🍃🍂September Daily Log & Weigh in Challenge 🍂🍃



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,781 Member
    It’s hard to believe that we’re 21 days into September. It’s fun to watch everyone’s steps along the way and encourage each other when life sends us curveballs. I look forward to stepping on the scale every morning, posting my accomplishments and setbacks, and being accountable to myself. I just wanted to say how proud am of all of us! ❤️

    We’ll have an October Daily Log and Weigh in challenge starting on October 1st to keep our momentum going.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member
    I am looking for a challenge to kick start my weight loss (again) - I had a really fun summer but it's time to reel it in. I would say my goal weight is 140ish.
    8/31 - 171.8
    9/1 - 171.2 (down .6 from yesterday)
    9/2 - 171.2
    9/3 - 173
    9/6 174.2
    9/7 174 - eek the long weekend really did me in. This is close to the weight I was when I gave birth to my son 6
    years ago. Feeling very defeated.
    9/8/ & 9/9 173.2 going in the right direction :)
    9/10 172.8
    9/11 172.2
    9/12 174.2
    9/13 174
    9/14 172.2
    9/15 172.4
    9/20 173.6 - Not too bad for the Monday after my birthday weekend. I turned 40 and I am feeling really refreshed to tackle goals.



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from August 23, 2021): 187.4
    Goal: xxxxx (Six lb Loss): 181.4

    08/24–…..187.4(Trend Weight: 188.6)…..Thanks to Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose about 5 pounds per month but I added an extra pound (total 6) because I am starting in August. I, too, lose more weight when I log my food and exercise so I am hoping that doing so daily will keep me accountable. Good luck to all!
    08/25–…..187.0(Trend Weight: 188.5)…..Down a bit today. I know yesterday could have been filled with better choices and no last minute snacks. I will be traveling today so I will be eating dinner out which usually causes an uptick. I will push water and make up for any overages in the coming days. I am 100% committed to enjoying life, but getting healthy too!
    08/26–…..188.4(Trend Weight: 188.5)…..Thank Goodness for trends because the scale really jumped after the travel yesterday. I feel very sluggish today-no energy. A result of my bad eating and my sugar ingestion yesterday. As a T2D, I knew this was bound to happen and I didn’t listen to my own reasoning. Today I pay the price. Pushing water, walking and all healthy low cal and lower carb choices today. Part of my new lifestyle is to treat my body well after I’ve screwed up. Today is “be good to Donna day”. I will be eating right.
    08/27–DNW……Forgot to step on the scale before I started drinking cups of coffee. Early travel today to take a friend for a medical procedure. I’ll be eating at the hospital cafeteria. Hopefully something on the healthy side…..
    08/28–…..188.4(Trend Weight: 188.4)…..Scale weight the same but trend weight down slightly. I didn’t do to bad considering the huge amount of sitting during the travel and the food away from home. Today I hope to be back on track with my carefully planned meals at home. Thunderstorms are raging and expected rain all day. Renovation workers will be here all day and evening so there is a serious lack of inside privacy. My house has stairs so I will focus on go up and down all day just for steps and exercise.
    08/29–…..188.4(Trend Weight: 188.4)…..Stuck on this weight apparently. 3 hours sleep last night probably didn’t help. Otherwise, yesterday was a very good day. I easily closed all my circles on fitbit and was in the green on MFP. Hopefully I will see a change show up tomorrow. Sometimes it takes a couple of day either way.
    08/30–…..189.2(Trend Weight: 189.2)…..A couple of small snacks last night put me over the calorie limit, otherwise it was a very disciplined day (but a lazy movement day). Staying on track today and keeping some of my calories in the balance today in case it happens again tonight. Preparation is key!
    08/31–…..186(Trend Weight: 188.3)…..A better food day yesterday and some consistent movement. However, I visited a friend yesterday and there was some sitting. No food, just black coffee. I declined her offer of Danish. That is my NSV. Aiming for another accountable day today. One day, one step, one decision at a time!

    09/01–…..182(Trend Weight 187.8)…..I find this weight hard to believe today. 4 pound loss overnight??? (After a 2.4 loss the day before???) My scale is reliable and I stepped on it 3 times but I don’t trust this and consider it a fluctuation. I did everything right. I had TM. I finally slept over 4 and ½ hours which is good for me> But that is a bit much. Traveling today and tomorrow. Plenty of sitting and restaurant food. I’ll be home each night and will keep up with the posts. Friday morning my scale reading will not be pretty but that is how I roll.

    09/02-…..185.2(Trend Weight 187.5)…..This weight is more realistic (I didn’t trust yesterday’s as stated in yesterday’s post). More travel, sitting in car and doctors offices, and more restaurant food out-of-town today. Tomorrow will be the worst scale reading after 2 days in a row of travel. I will give myself 24-48 hours of shedding water and getting in normal movement over the weekend and I will consider whatever shows up on Sunday morning to be accurate. I won’t post any weight changes to MFP charts until then (although I will post them on the challenges). Lots more travel in the upcoming 2 weeks due to the cancer rechecks and scans. I am happy it is not snowy or icy yet. Many of these trips are quite long ones!
    09/03-…..187.5(Trend Weight 187.7)…..Yikes! The travel bit me in the behind. Back home now and back to my usual careful plans with more control over menu and ingredients. Feeling hopeful and staying positive. A temporary tree downed in my path. Stepping over it and progressing on my journey. No looking back!
    09/04-…..187.5(Trend Weight 187.8)…..Yesterday I found out that my ex-sister-in-law that I’ve known for 46 years died of Covid in South Carolina. She was fully vaccinated and had just turned 64. She was immuno-compromised. Her daughter found her unresponsive in her home (she lived alone). She was alive, but was later determined to be brain dead. She was lucky enough to get a ventilator for a short time since they are scarce, but she was taken off all life support measures when it was determined she would never wake up and never go home. Please, even if vaccinated, mask up in those highly public places. More people love you and don’t want to lose you than you even realize. I spent all evening and night eating my emotions and moving into the 2nd phase of grief = anger. I am surprised the scale didn’t go up. Today I will try hard to be more mindful. The food binges change nothing.

    09/05-…..188.2(Trend Weight 187.8)…..Still eating my emotions. I ate 400 extra calories after closing out my MFP which put me in the red. The death in the family due to a persistent Covid (even when vaccinated), my own breast cancer health scares, my renovation projects that are taking way way too long. I really can’t take much more stress. My hair is literally falling out again. Today is a family BBQ at my DD’s house for Labor Day celebrations. I don’t want to go but I hate to not be there for my family. There will be food…..There will be grief and memories of Pam. Just another day I have to get through, I suppose.
    09/06-…..189.4(Trend Weight 188.0)…..And to top it all off, my well went out again this morning! I had a handyman come by and re-prime but something has got to give! Several medical appointments this week so it will be hard to meet with the well company if they even call back. I’ve been trying to reach them for over 2 weeks now. This is me talking to the scale – “Scale, you are not going to become a problem for me too! Today, I am in charge and I don’t need any more trouble out of you, so, mind your manners!”
    09/07-…..187.2(Trend Weight 187.9…..I had a 1002 calorie day yesterday with some extra exercise and movement to get back on track and shake things up. It helped the scale tremendously. Now, to get back to normal and stay on track!
    09/08-…..187.6(Trend Weight 187.9…..I did very well on my calorie counts but had no time for exercise. Not even a short walk. I will try to do better today if it doesn’t storm again.
    09/09–…..188.8(Trend Weight 187.9…..I caved in last night. It’s all gone now. Travel today will tip the scales even more so I’m truly afraid of tomorrow’s weight to the point of maybe not even weighing and waiting until the following day to give myself every opportunity to make amends. We shall see….
    09/10–…..DNW…..I stopped my diabetes medications on Wednesday night and won’t resume taking them until Sunday morning, so I will really have to watch what I eat. Perhaps this will help me drop back down after so much travel and emotional eating. Having the well checked again today to try to keep water flowing in the house. Please God Please…..
    09/11-…..189.2(Trend Weight 188.3)…..My CT scans came up favorable. Re-check in 6 months on the lungs. Still some worry but cancer is not suspected at this time. Next week is the breast surgeon to find out about what is happening with my skin and my breast cancer in remission. Worries there. Yesterday I did not do perfectly with my dieting, but I did try to fit in a few more exercises and some extra movement. I’ve got to pull myself out of this emotional eating and get back on track 100%.
    09/12-…..188.4(Trend Weight 188.3)…..A good day with lots of burned calories.
    09/13-…..189.0(Trend Weight 188.4)…..I had a horrible bout of severe hunger at about 1:00 am and ended up cooking a meal to eat which put me over what I closed at. 3.5 hours of sleep and then a weigh in. Tomorrow should be better. Honestly, I severely need a TMI (potty). I may drink a cup of cleanse tea today. More windows to clean today so there will be more extra calorie burn. I’ll have to remember that my body will be asking for extra calories and plan accordingly!
    09/14-…..187.6 (Trend Weight 188.3)…..Cleaned more windows and burned nearly 3000 calories in total so I am not surprised by the drop. I will try to make today another good day. Thunderstorms have already started and will last all day so I don’t expect I can walk outside, or clean the window storms and screens outside at the hose. I will have to get creative for movement.
    09/15-…..185.8 (Trend Weight 188.0)…..Finally the drop I’ve been looking for since I’ve been doing all this extra window & frame cleaning in my new house. I’ve burned so many calories, I knew it had to show up sooner or later. Travel tomorrow so my post may be late night and my weigh-in on Friday will not be good. I’ll shoot for stabilizing by Sunday morning weigh-in.
    09/16-…..185.2 (Trend Weight 187.8)….. A good day yesterday. More windows cleaned and I’m almost done with that calorie burning project. Travel today.
    09/17-…..186.2 (Trend Weight 187.6)…..Travel yesterday for medical revealed that I will need a small surgery in the coming weeks on the breast. 5 cm incision will remove the scare and pathology will tell us more. As a breast cancer patient in remission, it is scary but they will remove the whole thing one way or another so it can’t turn to cancer later if it proves to be benign. We ate at Golden Corral on the way home. Way over calorie and carb limits but it was good. I’m glad I have only went up a pound. I’m working on that pound today.
    09/18-…..187.8 (Trend Weight 187.8)…..Okay, so there is the rest of the uptick from the travel. I knew it had to be somewhere! Only one pound up was just a dream that I have never dreamed before. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
    09/19-…..186.2 (Trend Weight 187.5)…..Better today but I’ve been battling the same pounds since Labor Day weekend (It started to increase and bounce around Sept 3rd). Time for some real and lasting progress. Eating all my emotions are not helping matters anyway.
    09/20-…..185.2 (Trend Weight 187.3)…..Portion Control with a careful and watchful eye because I knew my activity level would be extra low today. It really helped.
    09/21–…..185.8 (Trend Weight 187.1)….. Well, on one hand I’m trending down. However, the scale is up and I’m a bit surprised. My fitbit was down all day yesterday and I finally had to reset it as if it was new to get it working. I had slept funny on the button and totally drained the battery and messed it up. I know that yesterday was hardly any activity as I had the handyman with his family and also the drywall finisher and it rained most of the day. However, I kept diet good so I guess I can blame the uptick on the lack of activity. More rain today but it is supposed to be clear tomorrow. Then rain again on Thursday. The trees are stocking up for winter…..

  • MIRunnerMom
    MIRunnerMom Posts: 22 Member
    I am looking for a challenge to kick start my weight loss (again) - I had a really fun summer but it's time to reel it in. I would say my goal weight is 140ish.
    8/31 - 171.8
    9/1 - 171.2 (down .6 from yesterday)
    9/2 - 171.2
    9/3 - 173
    9/6 174.2
    9/7 174 - eek the long weekend really did me in. This is close to the weight I was when I gave birth to my son 6
    years ago. Feeling very defeated.
    9/8/ & 9/9 173.2 going in the right direction:)
    9/10 172.8
    9/11 172.2
    9/12 174.2
    9/13 174
    9/14 172.2
    9/15 172.4
    9/20 173.6 - Not too bad for the Monday after my birthday weekend. I turned 40 and I am feeling really refreshed to tackle goals.
    9/21 173.4 - down is down
  • cpusld
    cpusld Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose the 30+ pounds gained during pregnancy and the first couple hectic years after baby. I, too, lose more weight when I log my intake and do it in a group setting! I’m in!
    8/31/2021: 147.7 lb
    Can’t wait to officially start tomorrow!
    9/1/2021: 147.4 lb. calories around 1400; took a walk; feel good and excited to get this started with all of you!
    9/2/2021: 145.7 lb. The difference here mostly because of the different scales I used at another place today. Total calories around 1600 today. Had a busy day & had a couple sweet treats >_<… but overall feel good and didn’t let myself go out of control with sweet treats (I have a sweet tooth). Sleep much needed today.
    9/3/2921: 145.4 lb. Total calories around 1600 today. Had a takeout for dinner so kind of heavy dinner (also a bit salty). Looking forward to the Labor Day weekend!
    9/4/2021: 147.2 lb. Total calories probably over 2200 today. Took the kid to the zoo, met with friends and dine out… definitely not a self discipline day. But No matter what the scale tells me tomorrow, I’m not gonna let it crush me. Keep trying to be mindful of what I eat and take my life under control is my long term goal and I’ll try my best to focus on it, not the daily number on the scale!
    9/5/2021: 147.6 lb. Total calories about 1600 today. Ate fruits instead when craving for sweet treats. Didn’t do much exercise today, just a few minutes Rowling machine. Little one is not feeling well today so mainly focus on her most of the day.
    9/6/2021: 147.2 lb. Total calories about 1500 today. Did quite a bit walk today with my family, but ate two blue bunny mini cones ...>_<... LO is feeling much better so that's a relief. Feel I need to really reduce my daily intake to shake up that weight...
    9/7/2021: 147.2 lb. Total calories about 1300 today. I took a day off today after the Labor Day weekend. Hit a couple popular spots of the city I usually hesitate to go during the weekends concerning COVID-19. It’s really nice to stroll around those places with much less density of population.
    9/8/2021: 145.8 lb. Total calories about 1100 today. Today's meals are a bit too salty for me... been drinking water like crazy after dinner >_<
    9/9/2021: 145.0 lb. total calories probably over 2000 as I eat out both lunch and dinner with colleagues, and the food are always too salty for me. Also a long day from work. Feeling really tired today..
    9/10/2021: 145.0 lb. total calories today is around 1000. Not intentionally but just had a really busy day at work today and don’t have much appetite today. So looking forward to the weekend. TGIF
    9/11/2021: 144.4 lb. Total calories today is around 1300. Had a great day playing mini golf with the family.
    9/12/2021: 145.0 lb. Total calories today is around 1400. Had 4 pieces of Trader Joe’s Dozen Sweet Bites :neutral: >_<... The Raspberry “Macron Aux Framboises" and Caramel & Chocolate Cakes are pretty good :smiley: Thank goodness they are just bite sizes lol. Those range between 60 and 80 calories a pop, and they have very little sodium if you are wondering

    9/13/2021: 144.4 lb. Total calories today around 1300.
    9/14/2021: 144.6 lb. Total calories today around 1600. Why is it just Tuesday lol :confounded:
    9/15/2021: 145.4 lb. Total calories around 1400. Period starts today, feel pretty bloated and a bit cramps. :neutral:Can't believe we are already half way through Sep!!!!! Can this group please continue doing this together in Oct please?!
    9/16/2021: 144.6 lb. Total calories around 1600. Eat a lot of small snacks today :neutral: period time is hard :disappointed:
    9/20/2021: Having been travelling since Friday. Finally get back to normal life and will continue logging in from tomorrow.
    9/21/2021: 143.4 lb. Total calories around 1400.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,174 Member
    Original start weight - 293 (1/28/2021)
    Current goal weight - 168

    September start weight - 214.6
    September goal weight - 208.6

    9/1 - 214.6
    9/2 - 214.8
    9/3 - 214.2
    9/4 - 213.8
    9/5 - 213.4
    9/6 - 213.4
    9/7 - 212.4
    9/8 - 213.8

    Week 1 loss - 0.8

    9/9 - 211.8
    9/10 - 211.2
    9/11 - 210.4
    9/12 - 210
    9/13 - 211
    9/14 - 210.2
    9/15 - 209.2

    Week 2 loss - 4.6

    9/16 - 208.4
    9/17 - 209
    9/18 - 208.4
    9/19 - 208.6
    9/20 - 210.4
    9/21 - 210.2
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    October GW: 150
    UGW: 130

    08/24 - 161.2 Let's do this! 11.2lbs to goal
    08/25 - 160.4 Get in! 10.4lbs to goal
    08/26 - 160.0 Yaaaas! Hit my first mfp goal today! Whoop! Next mini goal is 154lbs, 11 stone
    08/27 - 160.4 It was nice while it lasted! 😂
    08/28 - 161.0 Swings and roundabouts again. Off to London for a few days for my bday, there will be food!
    08/29 - Didn't weigh today, dread to think!
    08/30 - 162.0 Could've been worse! Time to get serious about September
    08/31 - 160.4 Hello this weight, again! Come on 150s!
    09/01 - 161.0 My body is being so stubborn!
    09/02 - 159.4 Lovely jubbly, I hope this sticks 😁
    09/03 - 158.8 Waiting for the bounce back 🤪
    09/04 - 157.6 Blimey! 2 Stone 2 Go 😁
    09/05 - 157.8 I like seeing that number 7! 🤩
    09/06 - 158.8 Weekends! 🤨
    09/07 - 159.0 C'mon man...🤨
    09/08 - 158.2 That's a bit better! 😎
    09/09 - 160.2 wtf. 🤨🤨
    09/10 - 158.2 ok then 🤷‍♀️
    09/11 - 159.4 Carb binge 🙄
    09/12 - 158.0 Bye bye water! 🙂
    09/13 - 157.2 Finally! 😄
    09/14 - 156.6 Whoop!😄
    09/15 - 156.6 Nice! 😎
    09/16 - 156.6 Flatline ...👻
    09/17 - 155.2 Delighted! 😃
    09/18 - 154.6 Wow! 😯😁
    09/19 - 154.4 Fab! 😁😁
    09/20 - 154.6 Jolly good 🤓
    09/21 - 153.8 Eleven Stone, woo! 😝
    09/22 - 154.2 Hmmm.🤷‍♀️

    (Oops, I posted in the wrong thread yesterday, doh!)
  • helen79uk
    helen79uk Posts: 62 Member
    edited September 2021
    08/27 - 226.0
    08/28 - 225.6
    08/29 - 224.6
    08/30 - 222.8
    08/31 - 222.8
    09/01 - 222.2
    09/02 - 221.6
    09/03 - 221.0
    09/04 - 220.2
    09/05 - 219.8
    09/06 - 219.0
    09/07 - 219.8
    09/08 - 219.4
    09/09 - 219.4
    09/10 - 218.4
    09/11 - 218.4
    09/12 - 219.6
    09/13 - 217.8
    09/14 - 217.0
    09/15 - 217.0
    09/16 - 217.0
    09/17 - 216.4
    09/18 - 215.6
    09/19 - 214.6
    09/20 - 214.6
    09/21 - 214.2
    09/22 - 214.2 No change. I'm not moving enough, I know that. I'm happy that I continue to eat well and the reduced calories and portions has not been the battle I thought it was going to be. I really need to incorporate some regular exercise now. I need to get my thinking cap on as nothing is motivating me. 🤔
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,781 Member
    I am looking for a challenge to kick start my weight loss (again) - I had a really fun summer but it's time to reel it in. I would say my goal weight is 140ish.
    8/31 - 171.8
    9/1 - 171.2 (down .6 from yesterday)
    9/2 - 171.2
    9/3 - 173
    9/6 174.2
    9/7 174 - eek the long weekend really did me in. This is close to the weight I was when I gave birth to my son 6
    years ago. Feeling very defeated.
    9/8/ & 9/9 173.2 going in the right direction:)
    9/10 172.8
    9/11 172.2
    9/12 174.2
    9/13 174
    9/14 172.2
    9/15 172.4
    9/20 173.6 - Not too bad for the Monday after my birthday weekend. I turned 40 and I am feeling really refreshed to tackle goals.
    9/21 173.4 - down is down

    Happy Birthday!🎊🎉
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,781 Member
    🍃🍂Happy First day of Fall!

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,174 Member
    Original start weight - 293 (1/28/2021)
    Current goal weight - 168

    September start weight - 214.6
    September goal weight - 208.6

    9/1 - 214.6
    9/2 - 214.8
    9/3 - 214.2
    9/4 - 213.8
    9/5 - 213.4
    9/6 - 213.4
    9/7 - 212.4
    9/8 - 213.8

    Week 1 loss - 0.8

    9/9 - 211.8
    9/10 - 211.2
    9/11 - 210.4
    9/12 - 210
    9/13 - 211
    9/14 - 210.2
    9/15 - 209.2

    Week 2 loss - 4.6

    9/16 - 208.4
    9/17 - 209
    9/18 - 208.4
    9/19 - 208.6
    9/20 - 210.4
    9/21 - 210.2
    9/22 - 211

    Week 3 gain - 1.8
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,781 Member
    Original start weight - 293 (1/28/2021)
    Current goal weight - 168

    September start weight - 214.6
    September goal weight - 208.6

    9/1 - 214.6
    9/2 - 214.8
    9/3 - 214.2
    9/4 - 213.8
    9/5 - 213.4
    9/6 - 213.4
    9/7 - 212.4
    9/8 - 213.8

    Week 1 loss - 0.8

    9/9 - 211.8
    9/10 - 211.2
    9/11 - 210.4
    9/12 - 210
    9/13 - 211
    9/14 - 210.2
    9/15 - 209.2

    Week 2 loss - 4.6

    9/16 - 208.4
    9/17 - 209
    9/18 - 208.4
    9/19 - 208.6
    9/20 - 210.4
    9/21 - 210.2
    9/22 - 211

    Week 3 gain - 1.8

    You’re doing so well… don’t stress about minor setbacks. 🥰
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,174 Member
    Thanks @jm216 .. there isn't anything I have done differently this week so just riding it out.
    I am actually starting a two week maintenance break tomorrow anyway, I do one every 16 weeks.. so this will likely be the trend for a while.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    ⭐️September 22…213…😁😁 Didn't make baked potatoes… having one tonight. I’m off for the next 2 days and… ❤️Tomorrow is our 26th wedding anniversary. ❤️ I love the Fall!!

    September 23
    September 24
    September 25
    September 26
    September 27
    September 28
    September 29
    September 30



    Enjoy your Very Special Day tomorrow!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from August 23, 2021): 187.4
    Goal: xxxxx (Six lb Loss): 181.4

    08/24–…..187.4(Trend Weight: 188.6)…..Thanks to Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose about 5 pounds per month but I added an extra pound (total 6) because I am starting in August. I, too, lose more weight when I log my food and exercise so I am hoping that doing so daily will keep me accountable. Good luck to all!
    08/25–…..187.0(Trend Weight: 188.5)…..Down a bit today. I know yesterday could have been filled with better choices and no last minute snacks. I will be traveling today so I will be eating dinner out which usually causes an uptick. I will push water and make up for any overages in the coming days. I am 100% committed to enjoying life, but getting healthy too!
    08/26–…..188.4(Trend Weight: 188.5)…..Thank Goodness for trends because the scale really jumped after the travel yesterday. I feel very sluggish today-no energy. A result of my bad eating and my sugar ingestion yesterday. As a T2D, I knew this was bound to happen and I didn’t listen to my own reasoning. Today I pay the price. Pushing water, walking and all healthy low cal and lower carb choices today. Part of my new lifestyle is to treat my body well after I’ve screwed up. Today is “be good to Donna day”. I will be eating right.
    08/27–DNW……Forgot to step on the scale before I started drinking cups of coffee. Early travel today to take a friend for a medical procedure. I’ll be eating at the hospital cafeteria. Hopefully something on the healthy side…..
    08/28–…..188.4(Trend Weight: 188.4)…..Scale weight the same but trend weight down slightly. I didn’t do to bad considering the huge amount of sitting during the travel and the food away from home. Today I hope to be back on track with my carefully planned meals at home. Thunderstorms are raging and expected rain all day. Renovation workers will be here all day and evening so there is a serious lack of inside privacy. My house has stairs so I will focus on go up and down all day just for steps and exercise.
    08/29–…..188.4(Trend Weight: 188.4)…..Stuck on this weight apparently. 3 hours sleep last night probably didn’t help. Otherwise, yesterday was a very good day. I easily closed all my circles on fitbit and was in the green on MFP. Hopefully I will see a change show up tomorrow. Sometimes it takes a couple of day either way.
    08/30–…..189.2(Trend Weight: 189.2)…..A couple of small snacks last night put me over the calorie limit, otherwise it was a very disciplined day (but a lazy movement day). Staying on track today and keeping some of my calories in the balance today in case it happens again tonight. Preparation is key!
    08/31–…..186(Trend Weight: 188.3)…..A better food day yesterday and some consistent movement. However, I visited a friend yesterday and there was some sitting. No food, just black coffee. I declined her offer of Danish. That is my NSV. Aiming for another accountable day today. One day, one step, one decision at a time!

    09/01–…..182(Trend Weight 187.8)…..I find this weight hard to believe today. 4 pound loss overnight??? (After a 2.4 loss the day before???) My scale is reliable and I stepped on it 3 times but I don’t trust this and consider it a fluctuation. I did everything right. I had TM. I finally slept over 4 and ½ hours which is good for me> But that is a bit much. Traveling today and tomorrow. Plenty of sitting and restaurant food. I’ll be home each night and will keep up with the posts. Friday morning my scale reading will not be pretty but that is how I roll.

    09/02-…..185.2(Trend Weight 187.5)…..This weight is more realistic (I didn’t trust yesterday’s as stated in yesterday’s post). More travel, sitting in car and doctors offices, and more restaurant food out-of-town today. Tomorrow will be the worst scale reading after 2 days in a row of travel. I will give myself 24-48 hours of shedding water and getting in normal movement over the weekend and I will consider whatever shows up on Sunday morning to be accurate. I won’t post any weight changes to MFP charts until then (although I will post them on the challenges). Lots more travel in the upcoming 2 weeks due to the cancer rechecks and scans. I am happy it is not snowy or icy yet. Many of these trips are quite long ones!
    09/03-…..187.5(Trend Weight 187.7)…..Yikes! The travel bit me in the behind. Back home now and back to my usual careful plans with more control over menu and ingredients. Feeling hopeful and staying positive. A temporary tree downed in my path. Stepping over it and progressing on my journey. No looking back!
    09/04-…..187.5(Trend Weight 187.8)…..Yesterday I found out that my ex-sister-in-law that I’ve known for 46 years died of Covid in South Carolina. She was fully vaccinated and had just turned 64. She was immuno-compromised. Her daughter found her unresponsive in her home (she lived alone). She was alive, but was later determined to be brain dead. She was lucky enough to get a ventilator for a short time since they are scarce, but she was taken off all life support measures when it was determined she would never wake up and never go home. Please, even if vaccinated, mask up in those highly public places. More people love you and don’t want to lose you than you even realize. I spent all evening and night eating my emotions and moving into the 2nd phase of grief = anger. I am surprised the scale didn’t go up. Today I will try hard to be more mindful. The food binges change nothing.

    09/05-…..188.2(Trend Weight 187.8)…..Still eating my emotions. I ate 400 extra calories after closing out my MFP which put me in the red. The death in the family due to a persistent Covid (even when vaccinated), my own breast cancer health scares, my renovation projects that are taking way way too long. I really can’t take much more stress. My hair is literally falling out again. Today is a family BBQ at my DD’s house for Labor Day celebrations. I don’t want to go but I hate to not be there for my family. There will be food…..There will be grief and memories of Pam. Just another day I have to get through, I suppose.
    09/06-…..189.4(Trend Weight 188.0)…..And to top it all off, my well went out again this morning! I had a handyman come by and re-prime but something has got to give! Several medical appointments this week so it will be hard to meet with the well company if they even call back. I’ve been trying to reach them for over 2 weeks now. This is me talking to the scale – “Scale, you are not going to become a problem for me too! Today, I am in charge and I don’t need any more trouble out of you, so, mind your manners!”
    09/07-…..187.2(Trend Weight 187.9…..I had a 1002 calorie day yesterday with some extra exercise and movement to get back on track and shake things up. It helped the scale tremendously. Now, to get back to normal and stay on track!
    09/08-…..187.6(Trend Weight 187.9…..I did very well on my calorie counts but had no time for exercise. Not even a short walk. I will try to do better today if it doesn’t storm again.
    09/09–…..188.8(Trend Weight 187.9…..I caved in last night. It’s all gone now. Travel today will tip the scales even more so I’m truly afraid of tomorrow’s weight to the point of maybe not even weighing and waiting until the following day to give myself every opportunity to make amends. We shall see….
    09/10–…..DNW…..I stopped my diabetes medications on Wednesday night and won’t resume taking them until Sunday morning, so I will really have to watch what I eat. Perhaps this will help me drop back down after so much travel and emotional eating. Having the well checked again today to try to keep water flowing in the house. Please God Please…..
    09/11-…..189.2(Trend Weight 188.3)…..My CT scans came up favorable. Re-check in 6 months on the lungs. Still some worry but cancer is not suspected at this time. Next week is the breast surgeon to find out about what is happening with my skin and my breast cancer in remission. Worries there. Yesterday I did not do perfectly with my dieting, but I did try to fit in a few more exercises and some extra movement. I’ve got to pull myself out of this emotional eating and get back on track 100%.
    09/12-…..188.4(Trend Weight 188.3)…..A good day with lots of burned calories.
    09/13-…..189.0(Trend Weight 188.4)…..I had a horrible bout of severe hunger at about 1:00 am and ended up cooking a meal to eat which put me over what I closed at. 3.5 hours of sleep and then a weigh in. Tomorrow should be better. Honestly, I severely need a TMI (potty). I may drink a cup of cleanse tea today. More windows to clean today so there will be more extra calorie burn. I’ll have to remember that my body will be asking for extra calories and plan accordingly!
    09/14-…..187.6 (Trend Weight 188.3)…..Cleaned more windows and burned nearly 3000 calories in total so I am not surprised by the drop. I will try to make today another good day. Thunderstorms have already started and will last all day so I don’t expect I can walk outside, or clean the window storms and screens outside at the hose. I will have to get creative for movement.
    09/15-…..185.8 (Trend Weight 188.0)…..Finally the drop I’ve been looking for since I’ve been doing all this extra window & frame cleaning in my new house. I’ve burned so many calories, I knew it had to show up sooner or later. Travel tomorrow so my post may be late night and my weigh-in on Friday will not be good. I’ll shoot for stabilizing by Sunday morning weigh-in.
    09/16-…..185.2 (Trend Weight 187.8)….. A good day yesterday. More windows cleaned and I’m almost done with that calorie burning project. Travel today.
    09/17-…..186.2 (Trend Weight 187.6)…..Travel yesterday for medical revealed that I will need a small surgery in the coming weeks on the breast. 5 cm incision will remove the scare and pathology will tell us more. As a breast cancer patient in remission, it is scary but they will remove the whole thing one way or another so it can’t turn to cancer later if it proves to be benign. We ate at Golden Corral on the way home. Way over calorie and carb limits but it was good. I’m glad I have only went up a pound. I’m working on that pound today.
    09/18-…..187.8 (Trend Weight 187.8)…..Okay, so there is the rest of the uptick from the travel. I knew it had to be somewhere! Only one pound up was just a dream that I have never dreamed before. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
    09/19-…..186.2 (Trend Weight 187.5)…..Better today but I’ve been battling the same pounds since Labor Day weekend (It started to increase and bounce around Sept 3rd). Time for some real and lasting progress. Eating all my emotions are not helping matters anyway.
    09/20-…..185.2 (Trend Weight 187.3)…..Portion Control with a careful and watchful eye because I knew my activity level would be extra low today. It really helped.
    09/21–…..185.8 (Trend Weight 187.1)….. Well, on one hand I’m trending down. However, the scale is up and I’m a bit surprised. My fitbit was down all day yesterday and I finally had to reset it as if it was new to get it working. I had slept funny on the button and totally drained the battery and messed it up. I know that yesterday was hardly any activity as I had the handyman with his family and also the drywall finisher and it rained most of the day. However, I kept diet good so I guess I can blame the uptick on the lack of activity. More rain today but it is supposed to be clear tomorrow. Then rain again on Thursday. The trees are stocking up for winter…..

    09/22–…..187.6 My trend eight is tied to my fitbit. Because I had to restart/reset my fitbit my trend weight is totally skewed right now. I put in my original starting weight on fitbit so the stats would be correct and that throws the current off. It will be a few weeks before I can start accurately listing my trend weight again. Last night I ended up eating one cup of soup and 6 cookies with 8 oz of milk after I logged out of MFP. The amount of increase in weight is ridiculous but it is what it is I guess. I’m going for more movement today which will have to be outside, but it’s cold here in northern Michigan today. Travel tomorrow.

  • cpusld
    cpusld Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose the 30+ pounds gained during pregnancy and the first couple hectic years after baby. I, too, lose more weight when I log my intake and do it in a group setting! I’m in!
    8/31/2021: 147.7 lb
    Can’t wait to officially start tomorrow!
    9/1/2021: 147.4 lb. calories around 1400; took a walk; feel good and excited to get this started with all of you!
    9/2/2021: 145.7 lb. The difference here mostly because of the different scales I used at another place today. Total calories around 1600 today. Had a busy day & had a couple sweet treats >_<… but overall feel good and didn’t let myself go out of control with sweet treats (I have a sweet tooth). Sleep much needed today.
    9/3/2921: 145.4 lb. Total calories around 1600 today. Had a takeout for dinner so kind of heavy dinner (also a bit salty). Looking forward to the Labor Day weekend!
    9/4/2021: 147.2 lb. Total calories probably over 2200 today. Took the kid to the zoo, met with friends and dine out… definitely not a self discipline day. But No matter what the scale tells me tomorrow, I’m not gonna let it crush me. Keep trying to be mindful of what I eat and take my life under control is my long term goal and I’ll try my best to focus on it, not the daily number on the scale!
    9/5/2021: 147.6 lb. Total calories about 1600 today. Ate fruits instead when craving for sweet treats. Didn’t do much exercise today, just a few minutes Rowling machine. Little one is not feeling well today so mainly focus on her most of the day.
    9/6/2021: 147.2 lb. Total calories about 1500 today. Did quite a bit walk today with my family, but ate two blue bunny mini cones ...>_<... LO is feeling much better so that's a relief. Feel I need to really reduce my daily intake to shake up that weight...
    9/7/2021: 147.2 lb. Total calories about 1300 today. I took a day off today after the Labor Day weekend. Hit a couple popular spots of the city I usually hesitate to go during the weekends concerning COVID-19. It’s really nice to stroll around those places with much less density of population.
    9/8/2021: 145.8 lb. Total calories about 1100 today. Today's meals are a bit too salty for me... been drinking water like crazy after dinner >_<
    9/9/2021: 145.0 lb. total calories probably over 2000 as I eat out both lunch and dinner with colleagues, and the food are always too salty for me. Also a long day from work. Feeling really tired today..
    9/10/2021: 145.0 lb. total calories today is around 1000. Not intentionally but just had a really busy day at work today and don’t have much appetite today. So looking forward to the weekend. TGIF
    9/11/2021: 144.4 lb. Total calories today is around 1300. Had a great day playing mini golf with the family.
    9/12/2021: 145.0 lb. Total calories today is around 1400. Had 4 pieces of Trader Joe’s Dozen Sweet Bites :neutral: >_<... The Raspberry “Macron Aux Framboises" and Caramel & Chocolate Cakes are pretty good :smiley: Thank goodness they are just bite sizes lol. Those range between 60 and 80 calories a pop, and they have very little sodium if you are wondering

    9/13/2021: 144.4 lb. Total calories today around 1300.
    9/14/2021: 144.6 lb. Total calories today around 1600. Why is it just Tuesday lol :confounded:
    9/15/2021: 145.4 lb. Total calories around 1400. Period starts today, feel pretty bloated and a bit cramps. :neutral:Can't believe we are already half way through Sep!!!!! Can this group please continue doing this together in Oct please?!
    9/16/2021: 144.6 lb. Total calories around 1600. Eat a lot of small snacks today :neutral: period time is hard :disappointed:
    9/20/2021: Having been travelling since Friday. Finally get back to normal life and will continue logging in from tomorrow.
    9/21/2021: 143.4 lb. Total calories around 1400.
    9/22/2021: 143.4 lb. Total calories around 1300. Having been walking for 20 mins morning and evening. Loving the weather these days!
  • helen79uk
    helen79uk Posts: 62 Member
    08/27 - 226.0
    08/28 - 225.6
    08/29 - 224.6
    08/30 - 222.8
    08/31 - 222.8
    09/01 - 222.2
    09/02 - 221.6
    09/03 - 221.0
    09/04 - 220.2
    09/05 - 219.8
    09/06 - 219.0
    09/07 - 219.8
    09/08 - 219.4
    09/09 - 219.4
    09/10 - 218.4
    09/11 - 218.4
    09/12 - 219.6
    09/13 - 217.8
    09/14 - 217.0
    09/15 - 217.0
    09/16 - 217.0
    09/17 - 216.4
    09/18 - 215.6
    09/19 - 214.6
    09/20 - 214.6
    09/21 - 214.2
    09/22 - 214.2
    09/23 - 213.6 That's better 😉 Did a bit of housework yesterday that got me moving.