🍃🍂September Daily Log & Weigh in Challenge 🍂🍃



  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    UAC accountability check in
    Checking in on: 8/30/21 Monday evening
    Logged food:yes
    Under calories: yes
    Exercise: yes; did a 1.8 mile walk (34 minutes)
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    October GW: 150
    UGW: 130

    08/24 - 161.2 Let's do this! 11.2lbs to goal
    08/25 - 160.4 Get in! 10.4lbs to goal
    08/26 - 160.0 Yaaaas! Hit my first mfp goal today! Whoop! Next mini goal is 154lbs, 11 stone
    08/27 - 160.4 It was nice while it lasted! 😂
    08/28 - 161.0 Swings and roundabouts again. Off to London for a few days for my bday, there will be food!
    08/29 - Didn't weigh today, dread to think!
    08/30 - 162.0 Could've been worse! Time to get serious about September
    08/31 - 160.4 Hello this weight again, Come on 150s!
  • MIRunnerMom
    MIRunnerMom Posts: 22 Member
    I am looking for a challenge to kick start my weight loss (again) - I had a really fun summer but it's time to reel it in. I would say my goal weight is 140ish.
    8/31 - 171.8
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,192 Member
    edited August 2021
    Original start weight - 293 (01/28/2021)

    Today's weight: 216.6

    Ultimate GW: 168

    Thanks for the supportive place to post Jill! My August goal was to hit 217 so I am on track if I can hold for tomorrow.

    I did it! Weighed in at 215.2 today, lost 9.8 pounds in August and made my goal.

    I will be back tomorrow with a Sept starting weigh-in and goals!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,241 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from August 23, 2021): 187.4
    Goal: xxxxx (Six lb Loss): 181.4

    08/24 – …..187.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.6) Thanks to Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose about 5 pounds per month but I added an extra pound (total 6) because I am starting in August. I, too, lose more weight when I log my food and exercise so I am hoping that doing so daily will keep me accountable. Good luck to all!
    08/25 – …..187.0…..(Trend Weight: 188.5) Down a bit today. I know yesterday could have been filled with better choices and no last minute snacks. I will be traveling today so I will be eating dinner out which usually causes an uptick. I will push water and make up for any overages in the coming days. I am 100% committed to enjoying life, but getting healthy too!
    08/26 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.5) Thank Goodness for trends because the scale really jumped after the travel yesterday. I feel very sluggish today-no energy. A result of my bad eating and my sugar ingestion yesterday. As a T2D, I knew this was bound to happen and I didn’t listen to my own reasoning. Today I pay the price. Pushing water, walking and all healthy low cal and lower carb choices today. Part of my new lifestyle is to treat my body well after I’ve screwed up. Today is “be good to Donna day”. I will be eating right.
    08/27 – DNW. Forgot to step on the scale before I started drinking cups of coffee. Early travel today to take a friend for a medical procedure. I’ll be eating at the hospital cafeteria. Hopefully something on the healthy side…..
    08/28 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.4) Scale weight the same but trend weight down slightly. I didn’t do to bad considering the huge amount of sitting during the travel and the food away from home. Today I hope to be back on track with my carefully planned meals at home. Thunderstorms are raging and expected rain all day. Renovation workers will be here all day and evening so there is a serious lack of inside privacy. My house has stairs so I will focus on go up and down all day just for steps and exercise.
    08/29 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.4) Stuck on this weight apparently. 3 hours sleep last night probably didn’t help. Otherwise, yesterday was a very good day. I easily closed all my circles on fitbit and was in the green on MFP. Hopefully I will see a change show up tomorrow. Sometimes it takes a couple of day either way.
    08/30 – …..189.2…..(Trend Weight: 189.2) A couple of small snacks last night put me over the calorie limit, otherwise it was a very disciplined day (but a lazy movement day). Staying on track today and keeping some of my calories in the balance today in case it happens again tonight. Preparation is key!
    08/31 – …..186.8…..(Trend Weight: 188.3) A better food day yesterday and some consistent movement. However, I visited a friend yesterday and there was some sitting. No food, just black coffee. I declined her offer of Danish. That is my NSV. Aiming for another accountable day today. One day, one step, one decision at a time!
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  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    Original start weight - 293 (01/28/2021)

    Today's weight: 216.6

    Ultimate GW: 168

    Thanks for the supportive place to post Jill! My August goal was to hit 217 so I am on track if I can hold for tomorrow.

    Way to go for August!!
    You are totally ready for September.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from August 23, 2021): 187.4
    Goal: xxxxx (Six lb Loss): 181.4

    08/24 – …..187.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.6) Thanks to Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose about 5 pounds per month but I added an extra pound (total 6) because I am starting in August. I, too, lose more weight when I log my food and exercise so I am hoping that doing so daily will keep me accountable. Good luck to all!
    08/25 – …..187.0…..(Trend Weight: 188.5) Down a bit today. I know yesterday could have been filled with better choices and no last minute snacks. I will be traveling today so I will be eating dinner out which usually causes an uptick. I will push water and make up for any overages in the coming days. I am 100% committed to enjoying life, but getting healthy too!
    08/26 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.5) Thank Goodness for trends because the scale really jumped after the travel yesterday. I feel very sluggish today-no energy. A result of my bad eating and my sugar ingestion yesterday. As a T2D, I knew this was bound to happen and I didn’t listen to my own reasoning. Today I pay the price. Pushing water, walking and all healthy low cal and lower carb choices today. Part of my new lifestyle is to treat my body well after I’ve screwed up. Today is “be good to Donna day”. I will be eating right.
    08/27 – DNW. Forgot to step on the scale before I started drinking cups of coffee. Early travel today to take a friend for a medical procedure. I’ll be eating at the hospital cafeteria. Hopefully something on the healthy side…..
    08/28 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.4) Scale weight the same but trend weight down slightly. I didn’t do to bad considering the huge amount of sitting during the travel and the food away from home. Today I hope to be back on track with my carefully planned meals at home. Thunderstorms are raging and expected rain all day. Renovation workers will be here all day and evening so there is a serious lack of inside privacy. My house has stairs so I will focus on go up and down all day just for steps and exercise.
    08/29 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.4) Stuck on this weight apparently. 3 hours sleep last night probably didn’t help. Otherwise, yesterday was a very good day. I easily closed all my circles on fitbit and was in the green on MFP. Hopefully I will see a change show up tomorrow. Sometimes it takes a couple of day either way.
    08/30 – …..189.2…..(Trend Weight: 189.2) A couple of small snacks last night put me over the calorie limit, otherwise it was a very disciplined day (but a lazy movement day). Staying on track today and keeping some of my calories in the balance today in case it happens again tonight. Preparation is key!
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    You’ve got this Donna!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    Tomorrow starts our official September Log-in and Weigh-in Challenge.
    Who is ready?! We are!

    It takes a month to develop good habits, and starting tomorrow we're beginning our journey through the great times, the good, the not so good, and the tough times. We're here as a team to support and encourage one another. Use whichever format you'd like...Donna has an AMAZING one...or just simply post that you've logged in and weighed in each day...whatever is easiest for you. Feel free to post your goals, and share your Non-Scale Victories (NSV) as well. I have had the most success when I'm working with others and when I hold myself accountable.

    See you tomorrow at the starting line!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    I am looking for a challenge to kick start my weight loss (again) - I had a really fun summer but it's time to reel it in. I would say my goal weight is 140ish.
    8/31 - 171.8

    Glad you're here! I live in Michigan,too... glad to have a fellow Michigander in this challenge.

  • cpusld
    cpusld Posts: 38 Member

    Thank you Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose the 30+ pounds gained during pregnancy and the first couple hectic years after baby. I, too, lose more weight when I log my intake and do it in a group setting! I’m in!
    8/31/2021: 147.7 lb
    Can’t wait to officially start tomorrow!
  • helen79uk
    helen79uk Posts: 62 Member
    08/27 - 226
    08/28 - 225.6
    08/29 - 224.6
    08/30 - 222.8
    08/31 - 222.8
    09/01 - 222.2 So starting September with 2's across the board. My aims this month are to keep weighing in and logging my food. I want to continue to batch cook my meals, keep my daily calorie count below 1500 and keep away from buying food on the go. Good luck everyone.
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member

    F41, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    October GW: 150
    UGW: 130

    08/24 - 161.2 Let's do this! 11.2lbs to goal
    08/25 - 160.4 Get in! 10.4lbs to goal
    08/26 - 160.0 Yaaaas! Hit my first mfp goal today! Whoop! Next mini goal is 154lbs, 11 stone
    08/27 - 160.4 It was nice while it lasted! 😂
    08/28 - 161.0 Swings and roundabouts again. Off to London for a few days for my bday, there will be food!
    08/29 - Didn't weigh today, dread to think!
    08/30 - 162.0 Could've been worse! Time to get serious about September
    08/31 - 160.4 Hello this weight, again! Come on 150s!
    09/01 - 161.0 My body is being so stubborn!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Happy September everyone! Let's do this ♥️☺️

    Sept 1: 254.2
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    🍃🍂Happy September 1st!🍂🍃

    Here we are at the official starting line kicking off our September challenge.

    Heaviest weight: 234 pounds

    Starting weight: 216.3

    🍃to weigh in and log daily
    🍃to encourage and support others
    🍃to get back into healthier food choices and stay within my calorie limits
    🍃to get 7,000 or more steps per day
    🍃to lose 1 pound or more each week

    September 1…..216.3
    I’m so happy to be on this journey with you all!
    “We’re all in this Together!”


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  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hello everyone and hello September
    My goal is to reach 179LBs by September 30th, by tracking my food intake, active each day and mediation. I promise myself to step on the scale daily and share my progress.
    My starting weight (ouch I was 186 yesterday) September 1st is 189 lbs
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,690 Member
    edited September 2021
    September 1st 189lbs
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,241 Member
    edited September 2021

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from August 23, 2021): 187.4
    Goal: xxxxx (Six lb Loss): 181.4

    08/24 – …..187.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.6) Thanks to Jill for offering this challenge! I am hoping to lose about 5 pounds per month but I added an extra pound (total 6) because I am starting in August. I, too, lose more weight when I log my food and exercise so I am hoping that doing so daily will keep me accountable. Good luck to all!
    08/25 – …..187.0…..(Trend Weight: 188.5) Down a bit today. I know yesterday could have been filled with better choices and no last minute snacks. I will be traveling today so I will be eating dinner out which usually causes an uptick. I will push water and make up for any overages in the coming days. I am 100% committed to enjoying life, but getting healthy too!
    08/26 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.5) Thank Goodness for trends because the scale really jumped after the travel yesterday. I feel very sluggish today-no energy. A result of my bad eating and my sugar ingestion yesterday. As a T2D, I knew this was bound to happen and I didn’t listen to my own reasoning. Today I pay the price. Pushing water, walking and all healthy low cal and lower carb choices today. Part of my new lifestyle is to treat my body well after I’ve screwed up. Today is “be good to Donna day”. I will be eating right.
    08/27 – DNW. Forgot to step on the scale before I started drinking cups of coffee. Early travel today to take a friend for a medical procedure. I’ll be eating at the hospital cafeteria. Hopefully something on the healthy side…..
    08/28 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.4) Scale weight the same but trend weight down slightly. I didn’t do to bad considering the huge amount of sitting during the travel and the food away from home. Today I hope to be back on track with my carefully planned meals at home. Thunderstorms are raging and expected rain all day. Renovation workers will be here all day and evening so there is a serious lack of inside privacy. My house has stairs so I will focus on go up and down all day just for steps and exercise.
    08/29 – …..188.4…..(Trend Weight: 188.4) Stuck on this weight apparently. 3 hours sleep last night probably didn’t help. Otherwise, yesterday was a very good day. I easily closed all my circles on fitbit and was in the green on MFP. Hopefully I will see a change show up tomorrow. Sometimes it takes a couple of day either way.
    08/30 – …..189.2…..(Trend Weight: 189.2) A couple of small snacks last night put me over the calorie limit, otherwise it was a very disciplined day (but a lazy movement day). Staying on track today and keeping some of my calories in the balance today in case it happens again tonight. Preparation is key!
    08/31 – …..186.8…..(Trend Weight: 188.3) A better food day yesterday and some consistent movement. However, I visited a friend yesterday and there was some sitting. No food, just black coffee. I declined her offer of Danish. That is my NSV. Aiming for another accountable day today. One day, one step, one decision at a time!

    09/01 – …..182.8…..(Trend Weight 187.8) I find this weight hard to believe today. 4 pound loss overnight??? (After a 2.4 loss the day before???) My scale is reliable and I stepped on it 3 times but I don’t trust this and consider it a fluctuation. I did everything right. I had TM. I finally slept over 4 and ½ hours which is good for me> But that is a bit much. Traveling today and tomorrow. Plenty of sitting and restaurant food. I’ll be home each night and will keep up with the posts. Friday morning my scale reading will not be pretty but that is how I roll.

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  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,192 Member
    Morning everyone and happy September! 🍂

    Original start weight - 293 (1/28/2021)
    Current goal weight - 168

    September start weight -214.6
    September goal weight - 208.6
  • MIRunnerMom
    MIRunnerMom Posts: 22 Member
    I am looking for a challenge to kick start my weight loss (again) - I had a really fun summer but it's time to reel it in. I would say my goal weight is 140ish.
    8/31 - 171.8

    9/1 - 171.2 (down .6 from yesterday)