
I am 42 years old. I have gained 30 lbs. in the past year. I weighed this much when I was about to give birth to my twins 10 years ago! I was not exercising and not watching what I ate. I am a vegetarian and only eat fruits, veggies, carbs (yes, carbs...love bread!) and sweets on ocassion. There are times when I crave sweets, but in the past 2 months when I do, I eat a serving of mini rice cakes.

I have been exercising (boxing) 5 days a week, an hour a day, for 6 weeks. I did not loose a thing. In fact, I gained weight! I do not know what I am doing wrong! I exercise. Eat clean (most of the time). And still gain weight! It is not muscle. I can barely get my clothes on! Some of my clothes that fit me 2 months ago does not fit me now! I don't know what else to do. I was just looking online for diet pills to get me started, but I know that is not the way to go.



  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I liked the first season. It lost me a few episodes into season 2
  • homerunbetty
    @TheNewDodge...sorry but I do not understand your reply.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    ^^^I will admit i clicked on it thinking this was going to be post about the TV show lost...But trying hard and not succeeding is always frustrating and demotivating. From what I have read...I believe you may be concentrating on the wrong things which is why you are struggling.

    Were you tracking your intake (calories)...If so can you make your diet public?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You are right, diet pills are not the way.
    If you want help, you are going to have to provide more information.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Weight loss is about consuming fewer calories than your body uses. Both clean and dirty food contain calories. Do you know how many calories you ate? Do you know how many calories your body uses?
  • kotoula01
    kotoula01 Posts: 4 Member
    I can honestly say I feel your frustration. I gained as well while in a marathon training clinic...all that damn running and no weight loss. I have stopped the running and am focusing on short interval workouts like stairs, and using the app 'Workout Trainer' and the 7 minute workout in that app. The whole point of running for me was to maintain a healthy weight, and it wasn't helping me acheive that goal. I have stopped running, because it wasn't working. You might have to stop what isn't working for you as well. And try something else.

    I have started eating paleo, most of my animal products come in the form of cheese and eggs. The ONLY thing that works for me is a low GI or low carb eating plan combined with calorie counting. It is shocking to see how many calories are in small servings of my favorite foods, so obviously I'm eating way too many calories (whether carbs or not) to facilitate weight loss. It's a bitter pill because I eat clean, hardly any processed food at all. Feel free to add me and we can try to encourage each other.

    Track your calories for a few days and see if you can modify anything that way. Good luck and hang in there!
  • homerunbetty
    This is a serious topic for me and I do not take the weight gain lightly. I am at a complete loss, which is why I titled my topic "Lost."

    @ ryry62685 I contacted a nutritionist and here is my plan with each meal being 200 calories or less:

    Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites, 1/2 c. Grits, 1 c. watermelon
    Meal 2: Protein Shake
    Meal 3: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. steamed broccoli
    Meal 4: Protein Shake
    Meal 5: small salad
    Meal 6: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 10 asparagus spears

    Constant interval training for 1-hour, 5 days a week.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    This is a serious topic for me and I do not take the weight gain lightly. I am at a complete loss, which is why I titled my topic "Lost."

    @ ryry62685 I contacted a nutritionist and here is my plan:

    Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites, 1/2 c. Grits, 1 c. watermelon
    Meal 2: Protein Shake
    Meal 3: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. steamed broccoli
    Meal 4: Protein Shake
    Meal 5: small salad
    Meal 6: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 10 asparagus spears

    Constant interval training for 1-hour, 5 days a week.

    Until you establish a daily calorie limit and track calories none of this is going to make a difference, believe it or not you can still gain weight eating totally healthy foods just by eating too many calories worth.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    How many calories are in your protein shakes? And what all is in your small salad? You could easily be eating too many calories-depending on how many calories are in the shakes and what's in the salad (or on it for dressing).
  • Jessandhannahsmom
    I feel your pain! I am 41; over the past couple of years I have steadily gained weight. I wasn't really exercising regularly, but in general, I watched what I ate. I've come to realize that with age comes a HUGE slowdown in metabolism, and my sedentary job and lack of exercise was not helping the size of my butt! Started doing P90X, but quit after 3 weeks of basically zero results. I saw my doctor and her advice was to eat more protein and cut WAY back on the carbs. Also exercise regularly. I talked with other women my age, and they all said carb-cutting was what made the difference in their weight loss, too. I think our bodies just react differently to carbs after 35, and we don't burn them off nearly as easily. I lost about 8 pounds since I took my doc's advice: :). I'm currently on a Paleo-Perfect Health diet. Don't resort to pills- none of those are good for your body. Just eat whole, good foods and try to fill up on the lower carb fruits and veggies. Do you belong to a gym? Lots of gyms have a nutritionist on staff who could help you work in more protein and fewer carbs with your vegetarian diet. Good luck!
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    :smile: You won't like what I have to say...PROTIEN. I went thru the exact same thing...kickboxing challenge...for 12 weeks - 5 times a week 2 hours each session. There were people in that class that lost over 20 pounds - I lost 1!! After that I did a considerable amount of reading and found that, FOR ME, protien is what was missing. I stopped the vegetarian thing - I was doing it for "health" reasons, not because animals have a face - and lost 55 pounds over 12 months!!

    If you are vegetarian for PETA reasons, there are ways to make it work. Google high protien/vegetarian diets and look thru the menu options. Some things to consider - try a really PURE protien powder - usually whey or egg white - and drink a few shakes every day...If you are working out regualrly, you should be consuming 1 gram of protien for each pound you weigh, otherwise, you run thru the carbs quickly and start eating away at the muscle - which in the long run will slow your metabolisim further. Another thing that worked for ME - Cut down your starchy carbs after 2:00pm - rely mostly on greens and other low carb veg as well as egg whites for your after lunch snack and dinner. If you find a low carb protien powder, a shake before bedtime really keeps your metabolism from crashing while you sleep. And finally - track your calories - you really need to find out what you BMR is - again - GOOGLE this - it is the most important thing you can do for weight loss. It is amazing how many calories I get to eat and I still loose weight...perhaps you are eating too little for as much exercise as you do.

    Please keep in mind, these are things that worked for ME - every body reacts differenly to different things. I HAD to cut out all wheat and grain products due to digestion issues, and that really boosted my weight loss. if you still feel that you are flailing around after adding protien in, go to a nutritionist...not a flake, a REAL nutritionist with a REAL degree and see where that takes you.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • homerunbetty
    This is a serious topic for me and I do not take the weight gain lightly. I am at a complete loss, which is why I titled my topic "Lost."

    @ ryry62685 I contacted a nutritionist and here is my plan:

    Meal 1: 5 Egg Whites, 1/2 c. Grits, 1 c. watermelon
    Meal 2: Protein Shake
    Meal 3: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. steamed broccoli
    Meal 4: Protein Shake
    Meal 5: small salad
    Meal 6: 4 oz. fish, 1/2 c. brown rice, 10 asparagus spears

    Constant interval training for 1-hour, 5 days a week.

    Until you establish a daily calorie limit and track calories none of this is going to make a difference, believe it or not you can still gain weight eating totally healthy foods just by eating too many calories worth.

    The nutrition plan was provided by a nutritionist and was 1,200 calories with an hour weight training workout in the morning (which I did not do) and an hour "aerobic training" in the evening. I did the hour boxing in the evening. I train with a professional boxer and complete the training sessions of what she trained with for her matches.
  • homerunbetty
    :smile: You won't like what I have to say...PROTIEN. I went thru the exact same thing...kickboxing challenge...for 12 weeks - 5 times a week 2 hours each session. There were people in that class that lost over 20 pounds - I lost 1!! After that I did a considerable amount of reading and found that, FOR ME, protien is what was missing. I stopped the vegetarian thing - I was doing it for "health" reasons, not because animals have a face - and lost 55 pounds over 12 months!!

    If you are vegetarian for PETA reasons, there are ways to make it work. Google high protien/vegetarian diets and look thru the menu options. Some things to consider - try a really PURE protien powder - usually whey or egg white - and drink a few shakes every day...If you are working out regualrly, you should be consuming 1 gram of protien for each pound you weigh, otherwise, you run thru the carbs quickly and start eating away at the muscle - which in the long run will slow your metabolisim further. Another thing that worked for ME - Cut down your starchy carbs after 2:00pm - rely mostly on greens and other low carb veg as well as egg whites for your after lunch snack and dinner. If you find a low carb protien powder, a shake before bedtime really keeps your metabolism from crashing while you sleep. And finally - track your calories - you really need to find out what you BMR is - again - GOOGLE this - it is the most important thing you can do for weight loss. It is amazing how many calories I get to eat and I still loose weight...perhaps you are eating too little for as much exercise as you do.

    Please keep in mind, these are things that worked for ME - every body reacts differenly to different things. I HAD to cut out all wheat and grain products due to digestion issues, and that really boosted my weight loss. if you still feel that you are flailing around after adding protien in, go to a nutritionist...not a flake, a REAL nutritionist with a REAL degree and see where that takes you.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:

    I do NOTHING for PETA reasons. (I hope that does not sound rude, but I do NOT like PETA. :) ) I do it because I do not like to eat beef, poultry or pork. To me it is like I come take a bite out of your arm. I think it is disgusting. There is plenty of protein in vegetables. I do use 100% Whey for my protein shakes and also use egg whites. The nutritionist I went to is licensed.

    I have been in the legal field for over 18 years. Trust me when I say this...I research EVERYTHING before I do it. I do not care if it is something as simple as a microwave, or a nutritionist. If I am going to spend my hard-earned money on something, I do my research to make sure I am getting the best.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I think your nutritionist added wrong. I've got about 1000 calories (give or take-not sure about grits) just from the actual foods listed. A "small" salad with just salad veggies (no meat, no cheese, no toppings, no dressing) is another 50. Add another 100 or so for anything you might add to the salad (each item). I don't do protein shakes, but I've yet to see them listed in diaries for less than 200-300 calories (each), and could be considerably more depending on what you use to make them. So at the very low end (assuming you're eating dry veggie-only salad & the lowest cal protein shakes and measuring/weighing everything), you're at 1450-1650. My guess is the actual calorie count is well over 2000.
  • homerunbetty
    Yes, I belong to a gym. I train with a professional boxer 5 days a week at the gym.
    CARBLEGEND Posts: 47 Member
    Lost was overrated...pretty bad show
  • homerunbetty
    I think your nutritionist added wrong. I've got about 1000 calories (give or take-not sure about grits) just from the actual foods listed. A "small" salad with just salad veggies (no meat, no cheese, no toppings, no dressing) is another 50. Add another 100 or so for anything you might add to the salad (each item). I don't do protein shakes, but I've yet to see them listed in diaries for less than 200-300 calories (each), and could be considerably more depending on what you use to make them. So at the very low end (assuming you're eating dry veggie-only salad & the lowest cal protein shakes and measuring/weighing everything), you're at 1450-1650. My guess is the actual calorie count is well over 2000.

    I do not eat meat, so there would me no meat in my salad. The salad is 1/2 c. lettuce, a few pieces of cucumber and 2 cherry tomatoes with fat free/sugar free dressing.

    Each protein shake is used with 8 oz. of water and is 120 calories, 24 g Protein, 5.5 g BCAAs, 4 g Glutamine & Glutamic Acid.

    There are 16 calories in one egg white. 50 calories in 1/2 c. instant grits.

    I can go through each food item if you need me to do so. I already went through this thoroughly with my nutritionist.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    in addition to the advice to actually count your calories accurately, I would add that it's best to find out what your BMR & TDEE are. Don't eat less than your BMR, take about 20% off your TDEE and eat that for at least a month and see where you are. (http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/) Also, you can look here for more advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    One more thing, have you had your thyroid tested?
  • smwooley
    smwooley Posts: 133 Member
    in addition to the advice to actually count your calories accurately, I would add that it's best to find out what your BMR & TDEE are. Don't eat less than your BMR, take about 20% off your TDEE and eat that for at least a month and see where you are. (http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/) Also, you can look here for more advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    ^^This. If you're working out that hard and that often, and only eating 1200 calories a day - well, that definitely explains your plateau. Read the above website and see how that helps you. I had the same problems on 1200 calories, and eventually started gaining. You have to feed your body :-)
  • carstanger
    carstanger Posts: 32 Member
    I'm glad you are working with a nutritionist because all of our bodies are different. Keep in touch and you'll hopefully be able to report progress!!