "food that dieters should/shouldn't eat."

    That doesn't exist.

    I'll eat what I want and if I go over in calories, I won't care.

    For holidays, I eat whatever I want and I don't work out. Works like a charm!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If there's good food, I'll eat more.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Yay long weekend! I'm planning on going out for some ice cream with the kidlets that day :happy:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    if ribs and burgers and dogs and potato salad and cole slaw and ice cream and cake and cheese and crackers and pickles and buffalo chicken dip and pita chips and pancakes and eggs and bacon and wine is cheating....

    then yes.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    Avoid the beer and potatoe salad eat that grilled chicken, beef and corn on the cob avoid the brats and bbq sauce and you'll be fine. Art least that's my plan opps no sodas either using those calories for a margarita. Prior to all this fun do at least a hour of intense cardio

    But why? What's the reasoning behind avoiding all that?

    I realize some are so very adamant about the point of how you do not have to give anything up and there is no such thing as bad food, however, XXXX amount of calories is still XXXX amount of calories. If you are talking 1 full day of eating it is no big secret that fruits, veggies and lean meats are going to give you a much better arrangement of 3 or even 2 meals in a day versus what you would accomplish in the same calorie range with beer and potato salad.

    Also what is a trigger for some isn't for other's but it is a really good quality to be able to get out of one's own head and be able to acknowledge how we are all very unique with our own set of circumstances.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    No such thing as cheating for me. I eat what I want every day. I just make it fit into my calorie goal and if I go over, so be it. I'll work harder.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I was literally just thinking about what I'm gonna do on labor day, diet-wise haha I love my mommom's potato salad, so I definitely won't be depriving myself of that, and bbqs in general are the only time I eat real junk like chips, salads, and soda. I think I'm going to track my meals/food before I go to the party and then that's all I'm going to be allowed to eat. I'll have to guess on some things, but we usually have the same fare every year lol Oh, and I'll have to try to get a game of volleyball in!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Not going to 'cheat', there's really no such thing for me. If I go over, I go over. I won't try to make up for it or exercise for 9 hours or beat myself up. I'll log it and learn from it. Or I'll stay at my goal and learn from that, too.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I'm not sure what the foods are dieters shouldn't eat that you speak of. I'm eating whatever I want. It's a bbq, a holiday celebration. I'm not going to sit there eating grilled chicken and rice while everyone else has skirt steak. You're out of your mind.

    Edit: And I wont be exercising the day of at all. The next day will also just be a normal day.

    ^ this!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I don't plan cheat meals. If my family is planning on doing something such as having a barbecue or going out to eat (which currently there are no plans for that I am aware of), then I will take part and I won't let my calorie counting affect it. If there are no plans to do so, I will treat it like a normal day.

    For the record, I don't generally treat any holidays except for Christmas and Thanksgiving as anything more than a day off work. To me, Labor Day is just a 3-day weekend. Same as I would get if I were to call off on a Friday or a Monday.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I did a vacation while reducing and did really well that week. Mainly because it was an insane amount of walking.

    That word reminds me of Betty from Madmen. When she says that she is " trying to reduce". I kinda like that term lol makes me feel classy and subtle. :laugh:

    That stuck with me also :)
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I'll go "over" on my calories for the day but it might actually be a good thing for me.
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    if ribs and burgers and dogs and potato salad and cole slaw and ice cream and cake and cheese and crackers and pickles and buffalo chicken dip and pita chips and pancakes and eggs and bacon and wine is cheating....

    then yes.

    Still waiting for my invite...:grumble:
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Yep. 4 day weekend, going camping/floating that equals lots of beer!!
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I live in Minnesota and am going to the state fair that day... I plan to eat as healthy as I can. but you know fairs and fair food. planning on roasted corn and this pork chop on a stick. hopefully...

    But i should note (edit) there will be PLENTY of walking to offset if i go over a bit. :)
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    Cheating is not an option....living healthy is!
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    if ribs and burgers and dogs and potato salad and cole slaw and ice cream and cake and cheese and crackers and pickles and buffalo chicken dip and pita chips and pancakes and eggs and bacon and wine is cheating....

    then yes.

    pft. that's a normal week for me.